Leave it to me.

In the air, the umbrella's shadows covered the moon and the stars like huge dandelions.

After all the umbrella shadows appeared, they immediately floated towards great immortal Lu Hua.

Boom boom boom boom boom!

The moment the dense umbrella shadows approached great immortal Lu Hua, they immediately exploded!

The Qi was like waves, rolling and rolling, and the earth was constantly shaking. Suddenly, sand and stones were flying. The bandits who were going to Luhua temple were shocked, and could not help but stop and look around in panic. However, all they could see was dust and sand, and there was a lot of movement coming from inside. However, they could not see anything clearly, so they were suddenly at a loss.

Outside the village, the tall reeds shook continuously. The wind howled, and the reed flowers fell crazily. As they fluttered, it was like a soft snowstorm.