The Mysterious Old Man

In that instant, everyone felt their blood run cold!

There was an old man sitting at the entrance of the path, but nobody had noticed him when they passed this place earlier!

How was that possible?

The old man sat on a recliner chair. He seemed to be resting with his eyes closed while he tapped his fingers against the wooden armrests in a unique rhythm.

This was enough to prove that he was a living person.

Everyone became extra cautious. After all, no one knew whether this old man was friend or foe.

Who knew? He might be a world boss like the Yatengu.

Everyone looked at Chen Feng in unison.

Everyone had unknowingly developed a sense of dependence toward Chen Feng.

After all, ever since they had entered the Mystic Realm of Gaotian Plains, it was Chen Feng who had led them out of danger time and time again.

If not for Chen Feng, they would have all died a long time ago.