What's with this container?

The will of the fallen immortal looked at this scene calmly. The deity transformation stage cultivators were divided into four levels: the third, the sixth, the ninth, and the ten thousand.

With the profound Foundation of the body of this junior he was using, it would start at the sixth tribulation. With a little preparation, it would not be difficult to reach the ninth. On the other hand, the difficulty between the ten thousand tribulations and the nine tribulations was like a natural chasm. Not only did it have extremely high requirements for the cultivation, Foundation, and Foundation of a deity transformation cultivator, but it also required the help of an opportunity that could only be encountered by luck.

However, his purpose was only to attract the divine transformation realm tribulation so that this junior could live a little longer in the dream world.

The third tribulation of the deification realm started the fastest, so he chose the third tribulation.