Why Have You Only Just Arrived?

Ye Xiao soon arrived at the hospital ward. Gu Hai's parents' eyes were a little red. Lu Wanwan was lying on the hospital bed. Her face was a little pale and her forehead was covered in sweat.

Lu Wanwan's mother was also there. She kept wiping her daughter's forehead.

"Ye Xiao is here!"

Father Gu greeted him. Ye Xiao nodded and walked to the front of the hospital bed.

"What happened?"

Mother Lu said,

"When Wanwan was walking, she sprained her ankle. Her body flashed for a moment, and the fetus moved violently. The doctors have already used healing techniques and placating medicine to calm it down, but the effect is not great. They said that they have invited a doctor from the neighboring city who specializes in placating babies. I'm just afraid that the child won't be able to last."

Her parents kept blaming themselves.

"It's all our fault. If only we had accompanied Wanwan."