Indemnification for damages

"A hundred thousand dollars? Is he crazy!?" Jessica couldn't help but raise her voice.

Each person in their respective cells, Jessica and Odell received once again the not surprising visit of Haoshu. 

"Well, in his words, following the common cases of crime victim compensation, the maximum benefits average about $25,000, since you were four, he wants $100,000 for the physical and psychological damage you people caused to him. If not, he will not give up on the case. That's what he said."

"There's no way we get that money out of nowhere!" This time it was Odell who acted desperately; the hours and hours in this place had exhausted his patience.

The lawyer he contacted refused to come after hearing the location, and then he had twelve missing calls from the client they had agreed on seeing today. 

Everything was going from bad to worse.

At least Odell could no longer think straight like he used to do.