Sun-Swallowing Heavenly Dog Causes An Uproar

The phenomenon slowly spread from the neighborhood to other parts of Yang City. Outside the neighborhood, people started to notice the phenomenon in the sky and were shocked by it.

Meanwhile, Chen Pingan was also filled with emotions. He felt a deep sense of respect for the neighborhood expert. Witnessing a phenomenon directly was completely different from seeing it online. It was even more impactful!

"Too strong!"

As he slowly walked out of the school, Chen Pingan admired the phenomenon in the sky. This phenomenon was very unique and directly covered the entire Yang City. Although it did not spread to other cities, it was still rather majestic!

"There are so many experts living in the neighborhood and the school. In comparison, my level is just too low. I have to work hard to improve my strength and reach their level as soon as possible!"

Chen Pingan swore in his heart. Although he had failed at refining pills today, he had at least witnessed the phenomenon of a powerful expert's cultivation. He felt that the day had not been in vain.

After he sighed with emotion, he suddenly felt fortunate. Fortunately, he had moved out of the neighborhood a long time ago. Otherwise, who would be able to endure living in a place where phenomena occurred every few days?

"There are too many powerful experts hidden in the neighborhood. The danger level is too high. Thankfully, I don't live in the neighborhood anymore."

The decision he made previously was too wise!

By now, Yang City was completely covered by the phenomenon. The sky was completely dark, and Chen Pingan quickened his pace back to school.

However, there was still a group of people in Yang City who were rushing into the darkness.

Although the commotion caused by the phenomenon in the Xin Guang Residence this time was not as great as the previous two times, it was still significant.

The news of the consecutive abnormal phenomena in Yang City had spread to places other than the Yang City. All the other major newspaper and magazine outlets across the country were secretly paying attention to the things happening in Yang City!

For this reason, all the reporters from the newspapers in Yang City were mobilized to film the Sun-Swallowing Heavenly Dog phenomenon that appeared in Xin Guang Residence today. After all, this would be a big piece of news that would shake the entire country!

At the Qin Kai Cultivation School staff dormitory.

"The sky is still dark? The phenomenon today is really terrifying!"

Chen Pingan stood by the window and looked in the direction of Xin Guang Residence. He could see a heavenly dog that was so big that it covered the entire Yang City.

He did not dare to stay in the neighborhood any longer just now so he didn't look at the phenomenon carefully. However, now that he looked at it seriously, he realized that something was wrong.

"Da Huang?!"

Chen Pingan cried out in alarm. Wasn't the heavenly dog in the distance Da Huang? After all, it looked exactly the same as Da Huang. Even if Da Huang turned into ashes, he would still be able to recognize it.

That silly dog had stepped on him this afternoon and he even got a good look of the mole on Da Huang's stomach earlier. Chen Pingan knew that the mole on the heavenly dog was exactly the same as Da Huang's mole.

"Even Da Huang has appeared in the phenomenon of experts. It looks like Da Huang has truly succeeded in life." Chen Pingan said bitterly.

However, that silly dog had secretly eaten his failed pills. Chen Pingan wondered if there would be any problems with Da Huang's body.

"It should be fine. It was still alive when I left. Moreover, Da Huang still has Grandpa Dali. If anything happens, Grandpa Dali could send it to the hospital. It probably wouldn't die."

Chen Pingan consoled himself. Da Huang's physique was stronger than a normal person's physique. It would not die from eating a few failed pills.

However, Chen Pingan's pill refinement plan had utterly failed.

That damned lightning strike had ruined all of his efforts.

Even the pill furnace and medicinal ingredients were ruined. At this moment, Chen Pingan didn't have any extra money to buy new ingredients, so his pill refinement plan could only be temporarily put on hold.

"Other than medicinal pills, I wonder if there are any other ways to quickly raise one's cultivation realm?" Chen Pingan muttered to himself and took out his phone to check.

Just as he was searching for related posts on the forums, a new message popped up on his phone, forcing him to pause his search.

[Crazy news!]

[Pingan, our Yang City has become famous. Now, people all over the country are talking about our Yang City. As a citizen of Yang City, you can't imagine how proud I feel as I am leading my team across the country. ]

[To be honest, I have never had such a strong feeling of pride in all my life. Right now, I am deeply proud of being a Yang City citizen!]

Chen Pingan was confused. He looked at the series of messages that Brother Xiong sent. The notifications that kept popping up on his phone were all sent by Brother Xiong.

"Are you crazy for sending me so many messages? I wonder if they won the competition?"

Chen Pingan deliberated for a moment before sending him a message.

[Did you guys win the competition? Congratulations!]

Right after sending his message, Chen Pingan received a new message from the other party. Brother Xiong was unbelievably quick at replying to messages.

"Looks like they really did win. He's so excited and even replied so quickly."

He couldn't help but open the new message. The next moment, his smile froze on his face.

[Don't you even go on your phone usually?]

[Just this afternoon, a big event happened in Yang City and caused a sensation all over the country. It has exploded on the entire internet. Don't you know about this?!]

Brother Xiong did not wait for him to reply and directly sent a few videos over. The length of the videos was between three to five minutes.

"A big event in Yang City? Could it be the phenomenon today?"

Other than today's phenomenon, Chen Pingan could not think of any other big events.

He clicked on one of the videos and saw the logo on the upper left corner. He was suddenly shocked. This was the logo of a national television channel!

After a few seconds, a male host suddenly appeared on the black screen. Chen Pingan was very familiar with this male host. He was the top host of the country!

He hadn't even started watching the video yet, but just seeing the male host was already enough to excite him.

The male host was as elegant as usual and excitedly reported the content.

[The whole country is shocked! Abnormal phenomena appear one after another in Yang City, and even spread to other cities near Yang City!]

[At around 5: 30 pm this afternoon, another phenomenon appeared once again in the southeastern neighborhood of Yang City! It was a phenomenon of a heavenly dog that was so big it swallowed the sun. According to the reaction of the local residents, this is the third phenomenon that has appeared in Xin Guang Residence this month!]

[According to statistics, a total of four phenomena have appeared in Yang City this month. Three of them happened in Xin Guang Residence, and there was also one phenomenon that happened at Qin Kai Cultivation School!]

[Specialists have analyzed that the frequent appearances of the abnormal phenomena above Yang City were not caused by a natural disaster. Instead, they have been caused by a strong practitioner or even an immortal cultivating.]

Chen Pingan listened to the male host's excited broadcast and looked at his phone screen. The video showed all three of the phenomena that had appeared above Yang City previously, as well as the phenomenon that appeared this afternoon.

Even though he had watched the video of the abnormal phenomenon many times, Chen Pingan still felt both shocked and proud when he watched it again.

He felt proud because the immortal was a resident of Yang City.

Now that the country's attention had been unanimously shifted to Yang City, everyone in the country started changing their view on this small city. This made the citizens of Yang City feel extremely proud, especially now that the citizens of the other cities no longer dared to look down on them.

Affected by his original body, Chen Pingan was similarly proud of being a citizen of Yang City.

"Is there something special about Yang City? Why are there so many experts hidden in this city?" After he calmed down, Chen Pingan looked at the video and murmured.

Perhaps all of this was a coincidence. However, there were no abnormal phenomena in other cities, so it was very likely that these experts were in seclusion.