I can leave this place immediately!

Qingyao mountain.

In the wilderness.

The trees were overgrown and the vegetation was flourishing.

Broken branches and fallen leaves fell all over the ground, and the SAP of broken plants gave off the unique fragrance of the wilderness.

A giant rock covered in moss stood quietly among them.

The beautiful female cultivator sat cross-legged on the stone. Her figure was graceful, her eyes were bright, her eyes were like peach blossoms, and her skin was smooth. Her white dress and green dress hung down by the stone Edge, like a blooming flower on the cliff.

At this moment, her slender hand was holding a flower branch that seemed to have just been snapped off from the branch. On the foot-long flower branch, there were white buds blooming, and countless small runes were destroyed. The bloodied flower bud quickly disappeared.

As the flower branches swayed, a thick fishy and sweet aura filled the six directions.