The Abnormal Phenomenon Attracted the True Cultivation Faction's Attention

After Chen Pingan finished watching the video, he went to a webpage and started to search for news about the Yang City phenomenon. In the end, after just having typed the word "Yang", a lot of news about Yang City appeared.

Just as Brother Xiong had said, the internet was filled with a lot of trending posts about the Yang City abnormal phenomenon. Netizens from all over the country were discussing it intensely.

As he browsed, Chen Pingan saw a very interesting post. The title of the post was: Dig deep into the shocking secret behind the Yang City abnormal phenomenon.

He continued reading and found the netizens' discussion.

"The abnormal phenomenon in Yang City is so terrifying. There's already been an appearance of a Kun Peng and a heavenly dog. I've never even seen anything like this and I even live in the big city of White City. I never knew someone could cause such a huge commotion just by cultivating!"

A netizen from Star City replied, "When the Kun Peng appeared in Star City, I was scared to death. It looked so realistic, as if it was real."

"That's right. I'm also from Star City. So far, two of the phenomena have already spread to our city. It's hard to imagine just how astonishing the phenomena were!"

Many netizens from other cities said excitedly, "Just watching the video makes me feel extremely shocked. I wonder what I would feel if I had seen it up close? This won't do. I have to go to Yang City in the near future and personally experience how terrifying the Yang City phenomenon is."

"Sister, bring me along. I also want to go to Yang City and see the phenomenon with my own eyes!"

"Me too! Me too! Count me in. My dying wish is to meet an immortal!"

Many netizens responded one after another. They were all curious about the terrifying and mysterious abnormal phenomena that happened in Yang City and wanted to witness them up close.

On the other hand, after the news about the Yang City abnormal phenomena had spread throughout the entire country, most people became extremely curious about the experts or immortal behind them.

Compared to the abnormal phenomena, the immortal in Yang City was especially mysterious. After all, this immortal had never appeared in front of the camera or showed his face. Everyone couldn't help but want to find out what this immortal looked like.

In just one afternoon, the abnormal phenomena in Yang City and the hidden immortal became the hot topic of discussion in the country!

People from all over the country were interested. Everyone wanted to go to Yang City and witness the terrifying phenomenon first-hand!

In Room 304, in a neighborhood in Moon City.

There were more than thirty people sitting in the hall of the room. Among them, there were men and women of different ages. At this moment, their expressions were all solemn.

"There have been so many abnormal phenomena in Yang City. After the analysis, we even found out that every single one of these phenomena matches the records of true cultivation. It might have been a coincidence if it only occurred once. However, since it happened so many times, it's definitely not a coincidence!" An old man suddenly stood up and said as he looked out of the window.

If Brother Xiong was present, he would definitely recognize the old man at a glance. This person was Teacher Gu, who had disappeared from Qin Kai Cultivation School for more than twenty years!

Although Teacher Gu was actually a hundred years old, due to his cultivation, he appeared to be only fifty years old.

"What do you guys think?"

The old man retracted his gaze and turned to look at the group of people sitting in the hall. Teacher Gu was familiar with many of the people sitting here. Many of them were his former students or colleagues.

"Teacher Gu, are you saying that someone in Yang City's Qin Kai Cultivation School has already touched the true path of cultivation?"

The person who was speaking was the national sprinter that had caused an uproar earlier, Ye Beixuan.

As soon as these words were spoken, everyone in the hall looked towards the old man. After all, Teacher Gu understood more about cultivation than them. In a certain sense, Teacher Gu's realm was higher than theirs.

Therefore, Teacher Gu was the person who was most qualified to speak about the abnormal phenomena.

Teacher Gu pondered for a while and finally said with certainty, "From the abnormal phenomena, I can be 100% sure that someone in Yang City has already embarked on the path of true cultivation. As for whether it's someone from Qin Kai Cultivation School or Xin Guang Residence, I can't be sure for now."

As soon as he finished speaking, everyone's eyes sparkled and their faces brimmed with excitement.

This group of people came from all over the country. They all gathered together for a common goal and formed an organization called the True Cultivation Faction.

Why was it called the True Cultivation Faction?

It was because the members of this faction have accidentally discovered that the so-called immortal cultivation in this world was actually fake cultivation!

The cultivation of this world was completely different from cultivation in the true sense of the word!

The so-called immortal cultivation that they once admired was nothing compared to traditional cultivation!

It all started from the trip Teacher Gu took when he went to explore ancient artifacts one day. During his trip, he stumbled upon a secret cave that contained many ancient books and techniques related to true cultivation.

According to the ancient records, cultivators were supposed to be able to fly in the sky.

When a true cultivator stepped into the Tribulation Stage and above, they would become an undying existence and immortals that shared the same lifespan as heaven and earth.

This was true cultivation!

This was what a true cultivator was supposed to be like!

On the other hand, the so-called Tribulation Stage cultivators in this world only had a lifespan of over 200 years. They did not have any amazing abilities and just had stronger bodies than ordinary people!

True Tribulation Stage experts would continue to ascend in their cultivation. However, the so-ascension in this world was death. The Tribulation Stage experts of this world weren't true Tribulation Stage experts at all!

Teacher Gu, especially, knew how frustrating it was because he had reached the Tribulation Stage when he was still in his fifties. After that, he had no clue how to advance to the next level. After all, according to the cultivation of this world, there was no road ahead for him to take.

Death after the Tribulation Stage was also not as mysterious as people thought it was. Regardless of whether one died of old age or died after having reached the Tribulation Stage, the final outcome was still the same!

After that trip to explore ancient artifacts, Teacher Gu read the records in ancient books and realized that the so-called immortal cultivation in this world was not true immortal cultivation.

Above the Tribulation Stage, there were higher and even more formidable realms!

Therefore, after Teacher Gu explored the ancient artifacts, he disappeared from Qin Kai Cultivation School to search for true immortal cultivation. By doing so, he had also unintentionally caused others to believe that he had already ascended.

As for the rest of the True Cultivation Faction members, some of them were influenced by Teacher Gu and yearned to also learn what true immortal cultivation was.

Some of them had similar experiences as him. After entering the Tribulation Stage, they fell into a bottleneck and unintentionally learned about true cultivation.

Such a group of people who desired true immortal cultivation spontaneously gathered together and formed a cultivation organization.

Unfortunately, everyone here was like a headless fly. They had searched bitterly for more than twenty years, but they had no clue at all. They had not even entered the true elementary level of Qi Refinement Stage.

As for those ancient books found in the secret cave, most of them had been damaged and they only managed to find a few records of cultivation. Over the years, they had relied on the one or two sentences remaining from the damaged books to try to figure out the true path of cultivation, but it was as difficult as ascending to the heavens.

However, it wasn't that they didn't have any gains. On the path of cultivation, they had actually already begun to have a bit of their own Dao and comprehension.

Ye Beixuan, for example, was a student of Teacher Gu. Because he had comprehended a trace of the Dao of Cultivation, he was able to integrate it into this world's cultivation. By doing so, his cultivation level had skyrocketed and his strength became even stronger than the Golden Core Stage experts of this world.

Otherwise, how could he break the world record for a sprint!