Encounter with an Ugly Girl

It's mid-autumn in October, the weather is nice though! However, the wind blew yellow sand filled the whole sky, making the whole Yunhai City look very dreary.

Hua Zishu went to the library early in the morning and searched the anatomy column of the medical section on the fourth floor for most of the day! He found several thick books on anatomy and read them with great interest while standing and opening them! Although he can cure many strange and difficult diseases, however, also limited with Chinese medicine, acupuncture. He believes that the anatomy of the West is still worth learning! He currently does not know anything about anatomy! After all, he has not had the opportunity to dissect a dead person! So, he is now frantically absorbing the theoretical knowledge of anatomy, so that he can practice when he encounters this opportunity.

He stood for a few moments, feeling a little tired of reading like this, so he simply walked in the left-hand window of the library building, where there are tables and chairs, he was immersed in the medical arts, casually sat down at a table, and did not look at his surroundings, then seriously read the book! Not paying any attention to the table he sat at has actually been sitting a person.

This person, many people in the school remember, but, should be in addition to him. This person is a girl. It was a girl with beautiful long hair! Slender figure, round ass, two slender legs, small waist. Just by looking at this back of her alone, this girl can definitely be called the Nine Heavenly Mystical Maidens down to earth, perhaps not even one ten thousandth as good as this girl! However, if you look at her face! Guaranteed you will spit out the overnight meal! Because that girl's face is incredibly ugly! A pair of small eyes, big mouth, dull skin, not to mention spots, pockmarks, and a lot of chicken pox, pores and thick, and a scar on the left cheek left by the fire! This scar makes her even uglier. All the boys at school were worried about her when they saw her, and it was really courageous of her to appear so ugly.

She also knows that no matter where she sits, there should be no one, but today is strange! Someone actually dared to sit with her, not afraid of being scared shitless by her own ugliness! She raised her head slightly and saw Hua Zishu sitting quietly across from her, she was instead stunned. Staring wide-eyed and surprised at the student sitting across from her, she felt very strange! However, at this moment, she was mentally muttering, this person, eh, so familiar! She looked at the boy's wearing a plain white Zhongshan suit across from her, and after she was slightly flabbergasted, her small eyes rolled. She also knew who the person sitting across from her was! It's rare! To meet the legendary first strange man! What a day it is! But she questioned in her mind, this person can be called 'strange man', but no one can say his peculiarities! However, the most obvious thing is his costume. Dang it! Who else is wearing the Zhongshan suit of the founding period? This person is not deliberately so, or his family is poor, or he himself loves such style of clothes. I'll have to ask myself.

"Hello!" The ugly girl called out boldly, this girl is probably in the mindset of catching people! Her voice was loud, in fact, she also wanted to know how the character in front of her, who was called 'strange' by the school, would behave if she saw the ugliest person in the world! She was looking forward to it. So, she simply took the initiative.

Hua Zishu has a bad habit when he reads books! He will definitely do it to the point of not listening to anything outside the window! His mind is immersed in the book, you are shouting at his ears, screaming to the heavens and earth! It is estimated that he will not pay attention to you.

This girl's behavior was watched by other students in the library! They have shown incredible eyes! I guess they are wondering in their hearts! There are people who don't mind being ugly and dare to share a table with this incredibly ugly person! This person is not a psychological problem, it is absolutely blind or more likely to be a pervert. Someone even used a cell phone to take a picture of this scene! Intended to go back on the network! This will definitely cause another wave of debate! These are the things that the people involved do not know.

When many students saw that the person sitting at the same table with the ugly girl was the number one ranked strange person on the list! They couldn't help but say in their hearts: "It's the legendary wonder man! I can't believe that I can sit with this ugly woman who has nightmares without fear! Great, great, admire admire. The strange man is worthy of being a strange man."

The expressions on the face of every student reading on the fourth floor indicated their attitude, but this girl could see clearly, and she heard clearly what the students said. She immediately stood up and said to these people who slowly gathered around: "What to see, have not seen the big beauty it!" Once the words were finished, the boys and girls also threw a winks!

The girls heard these words, each felt dizzy! Sorry. Turn around and go downstairs.

The boys listened to the words, in seeing her throw over the winks, one by one with their hands over their mouths have to run upstairs or downstairs! A few moments later, the fourth floor turned except for the two of them, there was no one left.

Hua Zishu is not concerned about all this! Just concentrate on the books in their hands.

The girl was very curious at this time, and she wanted to know what kind of mentality the person in front of her had dared to share a table with herself! She saw Hua Zishu's eyes were always fixed on the book! She didn't even look at herself! She said to herself, "What a good actor! The way he reads books is comparable to that 'bookworm' Wang Haoran, and she wanted to laugh when she thought of that 'bookworm' Wang Haoran! He was almost deranged by his own whole! He would avoid seeing himself.

Hua Zishu slowly finished reading a few chapters, but the names of several instruments in the book do not quite understand! Would love to use a pen to record these names! But, reached in his jacket pocket and fumbled around for a while, did not feel the pen when he then turned back from the book!

The ugly girl would have been carefully sizing up Hua Zishu's face! The eyes were bright, the eyebrows were good! The nose is also straight, and the mouth is also good! But, also belongs to the kind of person who is barely passable, more originally can not talk about the type of beautiful man! She unknowingly moved her position to the side of Hua Zishu, almost shoulder to shoulder!

Hua Zishu has sensed that there are people around, but he did not pay attention to the meaning of these words in the book he is a little confused! He was thinking.

The ugly girl looked at this 'strange man' for a good half day, those eyes did not move at all from the book in his hand! What book is he reading, reading so fascinated, even I am such a big ugly woman sitting next to him, he is unaware of, this person is not with that 'bookworm' is a brother.

"Do you have a pen? Please lend me one, okay?" Hua Zishu said. However, he still didn't turn back! Instead, he put his hand out.

The ugly girl was almost shocked by the sound this Hua Zishu made! She patted her chest with her hand! Then she picked up the ballpoint pen and handed it to him, and her head came over, suddenly! Her ugly face turned red, stood up, pointed her finger at Hua Zishu and cursed loudly: "You stinking rascal, actually sitting across from me in the library reading yellow books! How dare you!" As soon as the words were finished, she turned around and walked away, but after a few steps, she stopped and said, "I'll go to the school and file a complaint!" Then, she took out the phone and dialed a number! She shouted into the phone, "Someone is playing a rascal on the fourth floor of the library! Please ask the comrades from the security department to come and deal with it!" As soon as the words were finished, she hung up the phone and then proudly put her hands around her chest.

Hua Zishu was startled by this ugly girl's cursing! He looked back, but saw a tall, curvy, but unfortunately ugly girl standing across the room with her hands wrapped around her chest and a cell phone in her hand. And of course heard clearly what she said in her mouth about playing a rascal! He just didn't know the meaning of reading yellow books and being a hooligan in the mouth of this ugly-looking girl. Hua Zishu looked at the ugly girl and suddenly remembered a classic phrase from the online novels he read in the starting point Chinese web site! "It's not your fault that you're ugly! Running out and scaring people is your fault!" However, he was too embarrassed to say this sentence! After all, this ugly girl said she was reading pornographic books and playing tricks! That's really wronged myself, I'm reading a human anatomy book, how can this anatomy book be linked to yellow books and playing a hooligan! I have to listen to what she has to explain.

At this time, another group of students slowly came up on the fourth floor, and every one of them would look at the two of them with astonishment! At this time, two comrades from the security department came upstairs! As soon as they came up, they took a look at the girl with her arms around her and asked seriously, "Who just reported that someone was playing a rascal on the fourth floor of the library?"

Hua Zishu saw the person wearing the school's security department clothing coming up! He just looked at the ugly girl's face with a pitiful gaze! But he suddenly fixed his gaze on the girl's face, the scar on the girl's face was obviously burned by fire, why the color but not quite right, and why this girl this look extremely does not match it! He slowly stood up, a pair of eyes but deadly stare at her face.

The girl pointed at Hua Zishu with one hand and said to the two comrades in the security section standing in front of her, "This guy is blatantly reading yellow books in front of me! His behavior is absolutely nasty! Shameful. Please ask the comrades of the security department to ask him to leave the library and return the reputation of the library to this kind of scum, scum and degrading guy!"

The two comrades of the security section did not look at the girl for more than a second, and immediately shifted elsewhere! The two comrades of the security section originally had different views on the aesthetics of beauty, this time actually have the same view, are thinking in their hearts: "My mom yo hey, long heard the legend that our school has a super beauty, there is also a super dinosaur! Super beauty we are not lucky to meet, this super dinosaur is lucky to see, alas! I don't know what kind of bad luck I had today!"

Two people walked in front of Hua Ziwen, one after the other! One of the comrades also looked at the young man with a sympathetic eye! He said in a whisper: "I say, brother! You have to choose a person to be a hooligan! You can read yellow books in front of this level of women, really admire you ah!"

The voice was small, but the girl with her arms around her could hear it clearly! She glared at the comrade from the security section with hatred and said, "What do you mean by that? You mean to say that my ugly looks also affect his mind to play hooliganism, you mean to encourage him to play hooliganism! No wonder there are so many horny people in our school. The school hired you to keep the school safe, not to come to this school to look at girls! Wait, I'll sue you at the school right away!"

Hua Ziwen looked at the two comrades of the security department with a pitiful gaze and sighed deeply!

The comrades of the security department knew that this school was the first noble academy in China, and those who came to study in this school were all rich and powerful and had people behind them! The girl in front of you is ugly, but she really speaks with the same aura as those who are always in high positions. She must be the daughter of a rich and powerful man! She said this sentence and then did not even take the book, stomp downstairs and go! Many people watched her leave and had a thought in their hearts! Even Hua Ziwen also had that thought "just look at the back of this girl! People want to commit crimes! Unfortunately, the face is really a bit sorry for the audience! Ugh! It's a pity!"

The hand of one of the security section took the anatomy book from Hua Zishu's hand! After taking a closer look, he shook his head with a bitter smile, then handed the book to another person and said, "This girl ah! We're really unlucky today!"

Another comrade from the security section took the book in Hua Zishu's hand, flipped through it, and then handed it back to Hua Zishu, but said nothing! Then he went downstairs with the other one.

Hua Zishu encountered such a scene, also have no mood to stay in the library! A few students gathered around to watch the fun have cast curious glances at Hua Zishu are saying in their hearts: "Oh my! This is the number one 'strange person' on campus! He is indeed strange in every way!"

Hua Zishu went downstairs and walked at the entrance of the stairs. He couldn't help but shake his head and said to himself, "So the origin of my 'strange man' name means strange, not magical. Alas! Failure ah!"

Zhang Xin'er and Li Junyi two girls hurriedly ran up to the fourth floor! And that just about to come down the stairs of the girl whose ugly incomparable also played a face-to-face! On the surface, Li Junyi definitely looks like a very gentle, kind and understanding girl! In fact, she has a nickname at home as a little witch. She saw the girl's ugly face, and the girl was also looking at herself with clear eyes! Li Junyi then smiled at her! Then she anxiously took Zhang Xin'er's hand and walked towards the bookshelf.

Zhang Xin'er likewise looked at this girl! However, this girl's face took her by surprise! She looked at this girl's figure so attractive, and also her hair was flowing! But with a face that does not match at all! It was like a work of God, perfection with great regret, the ugly face seemed to be deliberately made to disguise the general! Zhang Xin'er is from a medical family! Seeing naturally extraordinary! She looked at this girl, psychologically actually fierce up a strong desire! She wanted to get to know her, and if she was lucky, she wanted to treat the scars left on her face and those unsightly chicken pox and yellow spots!

The ugly girl didn't give Zhang Xin'er a chance to speak! Just now, she had been stared at by that 'Zhongshan Wonderful Man', and now there was this woman! She was so flustered that she told herself she'd better stay away from them both! Especially the one who called 'strange man'! Why do I have such a panicky feeling in front of him! It's really strange. So, I have to be doubly careful in the future, with the two of them in the place, I am kind of afraid, retreat!

Since then, one of the students in the journalism department seems to have noticed a pattern in the school! That is, where the ugly girl stays, there is not a single male or female student sitting there. However, as soon as the 'Zhongshan Wonderful Man' came, the ugly girl immediately dodged! As if to her, this 'Zhongshan Wonderful Man' like a plague so frightening to her.

The ugly girl hurriedly went downstairs!

Zhang Xin'er was pulled by Li Junyi to the rows of bookshelves.