Da Huang Has Become A Heavenly Dog

"I'll spare you this once. If you do this again, I'll chop you up and eat your meat!"

Chen Pingan looked at Da Huang, who looked like it was about to suffocate. White foam seemed to bubble out from the corner of Da Huang's mouth so he quickly placed the dog on the ground.

The moment it returned to the familiar ground, Da Huang immediately collapsed onto the ground. Its lifeless eyes lit up instantly.

"Hey! Don't eat it! You can't eat that, it'll kill you!" Chen Pingan was shocked by the scene before him and subconsciously scolded.

He wanted to run over and stop Da Huang, but it was too late.

At this moment, Da Huang had already slipped past his feet like a nimble fish. It didn't care about anything as it pounced forward. It extended its tongue and sucked the medicinal pills that were scattered on the ground into its stomach before eating them all.

After Da Huang finished doing all of this, it shook the fur on its body in satisfaction and raised its head arrogantly. Under Chen Pingan's incredulous gaze, it ran away.

Chen Pingan felt his pants pocket. It was empty. Not a single one was left. Da Huang had eaten everything.

"Those pills are failed products! It won't die after eating them, right?"

Chen Pingan's expression froze as he looked at Da Huang in the distance with fear. DaHuang ignored him and ran on the grass happily and looked fine.

Chen Pingan observed for a long time and realized that Da Huang didn't have any abnormalities after eating the pills. He secretly let out a sigh of relief.

"It's good that you're fine. Otherwise, if your owner finds out, he'll definitely fight it out with me."

Chen Pingan retracted his gaze. His clothes had been torn by Da Huang, so he took them off and carried them in his hands. He ignored the barking behind him and walked towards the entrance of the neighborhood.

However, the moment he left the neighborhood, Da Huang, who was peeing in the forest, shivered. All its fur stood up, and even its tail became erect.

Da Huang let out a terrified bark. In the next second, it lost consciousness, as if it was falling asleep.

Right at this moment, Da Huang's body underwent a major transformation. The Spirit Qi floating above the neighborhood frantically surged over and formed a vortex with it as the center. The Spirit Qi was then frantically absorbed into Da Huang's stomach.

Da Huang kept absorbing the abundant surrounding Spirit Qi. Then, its body slowly floated in the vortex as it crossed its legs and entered a cultivation state.

Da Huang suddenly opened its eyes, and a ray of wisdom flashed past. Da Huang seemed to have suddenly understood the true essence of its life as a dog. It started to adjust its breathing frequency. The speed at which it absorbed Spirit Qi had also become even more ferocious than before.

It kept its legs crossed in the vortex and calmly absorbed the Spirit Qi of heaven and earth. The Spirit Qi vortex that surrounded it became extremely vast, as if all of the Spirit Qi in the Yang City had been sucked over.

Due to Da Huang's crazy absorption of Spirit Qi, the Spirit Qi above the neighborhood gradually became thinner. The Spirit Qi all over Yang City also gathered into several streams that led to the forested area of Xin Guang Residence.

Da Huang was busy trying to comprehend the true essence of its life. It felt a sense of comfort that it had never felt before. It could even feel the surrounding Spirit Qi. In a daze, it started to become more than just an ordinary dog.

In Da Huang's subconscious mind, it thought that it was a god that ruled this world!

The sky above the neighborhood slowly changed according to Da Huang's will. The Spirit Qi also slowly transformed into a shocking phenomenon.


Chen Pingan had just walked out of the neighborhood when his body froze. He did not know if it was his imagination, but he could feel that something in the neighborhood had changed.

"Why is the Spirit Qi fluctuating?"

These past few days, he had been deliberately using his cultivation technique to circulate Spirit Qi in his body. Now, he had already formed muscle memory and was able to constantly absorb Spirit Qi. Although this absorption speed was slower than the speed he had when he was cultivating, it was still enough to supply his Spirit Sense.

Therefore, the moment the Spirit Qi in the neighborhood fluctuated, Chen Pingan was able to sense it.

He looked in the direction of the Spirit Qi fluctuation, and the clothes in his hand fell to the ground with a thud. He was shocked to see that a heavenly dog had materialized from the Spirit Qi that appeared above the neighborhood!

"Sun-Swallowing Heavenly Dog?!"

Chen Pingan's expression changed as he looked at the abnormal phenomenon above the neighborhood. The size of the dog was expanding, and it soon enveloped the neighborhood and continued to spread outwards!

At the next moment, the extremely large heavenly dog started to cover the scorching sun, and the area around the neighborhood darkened. It was clearly the afternoon, but the entire neighborhood was strangely dark, making people shudder!

"I finally saw an abnormal phenomenon with my own eyes. It really is terrifying!"

Chen Pingan's face was filled with shock. The moment he saw the abnormal phenomenon in the neighborhood, the suspicion that had been lingering in his heart disappeared.

The reason Chen Pingan was suspicious was because the abnormal phenomena always appeared when he was cultivating. Thus, he never had the chance to witness them personally before.

Because of this, Chen Pingan had always suspected if he was the one who caused all those abnormal phenomena.

However, today, he had personally seen the abnormal phenomenon. This had proved to him that the person responsible for the abnormal phenomenons was not him but someone else instead.

"It's a good thing I didn't tell anyone about my suspicions. Otherwise, it would have been really embarrassing."

While Chen Pingan was feeling relieved, he was also amazed by the strength of the expert in the neighborhood. After all, that expert was able to create such a terrifying phenomenon!

It was impossible for someone as weak as him to trigger such a phenomenon. All of a sudden, he realized the difference in strength between him and the true experts.


The small neighborhood was enveloped by the large and mighty heavenly dog. At the center of the phenomenon, the sky was darkening much faster than the other places in Yang City.

"Ah, why is there a change in the weather? Could it be that an abnormal phenomenon is happening in the neighborhood again?"

Some of the older women raised their heads in confusion. When they saw the phenomenon in the sky, they looked shocked and shouted loudly at the other residents.

Some of the residents in the neighborhood heard the noise and walked out of their balconies to look at the dark sky.

"I thought it was going to rain, but it turns out that the expert in the neighborhood is cultivating again."

An old man who saw the phenomenon remained calm. He glanced at the abnormal phenomenon in the sky before turning around and returning to his room.

After all, this was already the third abnormal phenomenon the old man had seen recently. Moreover, the first two phenomena were much more impressive.

"The abnormal phenomenon this time is a little weaker. It also looks a bit familiar."

The old man commented without changing his expression. However, he felt that the abnormal phenomenon that appeared in the sky this time was strangely familiar. It was as if he had seen it somewhere before?

After thinking about it for a long time, he still couldn't come up with anything.

At the same time, some of the old men who were playing cards in the neighborhood plaza saw the phenomenon in the sky and suddenly slapped Dali who was sitting beside them.

One of the old men was both shocked and excited as he said, "Dali, your Da Huang has ascended to heaven!"

"P*ss off. You're the one who will be ascending to heaven soon. My Da Huang is resting at home."

As Dali spoke, he threw out a card and ignored the old man beside him. He assumed that the old man had wanted to divert his attention from the cards to win.

"Dali, it's true. Your Da Huang is really amazing. Look up there!"

The other old men also noticed the abnormal phenomenon in the sky. In fact, they noticed early on that the sky had turned dark. It was just that they didn't think much of it back then.

"Old Li, why are you acting like this too?"

Dali was speechless at how immoral these old men were. He didn't think that they would stoop so low and try to trick him just to win at a game of cards.

He hadn't taken the old man's words seriously to begin with, so he only glanced upwards to satisfy the others. However, the moment he glanced up, he was almost scared to death.

It was indeed Dali's Big Huang that had appeared in the sky. Even the mole under the heavenly dog's stomach matched Da Huang's mole perfectly, as if it had been copied and pasted.

"Sun-Swallowing Heavenly Dog… Dali, it looks like your Da Huang has succeeded in life. It actually appeared in the abnormal phenomenon of that neighborhood expert."

The other old men sighed. For some reason, they were a little envious of the heavenly dog above the neighborhood.

"My Da Huang… is going to be famous."

Dali muttered in disbelief. Once the media found out that Da Huang was the heavenly dog in the abnormal phenomenon, they would definitely include it in their news report. By then, Da Huang would become famous!

However, what was so special about that silly dog? Dali couldn't help but wonder why Da Huang had appeared in the neighborhood expert's abnormal phenomenon. However, he still felt that such an experience was quite wonderful.

Dali continued to wonder if there was something he still didn't quite understand.

He even suspected that Da Huang was a dog chosen by the heavens.

Dali stared blankly at the abnormal phenomenon that was gradually spreading out. Under the influence of the phenomenon, he started to feel that his dog was special.