Su clan's senior

The light from the wind lamp at the door was blocked, and the inside of the door immediately became dark. The reflective wall was snow-white, and it seemed to glow in the darkness. However, at this moment, it was impossible to see the specific details on it.

Scanning his surroundings carefully with his divine telekinesis, PEI Ling walked in step by step. He turned around the reflective wall and saw a small courtyard. There was a construction drum on the left and right side, decorated with tassels and feathers, which floated gently in the night wind.

In the middle was a large hall, the lights in the window frames were bright.

The sound of his footsteps was particularly loud in the courtyard. The entire courier station was dead silent, as if PEI Ling was the only one there.

PEI Ling looked around cautiously. The courtyard was spacious, the walls shaded by bamboo, the ground was paved with pebbles, and moss grew in the cracks. The aura of grass was spreading out.