Forbidden knowledge.

PEI Ling immediately stood up, but he had already executed the [ five ghost tisura escape ] and was heading towards the house behind the courier station.

The ground rippled like water, and in the center of the ripples, bloody hands reached out and grabbed his legs.

Immediately after, the bloody hand quickly climbed up and grabbed at his entire body.

PEI Ling immediately turned his head and looked at the cultivator of the Wu Shi villa, only to see that the aura around this cultivator was changing. His expression was extremely strange, and he said with a very eager tone,"Low grade celestial ..."

As soon as he finished speaking, the cultivators of the Wushi villa were slightly stunned, and they suddenly forgot what they were going to do.

In the next moment, the bloody hands around PEI Ling retreated.

He didn't hesitate and continued to escape towards the back door.
