The person who cast the curse.

Upon hearing this, the prisoners in the " yellow " District did not have any reaction. It seemed that this was not the first time that the section leaders here had gathered everyone here, so they were already used to it.

As for the mirror Magic treasure, although he didn't know its specific use, if the Orthodox Dao really wanted to kill them, they wouldn't have to go through so much trouble.

This was most likely related to the curse these days ...

With this thought in mind, the prisoners 'eyes were all focused on the mirror, their eyes flickering and their expressions varied ...

In the crowd, long taoer frowned slightly.

The mirror gave him a very bad feeling!

However, he was now a student of the Jade Qilin Academy in the glazed tile Empire. This identity was very safe, and no one would suspect him.

Other than that, he did things very discreetly and did not reveal any flaws ...