She Who Was Like a Summer Storm

Outside the gates of Golden Rose Academy, there stood a boy all on his own.

Seemingly in a trance, he stays silent and still - a dreamy smile on his face. He was so absorbed in his thoughts that he almost failed to notice the flashy silver luxury car that pulled over before him moments later. Only when the door was opened for him did he finally get to acknowledge its presence.

Without uttering a word, he stepped right into it and settled down on the passenger seat.

"Welcome back. You appear to be in a good mood..." the man beside him started, greeting him with a curious look. 

"Young Master Weiss."

"Oh, do I now, Khalil...?" the boy asked, finally snapping out of his reverie. 

"Here I thought I'd just keep it to myself. Didn't know I was being obvious."

Working for the Saoirse family for fifteen years has made Khalil capable enough to read their ever-so-unpredictable heir, Weiss – in some way, and to some degree, at least.