Samurai and Fireball

"The initial doesn't mean it all, no matter how strong your first ability is, an A-class Novitiate could never defeat a Handler, or that's what that Lenard guy told me."

"Simply don't get obsessed with the class of your first ability and focus on absorbing mana to level up. This way in the future, you can equip all the A-class ability gems you want if that's what you wish."

With that said, the envy of the two girls reduced a little.

Adding that the food arrived, the three of them got distracted a little.

While eating, Sebastian took a peek at the report sheets each one got. Deserving the name 'certificated by the scientist of all the world', the information on it was reliably complete. If all the Manifesters follow the training paths designed by these scholars, it was for sure that accidents and casualties can be reduced efficiently around the globe.

But still, those 'possibilities' mentioned by Lenard Meeks were not in the paper. Firm about 'everything is done with a reason', Sebastian decided to not share these with the girls until they become more skilled with their abilities.

If the lack of information was planned for population control, then there wouldn't be any problem. But if those uses weren't on the paper for safety reasons, he would blame himself if anything happens to his friends.

Other than that, Sebastian acted as a good teacher to the questions Miriam and Alexandra had. Even though he learned some things just today like them, months of experience using his initial and other multiple abilities could be a good reference for their ones.

Then, the conversation went a little out of Sebastian's hands as both girls showed great interest in going together to the areas near the portal to absorb Mana and practice their abilities.

Despite being more mature and… well, having experienced casualties, Sebastian's words couldn't stop their enthusiasm, so out of worry, he said 'yes' too to go with them.

At some point they will lose interest… right?

"How are we gonna get there?"

"I can lean my parent's car." Having said that, Alexandra is also confirming that no adult will go with them. "We can also camp… Oh sorry!"

Sebastian didn't show any discomfort, he continued to make the plan less childish and out of impulse.

Maybe all the trouble needed can persuade them from going?

"For how long are we gonna be there every day?"

"Four to five hours?" Miriam made the math. "We can go on weekends too, the whole day."

"What about food?" He asked.

"I can prepare you guys something every day." Alexandra liked her own idea.


"I can fill a five gallons water jug… and also bring some cups."

"We might need some chairs unless we're gonna sit in the car."

"I have some folding chairs at home."

"Well, since we are sitting outside, we might need a big umbrella, for the sun or the rain."

"What happens if the car is broken or runs out of battery, do you know what to do or who to call?"

"Your abilities need the knowledge, and there won't be any wifi or descent signal, what are you gonna do?"

"What if…"

Sebastian kept listing all the necessary things and possible scenarios, some of those not even that necessary or possible at all.

But the two girls had the vision and the determination, they diligently split those tasks and talked out the impediments.

In the end, Sebastian had no other option than give up on plan A.

"Okay it's said, I'll pay the gas." He finally concluded.

"No, let's split it," Miriam suggested.

Then she noticed why Sebastian did not take responsibility for any of the previous tasks or demands.

"You two are paying all that stuff already, the least I can do is cover the gas. We're going there for a week at least, it's not cheap, and I'm not poor."

"But…" Alexandra tried to debate but she didn't come up with anything.

"It's said… you better make do sandwiches taste good." Sebastian joked pointing to the curly hair girl.

"Huh? I will cancel you by what you just said!"

The three of them laughed.

After finishing lunch and agreeing on a few minor details, it was time to leave.

"Yeah, sh*tty couple, go and have a date!"

Sebastian said goodbye to them without moving from the chair, his excuse was that he ate too much.

After the girls left, he stood up and walked to the counter.

"Hi, I want this dish to go, please." He placed his finger on the menu.

The lady smiled politely.

"Sure, how many? One?"

"No, sixty-four actually."

When Sebastian returned home, the first thing he did, of course, was to turn on his console and play like a vile animal.

That would be his normal day with or without the system. Although it truly was a big flex in his hermit life receiving compensation for what he does every day to numb himself.

This time, he left the shooters alone and decided to try something of another style.

[ Mission: Complete the game ]

Really? That's it?

Sebastian was impressed by the simplicity of this quest. Although that was the logic track, the best this game has to offer is its story mode. The key selling point is its samurai genre story based on the 13th-century Mongol invasion of Japan, on an island named Tsushima.

Seeing it in this way, the other difficulties and game modes might be good to level up the obtained skill later.

Without caring much about the system, he went ahead and played the game.

As someone with culture, he of course chose Japanese dialogs.

It wasn't necessary at all to listen to the English dialogs to know that it sucks. Not for disrespecting the English voice actors, but because Japanese seiyuus are just monsters.

Besides, for God's sake, this is a game with its settings in Japan.

It feels odd to listen to a white dude yelling 'tradition, courage, HONOR!!!'.

Without further ado, he pressed 'x' to start the game.

"Wow… the cinematics are sick!"

"Developers be like: 'How detailed do you want this game?', 'Yes'."

"Oh my god! He said it! He said the magic word!"

"Huh, is that alcohol? Drinking on an inva- Oh, it's oil… Holy sh*t!"

"Here we are! He said it again! HONOR!"

Time flew by.

[You have achieved 1 hour of gaming time, your mana absorption speed has temporally increased to [1.2] times.]

[You have achieved 2 hours of gaming time, your mana absorption speed has temporally increased to [1.4] times.]

[You have achieved 5 hours of gaming time, your mana absorption speed has temporally increased to [2.0] times.]

[You have achieved 10 hours of gaming time, your mana absorption speed has temporally increased to [3.0] times.]

[You played this game for 10.4 hours, your reward is [41] coins. ]

Tired, Sebastian left the controller on the sofa and had some food from the [Inventory].

This game was a long run, so it might take him days before finishing.

But still, the combat system, the visuals, and the sounds effects made him want to hold a real katana with his own hands to slash! Slash! Slash!

Sebastian doesn't even care what kind of spectacular skills this game has to offer, he has decided already to get the Katana mastery.

Expectedly or unexpectedly, he began searching Samurai swords for sale on the internet. Watching at the traditional, sophisticated, and elegant designs on sample photographs taken from every different angle, he… closed the browser.

It would be stupid to buy a WEAPON without knowing a f*ck about it.

In any case, that would happen once he receives knowledge from the system, maybe even after some hours of leveling up to become more expert.

Sebastian had his priorities clear, the last thing he wanted was to buy a fake toy or a good-looking decoration.

To clear his mind, he decided to take a shower.

Then as the warm water dripped over his hair, an idea came across his mind: 'Does the system only work with console and PC games? What about mobile games and pocket consoles?'

I don't need a shower, I need answers!

He rushed to clean his body and after five minutes he was out of the bathroom finding his phone.

Sebastian was not a mobile game player person, the only thing he had on his phone was something he installed years ago to shut his little cousin up in a family party.

The game in question is about this little dragon that flies and kills guards using fireballs. Apparently, the more you play, the more kinds of fireball you can obtain.

[ Mission: complete 50 levels with 3 stars ]

"Okay, here we go."

[You played this game for 1.8 hours, your reward is [4] coins, [1] XP ]

[Mission completed!]

[Chose your reward:]

[Option 3 selected]

[You have obtained [Triple Continuous Fireball Lv.1], continue to play to level up this skill!]

"From now on, my name will be Dark Flame Master!" The three neurons started malfunctioning again. "Blast the reality, Burst into shreds, Vanishment... this world!!"

Buzzzz… buzzzzz… buzzzz…

An uncomfortable call interrupted the heroic moment.

"Hello?" Sebastian had to pick up the phone.

"Hi Sebas, did I wake you up?" It was Thomas' voice.

"Not really." The boy looked at the clock, noticing that the hour hand passed the number 12 already. "What happened?"

"Well, I just wanted to tell you that your auntie and I are planning to move out from Zhreta, it should happen this week. Maybe you should consider it too."

"Huh? Why so suddenly?"

"Don't you see the news?"

Why this sounds so familiar?

"What news?" Sebastian had to ask.

"More than twenty thousand people… just died, in Bolivia… from the monsters of the portals." The severe voice of Thomas invaded his senses.

Sebastian suddenly felt his neck cold.