"An opportunity."

However, after waiting for a long time, the black well was still quiet and there was no movement.

Just as PEI Ling was having doubts in his heart, a strong suction force suddenly came from the bottom of the black well.

He had no power to resist and was instantly dragged down the well with his saber.

Darkness flashed past his eyes, and very quickly, the scene changed. PEI Ling discovered that he had arrived in a vast and empty Valley.

This Valley was the same as the outside of the White Palace. What entered his eyes was a desolate and silent place that had been weathered into sand. There were broken stone pillars, broken statues, and long steps that were on the verge of death ... PEI Ling only had to move slightly, and the air currents that he stirred up would cause them to collapse into sand in an instant.

Looking around, he suddenly raised his head and walked up the White pillar. What he had originally used as a pillar was the legs of a giant.