Chapter 101: Princes of Asgard

To read up to 20 chapters ahead: https://www.patré


The Asgardian camp had multiple large scaled arrays protecting it, not only from possible invading fire demons but also from the heat.

The moment they entered the confines of the camp, they all felt a fresh breeze cover them as the heat, which had nearly vanished due to Edward's influence, completely vanished this time.

Edward thankfully felt the Yang Chi in the camp was as boundless as outside of it, so he did not feel uncomfortable as he entered either.

The Asgardian soldiers guarding the camp welcomed them with excited faces, welcoming Balder with great enthusiasm. The Asgardian God of Light was very popular among his people, loved by nearly all.

Loki looked a little jealous of the interaction his brother was having with the soldiers, and threw a few nasty comments to himself as they walked.

Diana could feel some hostility from the Asgardians, as they recognized her as an Amazon. The Greeks and Asgardians hadn't always been at peace, they actually had been at war for most of their history, and the Amazons were a deadly group of warriors who killed many Asgardians.

But most of them only gave her a stinky eye, not acting on it. The same could not be said though as they crossed the Norse equivalent of the Amazons, a Valkyrie.

The Valkyries were a group of brave female warriors who used to bring the souls of the brave believers of their religion to Valhalla, but they also were among Asgard's deadliest warriors.

The Valkyrie wore a silver and black breastplate, but had nothing to cover her thighs or her arms. Her long blond hair was styled in a couple of long braids.

She first smiled at Balder, before frowning at Loki, which turned into a scowl as she looked at Diana, leaving Edward painfully ignored.

"What is a cowardly Amazon doing in her camp?"

The Valkyrie was harsh with her words, and before either Balder or Loki could respond, were the second one to ever do so, Diana replied with as much venom in her words, "Words of your incompetence has reached us, it was only natural for us to come help the weaker side."

The blond woman was enraged, "You dare repeat that bitch?!"

Seeing the fight was about to escalate, Edward grabbed Diana's hand, calming her down while Balder stood in front of the Valkyrie as he chastised her, "Brunhilde! Those are friends to our kingdom and guests of your King! Show some respect!"

The Valkyrie clearly wasn't as impressed by Balder as the other Asgardians though as she showed no fanaticism as the others did, but clicked her tongue. Still, she owed respect to her prince, and added nothing more and stormed off.

This made the beloved Prince sigh as he bowed slightly in Diana's direction, apologizing, "I am sorry for her behaviour, I will make sure it won't happen again."

Diana nodded stiffly, not expecting the Asgardian to take her side. Although she barely had any interaction with Asgardians, the only time she saw and spoke to one being when Thor visited Themyscira on a diplomatic travel when she was a little girl, she had grown up hearing awful things about Asgard.

The only Asgardians she held some respect for were Thor, because he was the first one to approve of her becoming a fighter, she was quite young when he visited and her mother wouldn't let her start training, but the young god had accepted a duel.

The two others would be Frigga and Odin, the first one because she wasn't an Aesir by birth and she was also aware of the kindness she had showed Edward, and Odin, she respected him for his strength.

She had been cordial until now as neither Loki or Balder had been impolite, even the God of Mischief, while mischievous, didn't do anything bad, except maybe insulting some passer bys, which wasn't a problem to her.

Except for the encounter with the Valkyrie, Brunhilde, the walk toward the center of command was rather calm.

Once they arrived at the larger tent, they saw several people inside.

Edward only recognized one of them, Thor, dressed in his usual red and silver battle hammer, his companion Mjollnir on his hip.

Talking to him was a man equally as tall, his hair rather long, but black instead of blond, and several scars marred his face. The most striking about the man was his right hand though, or rather his lack of one.

Despite that, he had a large sword in his back, which he most certainly was able to use expertly. As for the last member, he was a little shorter than the two, and much slimmer. His hair was blond, and his face fair.

However, a timid expression ruled his features as he looked at the two men arguing with shyness, not really sure of where to put himself.

The two men stopped arguing as the newcomers came into the room. The one handed man glared indifferently at the newcomers, asking, "Balder, Loki, why are you bringing an Amazon and a human here? Do you think I won't punish you because you are my brothers?"

Balder showed no fear as he confronted who appeared to be his older brother, "Those are guests of Asgard, they are here to help with the war effort, Tyr. They were sent here by father himself after they proposed their help."

From that both Diana and Edward understood he had been listening to their conversion, which apparently wasn't as private as they first thought. Loki probably had listened too, since they found them together.

Tyr observed the two, and looked ready to throw in a comment, but Thor beat him to it, "Edward! I'm mightily happy to see you here!"

Edward smiled and pulled Diana a little closer to him, showing their clutching hands as he said, "Thor, this is Diana, my girlfriend. Diana, this is Thor. I believe you met in the past."

Diana nodded, and Thor made a bow in her direction. Then, he took out Mjollnir, and pointed it toward the exit as he excitedly said, "Let's have some fun again, like with those Kronans! There are even more Fire Demons than there were Kronans!"

Edward smiled and was about to join him with Diana when Tyr growled, "Don't go yet. We have to plan out attacks…"

The Norse God of War only got a sneer from Thor though, who was quickly followed by both Edward and Diana.

Once outside, Thor gestured his hammer in a direction opposite of where they came from and said, "There's a gathering of enemy troops fifteen kilometers West, Tyr's breaking his brain to ambush them or whatnot," he snorted, "I say we go lay waste to them."

Thor turned to look at the couple, and saw smiles on their faces, bring one to his own. Edward twitched his hand, and a gust of wind picked both him and Diana up from the ground. Diana looked a little surprised, and said, "Don't worry cupcake, I can fly on my own."

Thor asked, "Cupcake?"

Edward shook his head, focusing the wind magic only on himself as he sighed, "Long story."

This only made Thor smile as he whirled his hammer, and said, "Let's go, cupcake."

Before Edward could curse him, Thor flew off at an incredible speed, quickly followed by Diana who literally rode the air currents to fly. After a split second, Edward guessed this was a power she got from her father, and wondered if she could control lightning with some training.

But now was not the time to think of such things. The air in front of him parted ways as a wind picked him up and pushed him forward. With a strong wind in his back, and no air in front of him, Edward faced no air resistance as he quickly caught up with Diana and Thor.

Although Thor was holding back on his flight speed, Diana and Edward were quite close to their top speed, which was above the speed of sound.

Edward did not trigger any sonic boom because he controlled the air around him, but both Diana and Thor were making a hell lot of a noise.

Fifteen kilometers was a great distance for someone on foot, and normal people would take hours to walk the distance. The group reached their destination in about half a minute.

It was easy to see they arrived as the rocky ground was covered in fire demons. The demons looked very similar to the environment they lived in, most of their body structure were dark, hard rocks, with red lines of fire or magma running through their bodies, making them look menacing.

Most of the Fire Demons looked humanoid, both in size and shape, but some of the stronger ones were bigger and meaner looking. The largest of them all were by far the dragons, of which only two were present.

One was in the middle of the army, while the other one was in the front, with someone of equally great size riding it.

That was the only non fire demon in the army, they were humanoid in shape but dressed in a rather strange battle armor. This was obviously the commander of this army.

As the three stopped, the sonic boom reached the ears of the army a fraction of a second later, and tens of thousands of heads looked up at the same time, making quite the scary sight.

Looking into the general's eyes, Thor snorted, "This is Perrikus, one of the strongest Dark Gods. He is the son of their leader, Majeston Zelia."

Edward looked at the army gathered below, and after a moment said, "I want to test a few spells, why don't you take Perrikus and I take the rest?"

Diana quickly replied, "I'm definitely not fighting over that army with you, I want some action."

Thor laughed, "So be it then, let's rain hell on them!"

With a swing of his hammer, Thor conjured a strong bolt of lightning that assaulted Perrikus. The Dark God swung the scythe he held, cleaving the very lightning in two, but the impact forced him off the fire demon dragon, taking their fight into the sky.

The fire demons looked enraged their general was attacked, and those capable of flight tried to take the sky, but before they could do so a literal rain of fire came down on them.

The army below, who lived in fire all their lives, were unafraid of the fire, but grew alarmed as they saw a few of their brethren getting forcefully melted by the fire descending on them.

Edward's fire spells were augmented by his Dragon Flame in his Core, which was said to be able to melt anything in Arda, including Rings of Power, except for the One Ring and Narya.

However, the Fire Demons still had an incredible fire resistance, as although the smaller, and thus weaker units were melted by the rain of fire, the stronger ones were basically shrugging it off.

Still, Edward got their attention with that, and so he threw another spell. The hot air around them suddenly turned into a freezing blizzard that swept toward the army.

The environment itself was fighting against the spell, as if no cold could exist in Muspelheim, but the blizzard still froze a few fire demons. Still, it showed Edward this wasn't the right magic to use either, so he passed to another magic he liked.

Earth Magic.