Chapter V - The Wake

Sunlight lit up the darkness, as the orange sun rose over the horizon giving courage to the townspeople of Naofa who hid away during the long night. Waiting to crawl out of their shelters and homes in the break of dawn. In awe of the destruction of their town and the number of the dead, so many lives lost, they were gathered up and laid to rest in the tombs west of town. Dawn, noon, and evening passed by and when the citizens rested for the night they didn't even get half the job done. Next day they woke up earlier before the sun came up and put more dead to rest, and when that finished most went to the church to hear a sermon from Father Keen.

"Wicked and saintly die alike, but only the saintly can die knowing that they go into his glory. Blood pays for their sins, for one cannot simply reach God with faithful service to the church, to truly find salvation we need to suffer and die to repay for the first sin. All who died during the storm died to pay for that crime against our one true God, bless the faithful dead and may the bloody christ lay them to rest, amen."

Spoken to his flock with sincerity, appeasing the weary souls who still had hope. Those who didn't take solace in the words of the church took pleasure in drinking grief away in the pubs. Aces of Spade was open despite the owner being deceased, no doubt the city guards will come and foreclose the business, and take possession of all it's assets for the church. Till then the servers of the pub and loyal patrons went in to drink away the last of the inventory of spirits.

"Lem was a great man," said one patron who was becoming intoxicated on wine he found in the back "may he find peace in death."

"May the Bloody Christ welcome him," said another.

Everyone in the pub who had a glass lifted it up in solemn respect.

"Anyone can respect a dead man when you're looting his business," said Medraut.

No one heard him for he was standing outside the doorway of the pub listening to the people inside, with the door smashed open the drunken praise could be heard in the streets. A wagon of skeletons rolled passed, a heavy set man pulled the wagon, the jingle of coins in his purse could be heard as walked. Smelling sin from the man Medraut knew he ransacked the homes of the dead for their savings, so in one breath he moved alongside the wagon puller took his purse and was far down the street before the purse was noticed to be gone.

"Where did it go?" said the man aloud, letting go the handles of his wagon allowing skeletons to pour into the streets.

Worried he'd be caught slacking off he hurried around to load them back onto the wagon. Medraut counted the coins in the purse, twenty bronze mints and ten silver coins from the southern kingdoms. Worth quite a bit, but Medraut had disdain for them, so when he came to the river's edge at the end of the harbor he threw them into the water. During his walk through the streets Medraut saw the ruined homes, shrines to the dead, wrecked ships, and water damage from the now receded river water.

Responsibility for this madness was on Medraut, he knew this, Dolus was merely a force with no conscious or morals, he made the choice to use Naofa it's people as a sacrifice. Knowing this he felt no guilt, instead he felt ambitious for his revenge. Sensing someone familiar Medraut looked over to see something moving under the surface of the river water. Chernobelo arose from the water weakened, climbing up onto a lower part of the dock, the metal god once out of the water vomited all the river water he swallowed.

"The river isn't as sweet as the ale," said Medraut as he walked down stairs towards Chernobelo.

Memories of seeing the man last night in the pub before the attack brought suspicious thought into his mind, he mentioned the storm rider. That must have been the pale man who broken through the door and stolen away his a part of his family. Newly enraged by the memories of his defeat the metal man pounced at the black dressed man and knocked him off his feet. Pinning him down to the wet dock floor, Chernobelo was going to demand answers.

"You spoke of the pale man," said Chernobelo "do you know where he went?"

Smirking with his large mouth Medraut could feel the desperation from the living god, and his power. Choosing caution the sly grinning figure thought it best to play with him, better to deceive him into going along on his quest for revenge.

"Please good sir, I mean you no ill," Medraut said, sounding sincere but never losing his monstrous grin, "I wish no ill will for anyone in this town, please may I stand up? My coat is getting wet."

Rising up off Medraut, Chernobelo lifted him to his feet still holding a tight grip around the collar of his coat, which he noted dried fairly quickly. Agitated he wanted to know where Aswang was, and have his vengeance on Dolus for killing Lem, for causing himself such pain, and worst of all taking away Asang.

"Where did he go?" demanded Chernobelo.

"That I cannot be sure about," answered Medraut.

A metal hand gripped around his pale neck.

"I can't tell you for sure, but you may not find him right away and he may kill your small friend if you go after him directly." elaborated Medraut.

"Where?" asked Chernobelo, his voice coming out like heat from a forge, rage in his tone.

"To the north across the river, you'll see a black tower, that is Hote's Pillar the centre of the Stagnant Fortress, that is where Dolus goes when he is done causing mischief." said Medraut.

Letting go of Medraut's neck Chernobelo walked past him, going up stairs not stopping when Medraut called after him to wait.

"If he sees you he'll kill him, or put you in the position where either you surrender or he dies." warned Medraut.

Angry at that possibility and his lack of a plan he lashed out at Medraut sending a bladed ribbon towards his head, but Medraut was quick enough to sidestep the otherwise lethal strike.

"That won't help you in the Stagnant Fortress," said Medraut "it is a labyrinth of battlements, built in the middle of a quagmire of molten black ichor, they say there is a gateway to hell deep below the tower. If you go you'll get lost without a guide."

Hearing truth in Medraut's words made him pause for a moment, going with no knowledge of the place would be a folly. Thinking, Chernobelo was reminded of a similar case where Kashchev was saving one of his concubines from a unfamiliar stronghold, he managed to save her by forcing a former servant to show him a secret entrance, then broke his neck.

"Have you been to the Stagnant Fortress?" asked Chernobelo.

Still holding his smile Medraut knew he'd ask him that eventually.

"I was a prisoner there but I escaped," Medraut said.

"Then you know how to get into the fortress undetected," said Chernobelo.

A sense of euphoria came over Medraut as blackish ooze dripped from the seams of his sharp teeth.

"I don't wish to return it is dangerous and-" Medraut started to say but was cut off when a bladed ribbon wrapped around his throat.

"Aswang would not be in danger if not for you, don't act as though you responsibility in this has gone unnoticed." Chernobelo said, tightening the ribbons around his neck.

"Please," gasped Medraut "I will guide you, just stop."

Letting go of his throat Chernobelo walked ahead determined to seek justice and reclaim a the only member of his family. Medraut followed rubbing his bruised throat wondering if he played his role too well, but his smile widened, because he got what he wanted. Dolus underestimated the metal god, and didn't fully understand his true potential, but he felt uneasy as if he was following someone else's design instead of his own. As they walked through town people jeered at Chernobelo who was naked, but neither of them paid it no mind since they were leaving town.

Leaving through the northern gate which way destroyed in the storm Medraut stopped Chernobelo to speak with him a moment.

"Pray let us have a talk before leaving," Medraut said.

Chernobelo obliged if only to see if any of it would help in their task.

"I wish to make introductions, since we will be travelling with one another, we might as well know one another's names." said Medraut "my name is Medraut and you?"

"Chernobelo," he answered.

"No family name or title?" asked Medraut.

"No," answered Chernobelo.

"Me neither," Medraut said "I like names to be pure and simple, and Chernobelo now we have introduced ourselves allow me to make a suggestion, the two of us alone may not be enough to succeed. Both of us have been subdued by the pale knight, however I have heard rumors of quite powerful in the north who also wishes to infiltrate the Stagnant Fortress."

"Who?" asked Chernobelo, a hint of suspicion in his voice.

"A mercenary who is said to have won over a thousand battles." he answered, "someone who is said to have dragon's blood in his veins, if he is just half as strong as stories say he would make a powerful ally, since our interests align."

Satisfied Chernobelo continued on and Medraut followed a few steps behind the other's pace. Sullen in his heart, the metal god regretted coming to the town, if he knew what would happen he'd never risked Aswang, a childlike need to have someone to care for him ached in his chest. Unbeknown to him Medraut could read his emotions and was thrilled to know how vulnerable he was to his manipulation. Licking his lips he imagined his moment of revenge, where he'd tear off his father's head for what he did to him and his mother.

Storm clouds gathered in the north eastern sky, right where the Stagnant Fortress was, Dolus had returned to his roost. Lightning flashes within the storm clouds caught both of their attentions, following with a boom of thunder that reminded them of when the storm rider came to Naofa.