Killing ten clans.

This 10th foreign being looked no different from a human. There were no signs of scales or feathers on him, but he was extremely tall. When he stepped on the ground, he could reach the top of the palace with his hand.

They were the Giants that he had seen when he had first entered the historical site.

PEI Ling attacked without any hesitation. His eyes flickered and runes interweaved. [ eternal curse divine power ]!

Immediately after, he poured in his magic power and activated the [ gorgeous bone Luosha Painting ].

The originally dim Yellow Palace Hall was suddenly plunged into a ghastly atmosphere. &Quot; hehe ... Hehehe ... Hehe ... &Quot; the laughter of beautiful women rose and fell as graceful figures walked down from the screens suspended in the air. They were as beautiful as flowers and Jade, and they appeared in the entire Palace Hall with sweet smiles.