Synthesis, New Imperial Technique! Tathagata Divine Palm!

That caused Ye Xiao to turn his head and look at Yang Xi.

What was she doing?

She actually folded her arms and was practicing her punches by the window!

Although her arms were not thick, her muscles were especially toned!

Was that really a woman's arm?

Why did it feel so much stronger than Ning Yuhen's?

Compared to Ning Yuhen, she was practically a man among men!

"Aren't you supposed to be taking inventory? Why are you practicing?"

Ye Xiao could not help but ask.

Yang Xi stopped what she was doing and immediately replied,

"I got used to it when I was in the military camp. Before I do anything, I'll practice my punches first. Is that not allowed? Then I won't do it."

"It's fine. As long as you don't make any noise, it's fine."

"Thank you, Supervisor."

At that moment, Ye Xiao felt that the people around him were really weirder and weirder.

From the beginning, Gu Hai was not serious.