It’s over, everything is over

But other than looking with contempt, Molly was busy concentrating on a 'task' at hand.

Sebastian furrowed his brows.

Because the woman had tens of human eyes over her lap. These, when are held by her, start to expel some kind of vapor. The strange gases would be devoured by her, and after becoming 'empty', she throws them away like trash.

Then, the minions around her would bring more.

The strange scene caused in him, other than the wrong type of curiosity, revulsion. Only a few meters away, the proprietors of these organs were covering their faces due to the pain.

Sebastian knew he couldn't wait any longer.

So he jumped.

Throwing himself back to the monsters. But this time, he no longer kept obsessed with murdering all living creatures around him. Instead, with the forward-curved sword in hand, he opened a bloody road paved with corpses.

If before he was unstoppable, now it only took one cut to eliminate an opponent.

In less than thirty seconds, he finished one-third of the route toward Molly.

The marionette was no longer green but black, and the flower white marks shone like never before.

Seeing the furious figure approaching, Molly realized she lost her advantage. She should have perceived that before, but her ego and fluke mind averted her from admitting it.

Immediately, she called the biggest giant with most limbs among others servants. The giants helped her carefully to climb into its shoulder, and then they ran away.

Watching his objective was escaping, Sebastian had taken action, accelerating the speed he slashed the blade.

But these monsters received the last order. Their formation was reorganized, instead of aiming to kill him, giants and minions worked together to slow his steps.

They started to use tactics like dodging his ax or holding his extremities. The long weapon that gave him the advantage of distance before became a charge at present.

One way or another, they managed to push him back.

'This is not good…' Thought Sebastian as he kept his distance threatening the hundreds of creatures with his panabas. In the dark forest trace of Molly and her mount already disappeared.

If he loses more time, Molly may truly get away with her flight, under his nose!

'Fine, let's try this…'

He dropped his weapon, nailing it on the floor, then his arms hugged the plates of the armor. These pieces of equipment started to lose their shape and returned to the fire form, surrounding the shiny semitransparent body that now only had its mask and crown left.

The shiny arms were raised, and the fire, like an obedient army, incinerated everything in the pointed direction.


Giants, minions, rocks, and trees.

Reduced to ashes that couldn't raise voice against the unfair magical flames.

He ran.

The bare marionette picked up the panabas again, and, not losing the speed of before, ran toward the direction where Molly escaped.

The left-behind monsters were unable to do anything other than watch him vanish in the darkness.

Soon he found footprints, considering the size of the giants, it wasn't hard. If Molly had decided to run away alone, the story would have been different. But now, his chase started.

What a flipping of the coin.

He remembers it was a rainy day. And that she prepared ginger tea to avoid getting a cold.

Eva was at school training and dad was out of town because the providers had an issue.

They both sat on an armchair next to the sliding glass door, each one with a cup.

That tea was made with actual ginger, not a teabag result. So the flavor was scattered around the house and its taste always left a warm sensation in the throat.

The two people weren't talking about any specific topic, because he knew that she would always hear, and she knew that he could always make the conversation varied, enjoyable, like if they are friends of the same age.

The atmosphere was in large part silent, notably agreeable.

But the appealing quietness was suddenly broken when one drop of water arrived at the last visible segment of the glass.

"Mine won!" The mother clapped the chair, cheering, screaming, and chuckling, just like an infant.

"That was unfair!" The son straight away protested, clapping his chair too. "A random raindrop appeared out of the blue and sped it up! Mine has eaten like twenty other water bubbles already! What would the poor water droplet think? That all its friends sacrificed for nothing!?"

But the woman did not care, rather, she started to pronounce with a singing tone, "I won, I won, you lost, you lost…"

As if the years and decades didn't give her wisdom, instead, they changed it to candies.

"What happened with your adult and mature behaviors!?"

"I won, you lost…" She continued to sing as if she heard nothing.

The teenager sobbed his tea with rage.

"Last round!"

"Fine. Don't blame me if you lose again." She said with confidence.

"You wish!" The boy didn't show weakness either.

And without moving from their seats, the two pairs of eyes stared at the windows firmly. Waiting for two raindrops to arrive at the same time right at their so-named 'start line.

"The right one!" He abruptly yelled.

"I choose the left one then." She drank her tea calmly as if she didn't care.

"Come on, you can do it… go faster!"

"Naive. Mine has the biggest potential. The angle, the wind speed, it's all calculated!"

"Don't lie, I asked grandma, she told me that you failed math when you were at school."

"How could she betray me this way!"

"Eyes on the 'road' mom."

"I'm paying attention, child, and I know you're losing."

"Oh come on! Little thing, you have to win this."

"Left left! Go to the left! Eat that big one. Yes!" The mother celebrated the advantage gained.

On the other side, the son was not having a great time.

"No, you idiot! Why are you avoiding all the other droplets!"

"Well, you clean the dished today." The mother smirked, as she got up and stretched her body.

"But tonight we're having pizza. You said it yourself."

"Oh yeah… but the plates, forks, knife."

"Hell, are you really gonna go fancy just for me to wash dishes?"

She shrugged.

"For god's sake, pizza with tableware… since when you're Italian?"

"Oui oui."

"Mom, that's French." The boy rolled his eyes. "If you do that outside of the house, people are going to call you racist, a racist Karen."

"I don't care! You do the dishes tonight! You never do the dishes!"

"That's because I have a deal with Eva!" The boy shook his hands in circles. "Oh! And speaking of the devil."

They both stopped their "discussion" when they heard the living room door open. The sound of keys thrown to the table, a backpack falling to the couch, steps, someone walking to the room they were.

"Huh, what are you two doing?" Eva poked her head through the door.

Mother and son looked at each other, then evenly drank from their cups.

"We are just talking." The son responded.

"About what?" Eva insisted on digging deeper.

"Politics Eva, politics." The woman calmly lied. She won't tell her daughter that she was playing a childish silly water droplet race against her son.

"What are you two drinking?" Apparently, someone woke up very inquisitive.

"Ginger tea… do you want some?" The mother asked.

"Nah, it's fine, am I the only one who thinks it is too spicy to be tea?"

"Do you want a smoothie then? Little kid?" He mocked.

That was all the things he could remember of that day.

"For the last time, get out of my mother's body! Or else-"

"Or else what? You're gonna kill me? Your mom?" Molly carelessly 'ate' the vapor of another eye. "You don't have the guts. Hahahaha."

In the forest, the few giants that once accompanied the woman are now bleeding on the floor. Only two figures were standing, the three-meter-high shiny doll was putting his knife on the neck of an average woman.

Despite not moving their lips and the marionette had no method to speak, Molly could communicate with him through telepathy. Which was likely the reason why the monsters 'understood' human language.

"I'll do you a favor and tell you the truth, she's dead already. Otherwise, how was I supposed to take over this body?"

"You're lying!"

"Am I?" She laughed. "Maybe I'm lying, and the moment you kill me you kill your mother too. You, humans, are interesting, caring about your progenitors… this method of organizing your society makes sense, maybe I can make use of it."


"Why are you so quiet? Aren't you gonna save your mom?"


"I won, I won, you lost, you lost." She singed.

"Shut up!"

"I mean, I don't mind being your mother, after all, I have her memories, I can pretend…" Molly coughed and started to utter with her body, not her mind, "Sebastian, did you finish your homework? Can you go buy some milk from the store for me? Maybe you can pick a snack on the way back."

She then inclined her head to the side marginally, that was a gesture 'she' used to say secretly don't forget to bring me one.

Sebastian looked at her, it was a perfect interpretation, which only lead him to ask a question.

"Is she really dead?"

"Yes," Molly responded, with a taken-for-granted expression.

"Goodbye then."

'I'll take full responsibility.' The boy added in his mind.

The panabas in his hand transformed into a fine sword, thinner than any possibly be crafted weapon.

As narrow as a needle.

Gently, but not losing speed, the tip of the sword stabbed through her forehead.

When the blade was pulled out, the only visible wound in the woman was a red dot over her eyebrows.

"Thank you Sebas."

The kid expected the last call from his mom like in the movies, thanking him for freeing her body from the control of the villain, but fiction is only fiction, and fantasies were only fantasies, she simply died, making no extra sound nor grimaces.

Her body fell to the ground.

The marionette walked through the forest, carrying his mother that in size scale was like a pillow. But he, employed an at-limit carefulness, conscious that those hands could break rock by trying. His last wish before dying was that her mother could be as complete as possible.

Not for his own selfishness, but because grandmother could have a heart attack.

Soon, he knew he arrived at the place because the screams of the un-eyed people were heard all loud.

The step he made even scared them, thinking that it was a giant that came back.

Poor people.

Slowly, he left his mother on the floor, next to Eva. Then he brought his father from the pile of cadavers.

The family was reunited again… in another definition.

After, he walked unto his own body.

The two Sebastians looked at each other… that could be a magnificent scene, but his real body was blind.

So it was a strange feeling, seeing his body from another person's perspective. Also, he reaffirmed the question 'why he wasn't dead yet?'.

His organs were out of his body, all over the floor, dispersed. In addition, there was a pool of blood of around five meters in diameter, he had to be dead.

But it was irrelevant… After a night of strange monsters appearing in groups, his mother being possessed by some kind of spirit, and himself manifesting the power of summoning the marionette, nothing was unusual now.

The funny thing is that not only was he not dead, but he could be considered doubly alive.

He carried what was left of his body and placed it next to his family to enjoy the final moments together.

Lying there, he didn't ask questions anymore.

Lying there, he no longer pondered the 'why' or 'if'.

Lying there, he was still breathing, but he knew soon he would not.

The fear that caused his heart to beat widely was gone.

'Wait... was it fear that kept me alive?'

But then, like a spark of inspiration, the marionette took the mask with the crown off.

The sparkling body bent down holding the article with both of its hands. The white flower marks tattooed through the body became sparkles surrounding both. Something odd happened as the oversized mask was placed on his facial skin.

First, the connection between the two bodies was interrupted.

Second, a warmness surged from the mask. The swelling feel on his face started to reduce, his nose breath normally again, and the weirdest, his eyelids opened seeing the world once more.

His torso was the next to receive the warmness, the organs started to recover vitality, then his limbs... regenerated.

Third, this was seen when he stood up, some small but numerous particles that healed him at the first moment flew away to the closest injured. These people, their incomplete bodies including their eyes, started to be recreated thanks to the healing properties.

Although compared to Sebastian, their treatment was somewhat incomplete. Being stopped when the particles were used up.

'Even that's better than losing their vision for the rest of their lives.'

Sebastian wandered among the corpses and people with his new legs, unsure of what to do next.

Luckily, he found a phone between the cadavers, and luckily, it had signal.

Without needing to unlock it, he called a number.

"Toot .... toot... toot... nine one one, what's your emergency."

"Hi, ahmm… I'm in Clericland Forest, thirty miles away from-"

"Don't worry, the authorities are in their way!" The lady on the phone rushedly interrupted, by the seriousness in her voice, she seemed to know what was the situation here. "Please keep yourself safe from the monsters and-"


This time, it was Sebastian who interrupted her, "It's over, everything is over."