This seat is the SU Li Scripture.

Miluo River.

In the historical site.

In the dusky Yellow Valley, the air seemed to have frozen.

It was as if PEI Ling was being pressed down by an invisible giant hand. He could not help but kneel on the ground. He could not even move his fingers. His skin was torn and his flesh was bleeding. It was a hideous and terrifying sight.

In front of him, on the mountain-like throne, there was the skeleton of a giant.

The skeleton's lower jaw opened and closed, and its voice was like thunder, " "Now, swear to be loyal to me forever."

"Offer up half of your soul to show your sincerity."

"Not only can I let you live, but I can also grant you the position of the future sect master of the sage sect!"

His thunderous voice reverberated throughout the entire Valley.

The remaining broken walls turned into ashes in an instant.

Hearing this, PEI Ling's heart was instantly filled with shock. The will in the remains ... Was definitely not the original giant!