Chapter 125-kill!

Dark clouds covered the moon, and a cold wind blew.

Countless reeds surged up and down, and Luhua village, which stood among them, was like a small boat in the stormy waves, which would be completely capsized at any time.

Runes flickered slightly on li lieyue's Black muslin dress. She stood in the air, her hands as slender as orchids as she slowly pinched them.


The bandits of Luhua village were all muddleheaded, and each of them showed a look of horror. Under her means, all of them had already walked out of the village.

Seeing this, li lieyue nodded slightly. Just like last time, she was in charge of commanding all the bandits, while Yan mingchen was in charge of controlling the maze along the way.

Next, as long as they got out of this Luhua village, no matter which direction these bandits ran in, even if they could fly in the sky or escape on the ground, their final destination could only be the temple of Junior Brother PEI!