Waxed Frigth to Tickle Fight

"Child abuse is against the law, Mrs. Gracelyn." 

Caught in the act, Regina freezes in place. Then comes Weiss, making a disruptive entrance. Sarah heaves a relieved sigh, grateful for the intrusion.

"And you are…?" her mother tried to ask calmly, putting on an aloof facade. 

"Well, regardless, this is none of your business. I'm just disciplining this child, and I believe I have every right to do so. You should just scram, kid."

He scowls at her, expression chilly. 

She takes a step back and stiffens a bit, her brow twitching. He appears so formidable at the moment, and she can't help but be a little deterred.

Something about this kid just doesn't match his age. She would know.