Passing Memory From the Lost Days

"Nu-uh! Now, surrender!" 

Lady continues on with the taunts, flipping over laughing and moving her hands to her underarms. This earns a high-pitched squeal from Sarah, and she quickly slams her arms to her side by reflex. 

One of the things that both of them have in common is that they're incredibly stubborn. 

"O-Over my d-dead body!" Sarah yelled. 

"Suit yourself~" Lady hummed.

Laughter echoes throughout the room and penetrates the surrounding walls. 

Moments later, they both hear the door swing open. Lady stops, giving a chance for Sarah to take a breather. Their heads turn to see Sylvia gawking at them. Right then, they realize that they're being too loud. 

"Oh! Sylvia, hi!" Lady squeaked, waving cheerfully while still straddling Sarah who's smiling all goofily. 

"I was wondering what's with the noise. Seems like I've gotten my answer," Sylvia replied, looking quite amused. 

"Sorry. We'll try to keep it down."