Chapter 31-hide-and! seek

There were potholes everywhere, and the smell of smoke and fire spread out. However, it was not hot, but extremely cold.

The deep pit had already expanded several times, and there were countless cracks that spread in all directions with the pit as the center.

The flower Forest at the bottom of the pit had already been destroyed. Qiao ciguang's clothes were stained with blood and his injuries were extremely severe, but his aura did not weaken at all. He stood quietly, blood still dripping from the myriad profound branch in his hand.

Behind her, there were many unconscious junior sisters. Their faces were pale and blood oozed out of their seven apertures. Their magical clothes and treasures were all shattered.

However, li lieyue did not continue to attack. Instead, he looked at the luxuriously dressed figure who was blocking in front of Qiao ciguang and the others.