A Bad Premonition

'Where's the snake meat?

'Hey, where's the snake meat?'

Huan Liuli ran around the entire cellar at high speed. Looking at the empty cellar, there was not even a bit of meat left. The cat was in a mess.

She was wondering why Ye Xiao had a sudden advancement earlier. He must have refined the entire Black-scaled Snake into pills!

'You deserve to be killed by the heavens. Ye Xiao, can't you leave some for me?'

Huan Liuli was so angry that she trembled in fury. Her little pink fists were clenched tightly and creaking sounds could be heard.

Without the Black-scaled Snake meat, how could she raise her strength?

When would she be able to advance her cultivation?

In 500 years, how could she accept Ye Xiao as her pet at that rate?

D*mn it!

D*mn it!