Next time, I'll go to suzhen heaven ...

In the eternal night desert.

The darkness surged like a tide, and the whispers were ear-piercing.

At the edge of the nine towering pillars, in the darkness that was occasionally illuminated by purple and green lightning, a perfect figure stood with his hands behind his back. His gaze pierced through the mountains and rivers, staring at the white bone Palace near Mount qingyao.

He had been guarding the desert of eternal night for the past year.

The seal of the fallen immortal was very safe, and there were no more problems!

It was just that the female cultivator who destroyed the seal of the fallen immortal could really endure it.

Up until now, there had been no flaws ...

However, just as this thought rose in her mind, the immortal immediately saw a long and narrow void crack open behind the female cultivator.

The black-robed arm reached out and instantly pulled the female cultivator in ...