Disappearing Like Smoke

Chen Feng's heart raced as he grew nervous.

This old man was indeed extraordinary. He could instantly tell that they were poisoned.

"Sir, we did sail into Gaotian Plains from outside. We inhaled a lot of white fog along the way. I hope you can teach us a way to cure the poison."

"No, it's not the white fog."

"It's not the white fog?"

Chen Feng was stunned.

He had always thought that the poison was hidden in the fog. That was the reason why they only had thirty hours left.

"It's not the white fog." The old man shook his head. He took out a cigarette from his pocket and placed it in his mouth.

"There is no poison in the white fog. You guys have been…cursed."


The old man could clearly see that all the Awakened Ones had their eyes wide open through the white smoke coming out of his pipe. After all, what the old man had said concerned their life and death. Everyone listened with bated breath.