Chapter 32-wooden man

In the thatched cottage by the Lotus pond.

The furnishings in the house were simple and plain, and the four walls were empty.

Ji Changfu lit the lamp and sat alone at the table. He slowly rolled up his long sleeves.

A line of blood-colored words was scribbled messily on the arm under the sleeve. At this moment, it had dried up and appeared a strange purplish-black color: &Quot; this is 'strange'. I'm losing my memory. &Quot;

His expression changed. Memory loss ... So that was the case!

No wonder he kept feeling that something was wrong!

At this thought, Ji Changfu immediately opened his storage bag and took out a talisman with blood patterns on a golden base and many strange objects drawn on it.

The talisman's aura was completely concealed, and there were no fluctuations of power. It was as if it was just a piece of gaudy paper.