How Not to Cheer Up a Little Lady

Weiss leans back and stares out the car window, ignoring the shuddering mess that Khalil has suddenly turned into.

He knows that what he has done is kind of childish of him. Getting an innocent young girl lost just to spend time together with her for a little bit longer – it was something he had never imagined he would do before. He really didn't want to lead her astray, though. Nor did he want to lie just to make up such a silly excuse. 

'It's just that…' Weiss thought to himself as he recalled Lady's smile – so bright it's like the sunshine. 

'No one had ever shown such a face to me or looked at me like that before.'

Growing up, he never had real friends. Everyone around him is so focused on his potentials and achievements that his true self is always cast aside. Those were all they really care about.