Greater Mystery

"When will they be released?" Penelope asked, finding her voice again after Zagan had moved away and back to the other side of his desk.

Her eyes darted once again to the map that was now flat black on the wall with no little lights twinkling to give away the locations of the alyko across the globe. Was he really just going to end his whole operation? Just like that? All of that work tagging the alyko and coordinating with packs around the world… and he was just going to unplug it from the wall?

"When Seth returns, he will take care of it. Didn't you hear me on the phone?" he asked patiently, sitting down to return to whatever papers were waiting for him there. What could an ancient creature such as himself need to keep busy doing that required paperwork?

"How long will that be until he returns?" she asked quietly, still not believing this could be accomplished so easily. All she had to do was ask? All she had to do was… offer herself in their stead?