Street Medicine

"According to you! Mr. Lin's current symptoms then is very strange, its condition is strictly speaking a type of heart disease, all the signs indicate that it also belongs to coronary heart disease, of course Western medicine is correct to designate it as coronary heart disease to treat, however, the treatment can not take good results! This means that Mr. Lin Shi's disease is not an ordinary coronary heart disease! According to my estimation, her heart meridians have been damaged! That's why the weird symptoms you mentioned!" Zhang Xin'er said as she walked.

Li Junyi listened with a sense of understanding! She said anxiously, "Why don't you just tell me if Ms. Lin can be saved? These medical things, you give me said, it is also in vain." Li Junyi's biggest worry now is this! First save Lin Shi sister's life before talking about the rest, the other what is very good to say! She also urged: "Good sister, you just hurry up! I'm in a hurry! Come with me to the hospital to see her! Good sister! I beg you as a sister!"

Zhang Xin'er said to Li Junyi: "Okay, okay, you do not panic! I need to know from the book what are the characteristics of this disease in the West! How is the treatment, I have to go back and ask grandpa what treatment is available in Chinese medicine, but, don't worry, I brought a medicine that will keep Mr. Lin's life function! And, I found the book, I'll go right away, don't you be so alarmed! Okay!"

"Okay, okay," Li Junyi at this time there is no hint of beauty should have the demeanor, after all, remembering the fallen in bed best friend and sister Lin Shi is in danger, she there can still maintain the previous calm heart. She is herself a girl with an impatient nature, the usual quiet, that is pretending, but also her mother's instructions to come.

Zhang Xin'er turned to say: "By the way, you said that the hospital doctors have ruled that Mr. Lin's disease can not be saved, how do you determine that Chinese medicine will have hope!"

"Couldn't Chinese medicine also work?" When Li Junyi heard this, she felt dizzy, but she had heard from others that she could try Chinese medicine, now she just wanted to treat the dead horse as a living horse, not to abandon it, and not to give up. She grabbed Zhang Xin'er's hand and said nervously, "According to what you mean, Western medicine doesn't work, Chinese medicine doesn't work either?"

"Alas! Many of the best techniques of Chinese medicine have been lost! In fact, if my grandfather hadn't been injured, there might still be a cure for Mr. Lin's illness, but now I'm afraid that no one can save Mr. Lin's illness!" Zhang Xin'er finished these few words, and was also gloomy.

Li Junyi hugged a few books and pulled Zhang Xin'er, she said, "It's getting late, I'll take you to the hospital to see sister Lin Shi!" Two girls in a hurry suddenly collided with a person at the corner! And also knocked the book out of their hands.

Zhang Xin'er took a look and the teenager standing in front of her was none other than the 'strange man' that she had seen ranked first on the school forum, with a cold face and a pair of wise eyes! Wearing a plain white Zhongshan suit! This Zhongshan suit on his body, but a unique flavor! She wondered what era it was, but he was still wearing the Zhongshan suit of the early founding of the country, no wonder he was called a 'strange man'!

So he is a strange person ah!

Li Junyi squatting on the ground to check the books! When she looked up and found out that it was the boy she had an affair with on the playground, 'Zhongshan Qi Ren', she was going to throw a fit, yeah! He actually treats this Miss as trouble, it is really outrageous. However, once she saw his cold eyes, she had to give up, in addition she is now worried for the sake of Mr. Lin's illness, so the mood is not good, she reached out and pulled Zhang Xin'er who was looking at Hua Zishu dazed and ran downstairs!

Hua Zishu, however, looked at them both with great surprise, but his heart was strongly shaken. His eyes were glued to Zhang Xin'er's back, unable to turn his eyes.

Minister of Defense Lin was seventy-three years old! Don't look at his ancient age! But has a steady body. He still speaks with a strong voice.

Otherwise, he would not have stayed in this position in the Ministry of National Defense for more than twenty years.

Minister Lin received a call from the hospital! A decision has been made about his granddaughter Lin Shi's condition. Upon hearing this, Minister Lin temporarily put aside all his affairs and rushed to the First People's Hospital in Yunhai City in a hurry! His whereabouts were secret! Even the mayor of Yunhai City, Huang Yangfeng, didn't know!

The First People's Hospital of the City! Several national attending doctors stood outside the higher nursing home with a face of regret, whispering about the patient's physical condition! They had no hope for the outcome of the diagnosis and treatment! The patient's health is not only coronary heart disease! But also severe hypertension! Moreover, the patient did not have the will to survive, and the hope of a successful organ replacement surgery was only one in ten thousand.

Zhang Xin'er didn't know who the tall and imposing old man was that came in! She just faintly swept up! Then she concentrated on taking the pulse of Lin Shi, who was lying on the bed, and when Li Junyi saw the old man, she bent over respectfully! Showing respect! Then she looked at her good friend and teacher, Lin Shi, who was closing her eyes and breathing slowly! Her life was at stake! She couldn't help but have tears streaming down her face!

Zhang Xin'er, who was taking Lin Shi's pulse, looked extremely heavy! After a few moments! After a few moments, she withdrew her hand and stood up! She slowly put Lin Shi's hand into the blanket! Then turned her head.

"Xin'er, how is it! Is there any hope for sister Lin Shi?" Li Junyi asked eagerly.

The old man didn't know what to do for a while! He looked at this young girl in front of him, who actually knew how to take a pulse! He really did not believe it! However, he remained calm, and his tiger eyes were fixed on Zhang Xin'er! Li Junyi immediately said to Zhang Xin'er: "Xin'er, let me introduce you! This is Sister Lin Shi's grandfather! Grandpa Lin, this is our good friend Zhang Xin'er! Grandpa, don't look at her young age! She is from a medical family and her medical skills are superb!"

Minister Lin wasn't in the mood to listen either, however, he still politely gave Zhang Xin'er an amiable smile. Then he put his whole heart and soul into his only granddaughter! His son and daughter-in-law were all killed in a car accident, and he only had his granddaughter as a companion! The only family member, and now, the only precious granddaughter to accompany him is leaving him! What's the point of living? For a moment, he seemed to have aged a dozen years, and he sat heavily on the edge of the bed! Looked kindly at Lin Shi, suddenly old tears! Could not say anything.

"Xin'er, say something! Sister Lin, is she saved or not! Is there help!" She was also panicked! She had never seen Grandpa Lin as sad as he was today! When Uncle Lin and Auntie Lu died, Grandpa Lin was also very strong! Now it was as if Grandpa Lin had suddenly collapsed! Now the grandpa Lin seems to be all of a sudden, his heart is also very hard to get up. She tugged Zhang Xin'er's hand, tears could not stop coming out of her eyes!

"Unless the descendant of the Hua family, Hua Tianxiang, is there! Then there is help!" Zhang Xin'er suddenly said.

When these words came out, Minister Lin, who was sitting at the edge of the bed, heard them clearly! He quickly turned around, and his thin but strong hands grabbed Zhang Xin'er's shoulders at once! He said pleadingly, "This Hua Tianxiang is there, tell me, I will go and invite him!"

"Grandpa Lin, Hua Tianxiang died five years ago, died in an inexplicable fire! Because Lin's sister's illness was similar to Huang Xinwen, the daughter of the mayor of Yunhai City, Huang Yangfeng, back then! Hua Tianxiang then treated her! At that time, Hua Tianxiang was only 14 years old! As long as he is here, Ms. Lin Shi will be saved! Now I'm using medicine to control her for three days without relapse! If, after three days, no cure can be found ..." Zhang Xin'er does not say the latter words, the meaning is understood by all.

"Yes! News told me that Hua Tianxiang the medical genius has disappeared five years ago, but did not hear that it was burned to death by fire words ah! Alas! How can my granddaughter be so miserable! Alas!" Minister Lin let out a sigh! Look extremely miserable ...

Zhang Xin'er and Li Junyi both walked out of the hospital!

"Sister Yi, you go back to school! I'll go home and ask grandpa for advice to see if he has any solutions for this disease!" Zhang Xin'er said to Li Junyi.

When Li Junyi heard this, she hurriedly pulled Zhang Xin'er and asked eagerly, "Sister Xin'er, do you think Grandpa is sure about sister Lin Shi's illness?"

When Zhang Xin'er heard that, her face had another layer of worries! She said quietly: "Grandpa is suffering from a strange disease, it is difficult to walk people! How can he cure others? Sister Yi, you'd better go back to school! Don't you have classes this afternoon?"

Li Junyi was also in an extremely depressed mood! After the two of them separated! Li Junyi didn't want to go to class, so she skipped around on the road! But she had no intention of going back to school.

Hua Zishu was walking on the street! He was extremely bored! He saw a fat and ugly girl pass by him! He inexplicably remembered the ugly girl he saw in the library! Instantly, his brow furrowed slightly and he said to himself, "The scars on her face are obviously fire wounds! But why the color, the symptoms shown by the scars and completely different from those caused by a real blaze! Look at the color of her human skin and the skin tone on her face as well! According to the genetics point of view! A woman with such perfect body proportions cannot have such an ugly face! What could be the reason for this? What is the cause? When I get a chance, I'll definitely go to her to study her, and I'd better convince her to be my own white mouse, and when I learn surgery, I'll also give her a face-lift! I guess she is also willing to be their own white mouse, after all, that woman does not love beauty ah!"

He was on the street with his hands in his pants bag! While thinking randomly, while walking casually. Just walked to the center of the lotus leaf street! Suddenly, he saw a group of people gathered in front of him! He looked, after all, teenagers like to see some lively nature, so also walked up.

When he went up there, he found two young men lying on the ground, rolling on the ground, holding their stomachs! The expression is very painful, estimated to be suffering from some kind of torture. Moreover, they also vomited, vomiting clothes, a lot of dirty filth on the ground. The smell is very unpleasant, many passers-by can not stand the smell, have covered their noses with their hands and took a few steps back!

A woman dressed in a very delicate, is crying next to these two young people! The people around are more people talking! Almost no one to help! There are even a lot of smiling faces watching the action. Hua Zishu took a look at the basic symptoms of the two young people and knew that the two of them should be food poisoning! And belong to the kind of more serious chemical food poisoning! If not promptly sent to the hospital for treatment, I'm afraid that within ten minutes, will not be treated and died.

The girl's crying voice is very desolate! Now the two young people's bodies have slowly become soft and cold! Both eyes are white and foaming at the mouth! The woman panicked! Crying and do not know what to do! This place is far from the hospital! The people around also began to tell the girls to send the two young people to the hospital as soon as possible! She immediately took out her cell phone and called 120, but she didn't know when the 120 ambulance would come. The company's main business is to provide a wide range of products and services to the public. By this time, the roadside watching up to a hundred people, but no one out to help.

Cold eyes of the two young people on the ground, I'm afraid that the hospital will not be able to live, they are to save or not to save! He was calculating in his heart! Look at the girl's red and swollen eyes! Hoarse voice! The poor situation of begging for mercy everywhere.

He sighed and said to himself, "I hope they're lucky and don't cut themselves off!"

At this time, Li Junyi also walked to the center of Lotus Leaf Street! Seeing the street, clogged with cars, and the place in front surrounded by many people! She thought there was a car accident in front of her! So, she also walked up quickly! She knew a little about what the pedestrians were saying, but it turned out to be two young people with food poisoning! She was also very curious, and went to the crowd.

Hua Zishu went to the girl and asked with concern: "May I ask what the two young people have to do with you!"

The girl was feeling very flustered! Looking at a boy wearing a somewhat strange costume asked herself the relationship with these two people on the ground! She answered with a whimper that one of these two young men was her brother and one was her boyfriend!

Hua Zishu pointed to the two of them and asked, "Their surnames!"

The pedestrians around were surprised that there were still people in this era wearing Zhongshan uniforms from the early days of the founding of the country! But the Zhongshan suit looked very appropriate on this young man's body! Although it looked a bit awkward to the eyes! But no one laughed! After all, it is people's hobby and freedom to wear what kind of clothing.

Li Junyi looked at Hua Zishu is there to ask the words of the lady! She said to herself with an elevated position, "Such a coincidence to meet him, what is his relationship with the two young people on the ground!" Li Junyi did not say hello to Hua Zishu! However, she continued to look on.

The girl took a look at the boy in front of her and replied with her mouth, "My surname is He, and this is my boyfriend, surnamed Huang!"

Hua Zishu heard, with a pair of regretful eyes swept his boyfriend a glance, thinking: "Sorry, you are not saved!" He took a big stride and went over to that young man over there! He sharply made an adjustment to the boy's body! And then! He took out a small wallet from his pocket! Put the wallet on the ground! Only then did the passersby around see clearly! It turned out that the wallet is a row of shiny gold needles, and yellow silver needles. Only then did everyone know that this young man was a doctor!

Hua Zishu knew that this young man was poisoned more deeply than the young man named Huang! I hope that Huang himself can support until the arrival of the ambulance! I hope I can escape this disaster! He reached out and ripped open the young man's shirt and flipped him over! Then he reached down and slapped him on the back, unbuckled the belt from his pants, and bolted it around his waist! Took out a few silver needles and stuck them around his stomach, holding the needles with two fingers and turning them constantly. The patient's face was now changing erratically.

Hua Zishu took the delicate knife! Slashed at the young man's finger! At once a stream of black blood flowed out at once! When Hua Zishu saw that young man's face recovered somewhat! He then loosened the belt on his waist! Silver%Fox@Book%Bar supported his body, and then reached palm on that young man's back, back and forth, rubbing, pinching, kneading. Called over a girl beside him to help himself, Li Junyi once he actually called his own helper, she hesitated, but squatted down and stretched out his hand to the young man's body to stabilize!

Hua Zishu face solemnly picked up the ground silver needles, lightning, sharp, inserted in the young man's chest, back, so a turn of the eye, suddenly, the young man opened his mouth is "wow, wow, wow" a few big mouth, spitting out a lot of dirty things! The face instantly regained its redness, breathing is also much clearer!

Hua Zishu then took the young man's pulse, feeling slowly normal, and only then collected his silver needles, and then looked at the girl squatting beside him! Suddenly he was amazed!

He was surprised and asked, "How did you get here!"

Li Junyi smiled and said, "Hello!"

Hua Zishu did not have a good face! He didn't say much, and stood up after putting away the guy! To the girl said: "Your brother is out of danger! He will wake up later! But, also have to go to the hospital infusion, appropriate to eat some porridge to adjust, in order to heal, also does not leave any after-effects."

The girl listened! She quickly thanked Hua Zishu, and then said in a pleading tone: "Benefactor, thank you, and please save my boyfriend!"

When Hua Zishu heard this, he said to the girl in an extremely indifferent tone, "Sorry, I can't save your boyfriend! Please forgive me!"

The moment these words came out, all the passers-by around him, both young and old, were incredulous! Including Li Junyi who was standing beside him! She also had a confused look on her face!