Borrowing a body to become! God.

In the eternal night desert.

Under the nine towering stone pillars, BOOM!

An earth-shattering sound even covered the rolling thunder in the sky.

Ji Changfu was sent flying backward. After staggering for more than a hundred feet, he still could not stand. He knelt on one knee and kept spitting blood. His face was as pale as paper and he looked exhausted.

Not far away, Zhongkui yueji's body was bleeding profusely. The Imperial Jade seal of life fell in front of his feet. The golden light flickered for a moment before it was extinguished like a candle in the wind. It had lost its last trace of spirituality and turned into a stone.

Ning Wuye was in the best condition at the moment. He could still stand with the help of his sword, blocking the two of them. However, his face was as pale as death, and blood was slowly seeping out of his seven orifices.