The Wind Rises and the clouds surge.

"It's a pity that I couldn't stop him from self-destructing just now," nie biliu continued."Otherwise, I could've gotten more clues from him."

"Demonic path scoundrels, since they dared to infiltrate this place, they must have many extreme methods." All the section-grades and cane-straight people shook their heads slightly and consoled, " moreover, he came here as a student of the glazed tile Empire. If not for the three lives karma mirror, I'm afraid we would still be in the dark ... &Quot;

&Quot; I didn't expect long taoer to be the demon sect's disguise ... No wonder he's been pretending to be muddleheaded for the past few days. It's to prevent himself from revealing any flaws! &Quot;

&Quot; such a curse has never occurred in the adversity crossing abyss before. We've been investigating repeatedly these days, but we still can't find the source of the curse. So, the culprit is long taoer ... This is really unexpected ... &Quot;