Chapter IV - That Hideous Magic

Rain water flooded the streets of Naofa as two figures fought with intensity matching the storm. Ribbons of metal slashed outwards and were deflected by a spear, causing sparks as chunks of the masterfully forged weapon were sliced away. Once glorious the ebon spear was being eroded away by the ceaseless onslaught of metal ribbons. Dolus could see in his opponent a knowledge not matching his almost childlike amount of wisdom, despite that it was clear he had unintentionally angered a Living God. Suspecting it was a ploy by Medraut to distract him from the hunt, whether intentional or not it worked.

That was not a great concern, Dolus challenged those of divine ichor before, and his pale magic had always conquered all obstacles. However the metal god was born of a primordial ichor that the storm rider had ever encountered. Accepting the futility of using the spear which would soon be cut into pieces, Dolus channeled his magic into his weapon. The formerly black spear was glowing with a pale white light, stopping his attack Chernobelo was dumbstruck by the blinding glow, Aswang shielding his eyes as he tried to warn his master, but his voice was drowned out by the raging storm. Standing still in a hypnotic state Chernobelo didn't snap out of it till Dolus launched the glowing spear at his foe.

Sliding into his metal body the spear head emerged out of his back, but it didn't pierce his skin or damage his robes, instead it sliced into Chernobelo's soul, quivering in pain he fell onto his knees as the downpour of rain continued. Trying to stand up or send out his bladed ribbons the metal god shook violently, the pain was too great, Dolus walked towards Chernobelo as though he still had two legs. Raising a hand up it was clear he was going to completely subdue his once formidable attacker.

"Stay away from him," threatened Aswang who lunged at Dolus.

Holding out his dagger the doll flew swiftly past Dolus, slicing the pale man as he passed. No blood came out of Dolus, even from his throat which was sliced open, revealing a black chasm inside. Before he could continue with a second attack, Aswang was struck in the chest with a pale white arrow fired from the tip of Dolus's forefinger. Pinning the living doll to the flooded street, submerged in feet of rainwater, Aswang had to struggle to keep his head above water, only managing to keep his mouth above surface.

Seeing Aswang being struck down made Chernobelo indescribably furious, almost insane with rage, standing almost instantly to his feet, the rain touching the metal god turned into steam from the heat radiating off his body. Shaking on his feet Chernobelo tightened his hands into tight fists, and with all his might punched Dolus in his stomach, feeling no pain Dolus flew several dozen feet away. Recovering from his rage Chernobelo pulled the spear from his body, a shrill scream came from his as he removed the spectral weapon from him, when he pulled it out the spear shattered into tiny shards. Afterwards he was fully concerned with Aswang, rushing to his small companions side he pulled the pale arrow Aswang's chest, causing the arrow to fade away. Wincing in pain the small doll was in terribly agony as Chernobelo lifted him out of the water, the wound where the arrow struck was burning him from the inside, green pile started to foam from the opening; the very sight made the metal god heart sink.

Composing himself Chernobelo whispered an incantation which closed the wound, and easing the doll's pain. Lamenting over allowing his anger to draw someone he considered family into his fight, Chernobelo was caught unawares when he was pulled backwards. Flung into the air, and sent soaring in a disorienting freefall, before being slammed into the deep flood waters of the lower streets. Pain radiated from where the spear was once imbedded, a deep rhythmic throbbing caused him to tremble in pain, as he sank under the water.

Aswang rushing to his feet followed after, despite the ache he still felt in his chest; the illuminating fog was dispating making the darkness more pronounced, except with the flashes of lightning. Up to his neck in water Aswang saw glowing in the dark void of the water the faint golden glint of his master's mask. Before he submerged into the water to save his master a firm hand gripped the back of his neck, and then his body became completely numb. Making him utterly immobile, Dolus had used a hex on Aswang making him completely paralyzed.

No effort, no matter how herculean could free him from the Dolus's power, satisfied he had what he needed Dolus decided to leave the town of Naofa. Having in his mind formed a grand machination, in his pursuit he found another pawn to be used. Already the witch and the wulver were gathering their strength to assail the Stagnant Fortress, he needed more pieces on the board to achieve his ultimate goal. Kings, warlords, and the gods have had made such plans, but Dolus although apathetic still had plots of his own.

Raising his arm in the air Dolus signalled for his mount to come, seeing its master with its keen silver eyes, the great bird rose from its perch, shaking off the rain that settled onto its thick feathers. Spreading its wings the great bird pushed itself into the air, allowing the strong wind to lift its upwards, as it glided towards its master. Aswang tried to struggle but couldn't move, his body was limp, unmoving, powerless in Dolus's hold, he wanted to do something to spare his master any future turmoil. Sensing the distress in Aswang's mind Chernobelo rose to his feet, then walked with purpose towards the pale man.

With the flashing lighting Chernobelo could see Aswang being carried off by Dolus who was climbing onto the back of a giant bird. Furious at the sight of it, set his entire body aflame with a dark crimson fire that boiled the water around him, and his robes to ashes. Charing down the streets the metal god ablazed with inner fire stood under the great thunderbird, and with his powerful arm punched it into the beast's chest. A croaking cry of pain rang out from the thunderbird as it hacked up blood. Before it could react, the flying beast fell over as its inside erupted into a blazing inferno, leaving its remains burning till all that remained was charred flesh and blackened bones.

Jumping from his mount as it fell over, still holding onto Aswang, Dolus stood in the presence of the living god, ablaze in an aura of fiery rage. Water boiled at his feet, and the stone beneath his metal feet became a molten liquid. Words of such unashamed hatred came out of Chernobelo, spoken in a dead tongue it conjured up a cataclysmic power, that could possibly destroy the town and everything around for miles.

"A true god," said Dolus "such power, but none compares to my hideous strength."

Spoken not to boast but rather to break Chernobelo's confidence, to shake his foundation, to weaken him enough for his pale magic to shatter his will. Speaking in the language of Hote, Dolus combated the living god's power with that of the towers. Pale light blinded the metal god and before he could react a strong gust of wind blew him off his feet submerging him into water once again, putting out his fire and making his body stiff. Glowing pale white the rain water formed a powerful current that swept Chernobelo into the river, burying him at the bottom of the river.

Finally subduing the living god Dolus, decided to leave and allow his prey enough rope to hang himself. Aswang still paralyzed in Dolus's grasp, he cursed his weakness for allowing his master to be defeated to his shame. Unconcerned with such thoughts Dolus saw his mount was dead, the still smouldering carcass was still of use to the pale knight. Touching the charred skull of the bird, he embedded into the beasts remains a portion of his magic, pale light glowed within the body, and rising from the grotesque remains was a phantasm of spectral light. Lightning colored deep dark blue struck the apparition multiple times till standing in the remains of his predecessor was a newly born thunderbird. Twice as large, and whose roar was so loud it shattered all the windows in town, the newborn thunderbird flapped its wings in jubilation until brought to heel by its master's command.

Kneeling to Dolus, the pale man climbed onto the bird's back then with a swift kick to the side made it take flight into the dark skies of the storm, then flew northwards turning slightly to the east, towing behind them the storm they heralded.