Chapter 102: Perrikus

To read up to 20 chapters ahead: https://www.patré


Earth Magic was mostly transfiguration. Because he was on a planet that was mainly made of earth, rocks and mud, he had more than enough materials to work with. And it was the same in Muspelheim.

An overwhelming amount of magic passed through Edward's body, only to be attacked by his even greater Chi. Then, the earth below him turned his to command as something rose from the ground.

The fire demons cried out in alarm as the ground below them shifted, but before they could move far away enough, a giant made of dark rocks rose from the ground. Were it not for the absence of fiery veins of fires, one would think it was a fire demon.

Still, it was much deadlier than a fire demon, as it began crushing everything surrounding it, battling like a tireless soldier. Several others rose all over the battlefield, laying waste to the army.

Edward's Chi reserves allowed him to spam the costly spell over and over again, and still have more than enough Chi for the rest of the fight. And even the Chi he had used for those spells was quickly being recovered.

The two remaining dragons, as well as some of the stronger units, destroyed the golems with ease, but there were less than ten of them, while there were hundreds of golems, with new ones appearing everytime they destroyed one. Even though destroying them was easy, it took time, more time than Edward needed to create a golem.

The Fire Demons showed they weren't brainless without their commander as the two dragons took the sky, flying toward Edward. Their first attack was a double fire breath, but Edward did not even move as the flames washed over him.

They did no damage to him though, and were instead absorbed into his body, nourishing his Core and replenishing even more Chi. The demonic dragons had no way to know that, but they still saw their fire had done no damage to him, so they went physical.

Unfortunately for them, Edward was not a weak bodied mage.

Seeing the two fire demonic dragons flying toward him, Edward took out Aeglos and whipped it down toward the two. His blade shone purple, but unlike before, the blade wasn't just purple, there seemed to be a forcefield around it too.

This was the Spear Aura, a power granted by the Concept of the Spear. The spear was small in size compared to the dragons, but as they were cut by Aeglos large gashes appeared on their bodies. This was the effect of the Spear Aura, one of them at least.

The two dragons were forced to the ground by Edward, and up in the sky wind gathered around his weapon, forming a whirlwind around the blade. At the same time, fire was introduced into the wind, forming a flaming whirlwind. Then, he dived down, in a similar fashion to his fight with Smaug.

The dragons and the other fire demons seemed to sense the danger, and tried to move away, but they weren't fast enough as the moment Edward hit the ground, the fire tornado instantly spread around him.

The sharp wind tore most of the demons to shreds, and the dragon fire melted what was left of them into magma, turning the tornado into a magma one.

The stronger demons were only injured, but they were rendered immobile because of the wind, and magma covered their bodies.

Then, a chilling wind passed over them. It was quickly snuffed out by the heat, but it lasted long enough to solidify the magma made from their fellow dire demons on their body, trapping them in shells.

Finally, Edward clenched his fists, and the solidified magma started contracting, crushing all those trapped in them to death, including the two dragons.

The effortless murder of their two strongest units scared most of the fire demons, but they still didn't flee as they tried to swarm Edward. This only made him laugh as he stayed on the ground and started fighting the fire demons.

Not a single one of them was able to even hit him as he killed many of them with every swing. At the same time, his Golems destroyed the fire demons in huge numbers too now that the strongest ones capable of killing them were killed.

However, Edward got quickly bored of decimating the fire demons. Seeing they didn't stand a chance they started trying to escape, but Edward had raised mountains around the battlefield to stop them from escaping.

Still, killing fleeing enemies, even if they were fire demons, was not very satisfying, nor was it something he felt good about. So he decided to leave them to his golems as he looked into the sky.

Up there, the fight was actually not as one sided as he thought it would be. The Dark God, Perrikus, was matching Diana and Thor in their fight, and even seemed to have the advantage.

Thor's lightning did no damage to the Dark God, and even Mjollnir was only slightly wounding the Dark God. As for Diana, she was a little weaker than Thor in terms of physical strength, but every slash from her sword drew blood. Moreover, she shielded the Dark God's every strike with her shield.

However, she suffered from a lack of mobility, she could travel with air currents, but that was for long distances. In a fight complete omnidirectional flight was needed, something she didn't have. Thor also had the same problem.

They both tried to take the fight to the ground, as it was where they were the most comfortable, but Perrikus, who had great flight control, recognized their weakness and made sure to remain in the sky.

Edward thought about the situation for a moment, before shadows covered his body, and the light around him distorted. He didn't become completely invisible, but he was harder to see, one would need to play close attention to spot him.

Slowly, he approached the fight, until he was less than a hundred meters from them. There, Perrikus entered his Chi Sense, and allowed Edward to understand how he was flying.

At first, Edward thought the god simply had a better mastery of air magic than Diana, her lack of control was why the demi-goddess couldn't fly well in combat and Edward could, despite using roughly the same technique.

However, Perrikus did not use air to fly. Instead, a strange forcefield was surrounding him and allowing him to fly.

Edward wasn't sure of how it worked, but he quickly figured a counter measure in his head. Closing his eyes, a rather large amount of magic came from all directions, toward him, before exiting his body.

Around the unsuspecting gods fighting one another, a large dome formed around them. If one paid attention they would see a red shine on the edges, but because they were in the middle of a fight they didn't see it.

A couple of minutes later into the fight, injuries started appearing on both Thor and Diana, while Perrikus still looked in great shape as the numerous cuts on his body had been recovering. At the same time, the army below had either fled or been crushed to death.

The dome around them had also taken form, and even the three fighting could see it, but because they didn't feel anything from it they didn't stop or care about it.

Finally, blood-red runes appeared all around the dome, and shone with an eerie lustre. Perrikus was near the edge of the dome, but as he felt it's power wash over him, he found himself unable to leave as he couldn't fly anymore.

The Dark God started a free fall while the other two remained in the sky for a second, wondering what happened before understanding and chasing after Perrikus' falling body.

The Dark God arrived first, and although he fell from several dozens of meters he was not damaged by the fall. He tried to get out of the sealing dome before the other two could arrive, which he thought he would be able to do as he reached the ground nearly a second before them, but before he could leap out of the dome, the golems jumped at him.

The rocky golems failed to deal any damage to the Dark God, but they kept him in place long enough for Thor and Diana to reach him.

Now on the ground, the advantage shifted to the two, forcing Perrikus and his deadly scythe onto the defensive. While under their assault, Perrikus searched for the origin of the spell, and found Edward sitting cross legged in the air.

Perrikus could probably reach him with a leap, but he had his hands full already, and if he could leap away he would leave the dome, not attack the man who single-handedly defeated the army of Fire Demons.

The lapse in attention proved to be harmful to the Dark God though, as the moment he looked for Edward, Thor's hammer smashed into his chin, stunning him, and making him lose Diana for a second.

In that second, Diana rushed to Perrikus' side, and swiped her blade at his neck.

Unfortunately, the Dark God had refined his senses and his instinct for hundreds if not thousands of years, and he seemed to feel the strike incoming as he tried to block with his arm.

Diana's blade, which had been forged by Hephaestus, barely slowed down as it sliced through his arm. However, it gave him enough time to slightly budge his neck away from the blade, slicing deep into his shoulder instead.

Perrikus screamed in great anguish at the lost of his arm, which was the arm he held his scythe with, and the forcefield that allowed him to fly, and which had been suppressed until now, burst out of his body with great strength, shattering the dome and pushing the two god and demi-goddess away.

His two opponents forced away, Perrikus tried to pick up his arm, with it he would be able to reattach it with his great regeneration, but before he could do so the annoying human appeared before him.

He didn't know how he arrived so fast, but Edward was just below him, grabbing his cut off arm with one hand, the other on the stump.

Perrikus didn't know why Edward didn't leave straight away with his arm, but he wasn't going to lose the opportunity to kill him as he clenched his fist, ready to blow him into meat pulp. Perrikus was even stronger than Thor in terms of physical strength, so a full powered punch from him could very well kill Edward.

However, before his fist could descend onto Edward, a couple of red runes appeared on both of Edward's palm. The two runes, one on each of his palms, were identical, and did different things.

The one holding the stump entered into the flesh, getting an even greater cry of pain from Perrikus as he felt a part of his power get absorbed by the rune, the major part of which was transferred into the other rune, that enveloped the cut off arm, drawing several smaller red runes onto the arm itself.

A small part of the power absorbed was used to change the rune slightly, turning it into another kind of seal that cut deep into the stump.

Perrikus could feel the rune on his stump had a single function, and that was to make impossible the recover of his arm. He had tried to get his arm back because it would have accelerated the process of recovering his arm as he would simply have to reattach it.

Still, he could have used more time to recover his arm from scratch, but now with the rune on his arm it had become impossible. Moreover, he felt that even his mother, Majeston Zelia, wouldn't be able to destroy the rune without killing him. It drew on his own power, and the only way to destroy the rune was to overpower the energy behind it, which would kill him.

Feeling rage at the sneaky attack, Perrikus brought down his fist onto Edward, who couldn't dodge due to the close proximity, and he was sent flying, quickly crashing into a bunch of rocks. However, he quickly got up, barely any injury on him.

His mask was not on, and Perrikus could see the smug grin on his face. A fire brew within him, he wanted to kill him, but he knew he had lost today. Before either Thor or Diana could finish him off, a portal appeared next to him, through which he left.