Boys and Girls

Hua Zishu returned to his dormitory in a state of disinterest! Lie down on the bed! Faintly closed his eyes! He also hoped that the young man could live, but, why should he be surnamed Huang, why should I take these sins with the whole world surnamed Huang! But why should I save him, do I have the right to save him? Do I have the right to save him? Do I have the obligation to save him? My family, my neighbors, my friends are there when they need to be saved! Why won't anyone save it ...

He felt distracted! So he climbed out of bed and wandered aimlessly around the campus!

He didn't know how many times he wandered around! All he knew was that from late afternoon to late night! He walked around the campus, in the meadow, in the garden, by the lake, on the bridge, etc.! The mind still did not calm down, but more and more confused!

Huang Tiansheng found Ma Wenjun, Xiao Daming and Wang Shaofeng!

The four of them came to the school's "Friendship Bar" and asked the waiter for a few beers at the same time, and Ma Wenjun whistled at the waitress! The girl looked back, smiled sweetly, and left!

The four sat together, drinking and chatting at the same time. The eyes also scanned everywhere with impunity! Hope to see a few beautiful lonely sister. Unfortunately, there were not many sisters to drink and dance with this night! Several of them heard from people that this campus bar every night after 22:00, there will be a lot of girls come here to drink and dance, that play is not lost to the boys.

"Brother Huang, is it too early to ask us to come here, now there is not a single sister in the field, alas! You are not going to have something to say to us brothers, right! If that's the case, feel free to say it! The company's righteousness is enough." Ma Wenjun took a sip of beer and said boldly.

Huang Tiansheng hehe smiled, a beer and he clinked, said dryly: "Thank you! In fact, today to find you brothers drinking and chatting, really want to ask you to do me a favor! Help me find a girl within this college!"

This statement, immediately let Ma Wenjun, Wang Shaofeng two people hehe unkindly laughed! The laughter was very unrestrained.

"This girl is the one flower on the school academy ranking ah! Big brother Huang, you tell me, brother promise, will not cross the knife to take love!" Wang Shaofeng slapped his chest and said.

Xiao Daming immediately took over the mouth, he hurriedly said, "Boss Huang, however, I affirm first, except for Li Junyi, whoever you want to chase, I will help you!"

Huang Tiansheng looked at Xiao Daming and said with a smile, "Oh, don't worry, your Jun Yi sister, is no one dares to hit on her! Including me! Oh!"

Xiao Daming heard, suddenly remembered that this morning met the teenager called 'Zhongshan strange man', he several inexplicably want to lose his temper, he fiercely ripped off his tie, heavily slapped the table, fiercely took a sip of wine.

Huang Tiansheng looked at Xiao Daming this look, although he did not know the reason, however, he also knew the problem there!

Wang Shaofeng and Ma Wenjun that is informed, also told Huang Tiansheng one by one!

Huang Tiansheng heard, also silent, he knows this Tie Sheng's kung fu is really powerful and extraordinary, not ordinary people can provoke, if the campus has Tie Sheng cover that Huazi Shu, although they have some power, but also dare not go to provoke him! However, this Yunhai City is still its own territory after all! Many relationships can take care of themselves! The glass of wine in his hand slowly turned around! Said: "Do not provoke him in school, but, if in society, we can clean him up! What do you all think!"

Xiao Daming heard, a turn of mind, and knew the attention of this Huang Tiansheng! However, the death of a person as long as there is no evidence, it is not a big deal! Hearing these words, his heart felt better!

Huang Tiansheng raised his glass to Xiao Daming, the former smiled and said: "What's yours will be yours after all, you are a prince, what the hell are you afraid of him! In Yunhai City is not my call! If I say he's black, he's black, if I say he's white, he's white! Don't worry, come on, come on, come on, let's drink with Xiao Daming! Let's have a good time tonight!"

Ma Wenjun took out the phone at this time and said, "I'll take a call!" Then put the phone to his ear and said loudly, "Speak louder!"

Huang Tiansheng and Xiao Daming, Wang Shaofeng clinked glasses, finished the cup of wine in his hands, and then put his eyes to the central dance floor, a pair of hungry wolf-like gaze searched around to see if there is a need for prey.

"I can't find out where that guy came from! I don't even know the truth of the name, it's a shame, it's better to have a dog than a bunch of losers like them." Ma Wenjun put away the phone and cursed and finished the wine in his hand!

"By the way, Brother Huang, who are you looking for!" Wang Shaofeng suddenly turned his head and asked.

"Her name is Han Xin," Huang Tiansheng said as he poured himself a drink.

"Boss, your vision is high! To hit the attention of our school's number one beauty! But, now a lot of legends, said the school simply does not have this girl it! Think about it, almost two months, almost no one has seen her!" Wang Shaofeng is also a fan of this Han Xin! What a pity! He is now wondering if this girl really exists!

Huang Tiansheng said with a smile of certainty: "She is real! And I have seen it! This girl's beauty is absolutely beautiful, any TV actress will be dwarfed in front of her! Moreover, I have a bet with her!"

"What kind of bet!" Wang Shaofeng asked curiously.

Ma Wenjun and Xiao Daming both listened carefully too!

"As long as I find her in school, she will be my girlfriend!"

"Wow ...." A few people let out a shriek in unison! Causing the other students in the bar to cast many glances!

Xiao Daming picked up the mouth and asked, "Could it be that Li Junyi can't compete with her either!"

Huang Tiansheng laughed heatedly, slapped Xiao Daming on the shoulder and said, "Jun Yi is unable to compare with her, otherwise, why would your Jun Yi be shot at third! However, your Jun Yi is visible and tangible, but my beloved is nowhere to be seen! Brother!"

Xiao Daming thought of this before he smiled tenderly. He said, "Yes! As long as I can catch up with Li Junyi, I'm satisfied!"


Li Junyi lay in her bed, tossing and turning, unable to sleep! Thinking of the young man who died on the street today! She felt sorry for him, and felt great sympathy for the girl's grief! When she thought of her good friend Lin Shi now lying in a hospital bed waiting for the call of death! Her heart was even more painful!

She stared at the ceiling with wide eyes! These days, for the sake of sister Lin's condition, she was not thinking about food and tea! She was not able to sleep well, and slowly, the expression of that young man came to her mind! A trace, so clear, so natural! She was immersed in that boy's cold, indifferent eyes! She remembered that he said he had a nickname, something about not saving the dead! That teenager is not handsome, but why there is a regal aura! Li Junyi turned around and called out in her heart, "Oh my God! Oh my God! Why am I thinking about him?"

"You're up there tossing and turning and doing it!" Zhao Jing asked with hazel eyes open in the bed.

"I can't sleep! My heart is in turmoil and I'm scared!" Li Junyi crawled on the head of the bed, sticking her head to the edge of the bed, looking at Zhao Jing who got out of bed and said, "Don't you sleep either, get up and talk with me, okay?"

"Oh my God! My lady, what time is it now, can't you see that I'm weak and extremely tired now?" Zhao Jing reached over and pulled the quilt over her head and added, "Find someone to talk with you, please go to Fifi, or find Xia Zi!"

Li Junyi smiled bitterly and said to herself, "Today I witnessed a young man die alive under my own nose on the side of the road! I feel that the relationship between people is so indifferent! The young man who knows the art of medicine could have saved him if he had only reached out! He could have survived in this society, and he would have entered into a happy marriage with that girl three months later! But, why is his life so thin ..."

"Sister Jun Yi, what kind of lament are you making again!" The girl across the table sat up and asked.

Li Junyi said quietly: "Yuan Xia, you say, how much is a human life worth?"

"How much is a human life worth, oh my! You asked me this question! I'll tell you what! The value of a human life is measured by its status! To put it nicely, it depends on what this person has contributed to society, I should say, how much society needs this person to determine his value! For example, a beggar, his life is worthless! Although he is also a life! If he freezes to death, starving to death on the roadside, he at most in exchange for everyone's sympathy! If a person with hundreds of millions of dollars of property and a great contribution to society dies, then his life is much more valuable!" Yuan Xia shook her head and said.

Lv Fei while climbing up the bed, while laughing and saying: "Oh, I see you, not in what Chinese Department! Why don't you just switch to the philosophy department? Look at what you just said! So thoughtful and profound, really great!"

"Oh, you're right! You don't even know who I am!" Yuan Xia said with a smile.

Li Junyi thought about the words that came out of Yuan Xia's mouth! She fell into a deep thought! She thought of her good friend and sister, Ms. Lin Shi! Teacher Lin Shi was kind, simple, and of noble status! She had no idea that she was suffering from such a terrible disease! Now even the doctors have pronounced her death sentence! Who can save her? Who has the power to keep her alive?

Grandpa Lin is the most unfortunate person in the world! His son and daughter-in-law were in a car accident, and he watched his son and daughter-in-law leave him! He gave all his love to Lin Shi, he treated her like his heart and soul! He never allowed Lin Shi to suffer a single bit of aggravation! However, fate is playing tricks on good people! Sister Lin was in good health, and for no reason at all, she collapsed into a heart attack! Oh God! Please open your eyes!

"Sister Jun Yi, you saw a dead man on Lotus Leaf Street today. I saw you when I was watching the evening news on TV in the cafeteria, and you didn't say that you should act, you're very photogenic!" Yuan Xia asked in amazement.

"Is that so? It came out so soon!" Li Junyi said indifferently, "Efficiency is also quite high hemp!"

Yuan Xia said playfully: "You don't know, there were a lot of people in the canteen, all looking at you, saying that you look even better when you are on TV!"

Li Junyi did not care about this! She turned over again! Wide-eyed, remembering when Zhang Xin'er said that sister Lin had at most three days to live! Her heart was so hard! How can she not sleep!

A boy's figure inexplicably entered his mind! The strange clothes! That cold gaze! That indifferent face! She felt a headache! She clutched her head and shouted, "Oh my God! How could I have thought of this cold-blooded creature! How could I have thought of him? Oh my God! Do you want me to live!" She felt annoyed just thinking about that teenager named 'Nakayama Kijin'!

Suddenly! She thought of something all of a sudden. She turned over and sat up! Stayed for a while! In a hurry, she didn't even change her pajamas and got out of bed! Pushed awake the good sister Zhao Jing under the bed, anxiously asked: "Do you know the name of the 'Zhongshan strange man' on the list of strange people in school ah! He is from that department, lives in that dormitory area, how many dormitories! What's the phone number?"

Li Jun Yi's look fell in the eyes of Yuan Xia, Lu Fei, the two girls looked at each other, feeling very surprised, in the heart are thinking that the beautiful sister Jun Yi is sick, in the middle of the night, actually no image to inquire about a man's address! It is really incredible.