The Final Basic Palm Technique

"Hiss! Senior Norfis! The magnificent martial arts expert!"

The other star beasts could not help but suck in a breath of cold air at the same time.

Joy appeared in their eyes.

"Not bad!"

The female star beast who spoke, dressed in a chicken fur coat, smiled and nodded.

"Senior Norfis has been famous for a long time. A thousand years ago, he had already stepped into the domain of the divine sect. Later on, he reached the peak of the divine sect and was only a step away from advancing.

"If we can save his split body first, we will have a way to save his main body.

"At that time, with the help of a peak divine grandmaster, our chances of success will be much higher."

The star beasts' lips curled up, and excited smiles began to appear on their faces.

"Foolish humans actually moved a powerful divine grandmaster like Norfis to a small place to be sealed. They really don't know what's good for them."