Two changes

November 9th, Tuesday.


"Good morning, I'm the Ministress of Different World, Caroline Acuña..."

"…I want to first start by addressing the awful tragedy that occurred last night on Tarija, Bolivia around 9:00 p.m. Lhyno hour…"

"…reinforcements of the MDW has been sent to Bolivian territory at the first alarm of the incident, it's expected from our rescue teams to save as many lives as possible…"

Soundless parlor, messy blankets, empty sofa.

His eyes blinked in rhythm with his breathing. Those pupils reflected the brightness from the forty-two inches screen.

It was morning but the sun hasn't risen, slim was his figure but steady his neck.

In there, sitting on the floor of the blue room, it was only of his interest the transmission heard and observed.

The woman on the TV was important, usually, it would be the president who stood there.

And compared with the old fogies of her colleagues, she was young, relatively juvenile to be in charge of a Ministry.

Alone, she also resembled strongness; it wasn't the kind of strength that muscles assimilate, but those particular eyes that imposed heaviness.

They lack life.

Not her.

But whatever thing or being that would receive a stare.

With a firm posture, no matter how well that tie was accommodated, Sebastian wouldn't believe she had been inside an office for a single day.

She is most likely to be like Russell or Lenard.

A veteran.

It exists in her that aura.

Speech paper?

It was incongruous for her head to bow down. Her look straight to the Camera demonstrated zero intimidation by the possibly millions of eyes observing from their screens, her every little motion.

"But the biggest concern of the people here present today is still if an incident of this scale can happen in Lhyno."

She addressed the press bluntly without needing them to ask.

"The question itself carries two responses. In long term, the answer is 'yes', it is potentially likely to happen, that we're invaded by the other side. However, that can occur at any corner of the world, we cannot foresee the time or place. That guides us to our second answer, which is 'no', a tragedy like that is not going to happen in the present according to all what we know."

"During the past two years and after the uncountable lives that have been lost, we can confirm the portals are connected to seven different worlds. Now might be the perfect moment to share that even between portals, the differences of strength can be abysmal. The ones in our territory are connected to three worlds, none of these is the one that, unfortunately, brought the death of thousands and thousands of Bolivian citizens."

"No one should panic. Around each one of our portals, we have built military bases and defense structures that protect any possible invasion. And we can say proudly that even on the other side, we have the infrastructure to facilitate exploring and MDW activities. In those three worlds, we are the ones that have the advantage."

The Ministress Caroline Acuña finally changed her cold grimace to a smile. It was evident who accomplished those exploits.

"Yet that is not a reason for us to lower our guards," Her voice cut off the celebration. "The creatures on the other side are becoming strong just as a few of us do. This is a relay race in where the weak side gets killed."

"We, can get killed. We, are the people in danger. And we cannot expect help from other countries because they are passing through the same things. That is why our worst option is to keep clinging to the old methods we have used for the last two years. Our collective power needs to be increased, and so our citizens should be able to defend themselves."

"Now listen closely, today here in conjunction with the Minister of Education we are going to announce the two major changes on the way the MDW and our society will operate facing the menaces of the portals."

"The first, directly managed by the MDW, we'll open inscription for our first Manifester training camps, operated in all our non-urban area portal bases. Any adult over 18 years old with Lhynese citizenship can inscribe to a three-month-long training to become a Manifester. After that time, the candidates will be offered the option to join the MDW army, long story short, a high salary job."

"The second change, however, focuses more on the future. The education programs for all grade nine students and above in our portal cities will be modified. Incorporating mandatory lessons about Manifester-related subjects. With time, more schools of more cities will be incorporated into the program."

"In addition, we'll also build residential schools between the cities and the portal bases. This will not put the students' lives in danger as the location will be five to ten miles away from the portal, and evacuation plans would be the first thing to be considered in its design."

"This project will take several months to complete. For now, the priorities are the changes in our schools. All students under this program will receive extra credits for universities, and the prominent students will even acquire a recommendation letter and full scholarship for their post-secondary education."

"Likewise, it is planned for universities to open courses and careers related to Portals and Manifesters. These are going to be new doctors, scientists, lawyers, and engineers of the work market. To enter these new careers, it'll be a requirement having taken previous courses on the portal cities…"

The TV was turned off.

Sebastian laughed.

Remembering Lenard yesterday's 'not adults' speech. Now, in less than 24 hours, he got slapped by the own chief of his workplace.

Who would have thought of that! Right? Lenard?

The boy took out an imaginary notebook and wrote that down. If sometime in the future he encounters the man again, he'll mock him in his face.

But joke aside, it is concerning.

To what extent will conditions continue to worsen? How many times more will things get out of hand?

Sebastian didn't know.

If Lenard who was in the eye of the hurricane was mistaken, with what certainty he can affirm things?

Also, he thought about his uncle.

Will escaping from Zhreta really going to make a difference? Is it an option even?

Things will never go back to being like before. He hoped the man that has almost lived half a century could understand that, instead of lying himself that Zhreta is the problem.

But what else can he do?

A simple boy.



Maybe not that simple…

Two hours later, Sebastian took the keys to the car and left home.

'Maybe I can teach you how to drive in summer.'

From the chair he is sitting on, Joseph said that at least a couple of times to him.

No need anymore.

Sebastian giggled while looking at the [Car Driving Lv.1] skill in the system panel.

He started the engine, foot on the brake, E brake released, clutch in, first gear pulled… the steps he didn't even know the names of, he performed them naturally as if he had years of experience.

Without much hesitation, he drove by the same road this vehicle traveled the last time.

'I'm staying.'

That was the answer he gave Thomas on the phone and also to himself.

The teenager cannot comprehend his own stubbornness.

When he asked the mirror what was the reason, his insides were empty.

The ink to write down thoughts was dry.

He didn't have a reason to not leave Zhreta, but neither one for disappearing, from here: the fuse.

It wasn't a dramatic humbug of finding oneself or rediscovering feelings the outcome of his expectations.

He doesn't want results or answers at all.

Maybe they exist.

But is it truly relevant to grab them?

Life was like that.

There might be an explanation for every single doubt, but…

"Maybe here is enough." Sebastian got out of the car.

The density of mana could be felt by every single one of his pores.

Despite being still three miles away from Clericland forest, for his security concern, he will not approach anymore. At least not on his first day.

He raised his arm.

[Remorse Marionette!]

The familiar green flame was formed before Sebastian. Less scandalous than the first time with the fire tornado, the short puppet appeared humbly after burning a little dry grass on the ground.

Its job today would be watching out for the surrounding.

Cases of wild animals attacking humans outside of the city were like cold on rainy days.

He clearly doesn't want a rat with superpowers eating his feet.

A soccer size flies draining his blood.

Or a sparrow chopping his head with wind blades.

Those are all real-life cases.

Having the marionette doing guard can ensure his safety if not buying some time at least.

As for why the name of the ability is now different, that was the product of him clicking madly every space in the system to find out hidden secrets.

Able to change his sub-abilities names by the cost of one coin and not be able to do that again for 10 days is one of them.

In his nights of insomnia, he took the time to change all five of them:

[Remorse - If it wasn't me (A)] >>> [Remorse Marionette (A)]

[Remorse/sub - A decent weapon (D)] >>> [Remorse Marionette - Toy Arsenal (D)]

[Fear - I don't want to die (C)] >>> [The Scared Immortal (C)]

[Sadness - I'm alone (D)] >>> [Eager Fabric (D)]

[Suicidal - Put an end (B)] >>> [Death Predictor (B)]