The Godly Palace Beyond Their Reach

"What if…"

"Someone is changing the location of the palace?"

Chen Feng could sense the way Pu Yunmo and Sakurai Longzi trembled the moment he said that.

Blake, who was the timidest among them, paled instantly.

"Chen… Chen Feng…You…What do you mean? What do you mean by…someone…is… changing the location of the palace…?"

Blake, who rarely spoke on the way, could not help but stammer out loud.

"It might not be controlled by someone. It might just be a pre-programmed system. In any case, if we continue to circle around here, we will only remain where we are. We will never be able to leave this place," Chen Feng told them about his speculation.

"We're walking in circles?" 

Sakurai Longzi made a guess.

"That's right, we're walking in circles."

Chen Feng nodded.