Beauty pleads for mercy

Zhao Jing was reluctantly pushed by Li Junyi to reluctantly open her eyes! She fiercely glared at Li Junyi before she helplessly rolled over and sat on the bed! Her small mouth exasperatedly said, "What's the matter! My big miss! Speak up!"

Li Junyi didn't care about that! She said with a smile, "Good sister, just tell me the detailed address of this person, preferably his dormitory phone number! Goodness gracious!"

Zhao Jing is not in the mood, these days have been on the Internet overnight with handsome chatting all night long, it is not easy to enter the dreamland! And again by Li Junyi to tossed unable to sleep! She said helplessly: "I say Jun Yi ah! Are you crazy for a man, what time is it? What are you tossing and turning for?"

Li Junyi sat on her butt next to Zhao Jing, held her waist with her hand, shook it, and said daintily, "Are we good sisters? You tell me his detailed address, big deal, I'll treat you out for a drink, how about it!"

As soon as she heard about eating and drinking, this Zhao Jing also came to life! Her big eyes blinked a bit and said, "No fooling me!"

Li Junyi reached out and slapped Zhao Jing's shoulder and said, "You bitch, when you hear about food and drink, you're energized! Usually when I ask you to help, you have to have conditions! Really convinced you!"

"Do you still want to know the whereabouts of this person?" Zhao Jing said while getting out of bed, wearing slippers, walked to the computer table, reached out to open the computer! Sitting on the chair, suddenly turned back to ask: "I said baby ah! You inquire about the whereabouts of this person is why ah! Do you have a crush on him? Aren't you afraid that the boys in this school will revolt?"

"Don't talk nonsense, I don't like him!" Li Junyi thought of that man's death, she was very hot, looking at his pair of cold eyes, where there is not the slightest love for her beauty, guess she is not in his eyes at all! The moment she was dazed, Zhao Jing could see carefully! She shook her head and said: "Alas! The woman who fell in love before the whirlwind is 100 percent of this expression! It seems strange that the boys in this school do not jump from buildings or rivers!"

The computer is open! The forum posts were also found by Zhao Jing! A few moments later, Zhao Jing said to Li Junyi, "Bring the pen here!"

Li Junyi took the pen and paper and spread it out on the table and wrote!

Gao Jianjun and Luo Fei, Liu Yan were playing poker in the dormitory! The sound was also put down! Because the bed sleeping Hua Zishu seems to be in a bad mood tonight! Tossing and turning can not sleep! Gao Jianjun also asked a concerned question, but, in Hua Zishu's cold eyes, and just play their own cards!

Liu Yan played a card, said: "I heard that Mr. Lin's condition is extremely bad, the hospital doctors have set the conclusion that can not be saved! Alas! Unfortunately, our beautiful Ms. Lin! This is really jealous of the red beauty ah! I feel so bad! Brother, no more cards, go out with me for a few drinks, how about it?"

Gao Jianjun held his mouth and sighed heavily. Said: "Alas! The ancient people said it thousands of years ago!"

Liu Yan fiercely flung a card and said, "If, it can save Mr. Lin's life, I am willing to trade my life for it!"

"I heard, now you can do heart replacement surgery! Liu Yan, how about I go to the hospital tomorrow!" Luo Fei played a card, gave a wicked smile, and said to Liu Yan.

When Liu Yan heard this, he slapped his palm on the table and said, "Damn you, you played the wrong card!" Then said: "On your broken heart full of pornography, free to our teacher Lin! Probably won't use yours either!"

"I'm willing to donate my fucking heart, and you! What can you do about it!" As soon as the words fell, Luo Fei, who was in a bad mood, threw the cards in his hand and said, "No more, no more, I'm not fucking happy or in the mood right now! I'm going to bed! I have an important class tomorrow!"

Gao Jianjun was also uninterested! He threw away the cards in his hand and just stood up! He heard the phone ringing in the dormitory! He grabbed the phone with his hand and said, "Hello, Biology 405. who are you looking for?"

"Oh, he's here! Wait! I'll shout for you! What ..... Okay, okay, it's in the Biology Department's dormitory 405, Building D in Area C! What did you say! Okay, okay! What's your name? Ah! No way! Okay, okay, okay! Then you come quickly!" Gao Jianjun put the phone down and frowned slightly! Raised his head to look at Hua Zishu, who was sleeping on the top bunk! At once, his face changed.

"Whose phone!" Liu Yan took a look at Gao Jianjun's bad face, and casually asked.

Gao Jianjun sunken face, said casually: "Looking for me!" His words fell, then to Luo Fei, Liu Yan said: "You two people accompany me out!"

Liu Yan and Luo Fei accompanied Gao Jianjun, and the three of them slowly walked downstairs! Liu Yan asked: "What to go ah! Drinking or eating snacks ah!"

Luo Fei kicked in Liu Fei's calf, said: "Drinking and eating snacks can be together ah! I don't know how you got into this university!"

"None of your business! Bastard kicked me!" Liu Yan's ass was kicked by Luo Fei, and Liu Yan cursed.

"I specialize in kicking wankers!"

Luo Fei withdrew his foot and landed a heavy slap on Liu Fei's shoulder! Slapped Liu Yan's mouth grinning hard to the side.

Gao Jianjun faintly looked at the two of them have eyes, then said leisurely: "A girl will come to our dormitory to find Hua Zishu, let's go out under!"

"No way! You ...." Luo Fei most disgusted is Hua Zishu, this person is really too drag! "I ..." he stopped, ready to turn around and go home, Gao Jianjun reached out and took his hand and said, "We are all a dormitory, give others a convenience is also to give yourself a convenience, we now go to the doorman There and the grandfather chat, bragging, to contact the feelings, how, in the future to do things are also convenient, but the most important thing is to be able to let this girl mixed in!"

"You! What are you doing? He didn't even step on you! You're just a hot face on someone else's cold ass! I can't stand you!" Liu Yan was also full of complaints.

The three of them were talking and bickering, and in the blink of an eye, they came to the janitor's room under the dormitory building, only to see the two masters sitting there chatting feverishly! Gao Jianjun took the lead and took the initiative to chat with the two masters!

Liu Yan and Luo Fei also sat in the doorman's room with the two masters to stir up trouble, they also wanted to see what the girl who came to look for this Huazi Shu actually looked like! After a while! Liu Yan through the glass window saw two girls walking outside! One looked sloppy, in the ordinary but also ordinary! However, the other girl, he took a look, he was dumbfounded, oh my! This is not in the forum to see the photo of the third of the nine beauty Li Junyi? She's not the one who came to see Hua Zishu, is she? Definitely not!

The old man also noticed the anomaly! Gao Jianjun and Luo Fei also turned their heads! All three of them stared at the two girls standing at the door of the janitor's room with wide eyes! Gao Jianjun walked up and gently asked: "He's sleeping in the dormitory! I'll go call him for you or you can go up and find him yourself!"

"No, I'll go by myself!" Li Junyi's words fell, then said to the two grandfathers, "Grandpa, I'm Li Junyi from the sophomore finance department, I want to find Hua Zishu from the biology department 405 for a little matter, I'll only take half an hour to come down when I go up! Okay?"

The grandfather with a few big black moles on his face looked at the beautiful fairy-like girl in front of him, he was too embarrassed to refuse, lowered his head and thought, then raised his head and said with a smile, "Go on, but you have to come down quickly!

Li Junyi smiled and said, "Okay, thank you, grandpa!" Then she ran upstairs! At this time it was not yet time to turn off the lights and close the door, many male students were going up and down, and suddenly they saw such a big beautiful girl running straight to the boys' dormitory like she was on fire, it was unbelievable! Every single boy became dumbfounded!

Gao Jianjun, Liu Yan, Luo Fei three people are also followed by her straight to the dormitory.

Walked to the door of the dormitory! Many male students gathered around to see what was going on! Li Junyi said to Gao Jianjun, Liu Yan and Luo Fei: "Thank you, help me watch outside the door, I don't want other students to come here to disturb, OK? Student Gao, thank you!"

The pleading tone of Li Junyi's big beauty was too much for any boy's ears to refuse! Gao Jianjun hasn't answered yet! Next to him, Luo Fei, Liu Yan two people coincidentally said: "Good, good, good you go in! Outside we help you watch, to ensure that nothing happens!"

Gao Jianjun looked at his two roommates in amazement! Not quite believe their own vision!

Li Junyi rushed Liu Yan, Luo Fei, Gao Jianjun three smile sweetly! Turned around and walked in, and the door slowly closed. She gently hit the electric light, and then bolt the door! The heart is very nervous.

Hua Zishu was lying on the bed, feeling his eyelids jumping, and his heart was restless! He closed his eyes and thought, "Could it be that this building is going to collapse! I'm in such a panic!"


There is a fragrance slowly into their noses, this fragrance seems to be a little familiar to them! He sniffed hard with his nose, the fragrance was getting stronger and stronger, he sat up with a son! Suddenly, he saw a girl standing in the room! Now Hua Zishu was so frightened that he almost shouted out loud, he pointed his finger at Li Junyi and stammered, " ..... You ..... How come you are in my dormitory!"

Li Junyi was also satisfied with the shock she had caused Hua Zishu! She looked the dormitory over generously and said, "You boys are just lazy, I guess the stinky socks aren't even washed! It smells so bad!" After she said these few words, she picked a clean chair and sat on it! Arrogantly crossed her legs and kept wiggling around! She stared at Hua Zishu who was sitting on the bed with her big pair of beautiful eyes, and she greeted him with a smile: "Hello!"

Hua Zishu was so angry that he closed his eyes, shook his head vigorously, and said coldly, "I tell you, I'm not good! Very bad."

"Why, are you sick!" Li Junyi deliberately asked in a concerned tone.

"I'll be sick, I tell you, I'm not well because I saw you running into a strange man's room in the middle of the night like this!" Hua Zishu disguisedly scolded her for not knowing shame. Looking at this beautiful girl, it would be strange if his mood was good.

"We have seen each other plus three times now, so it shouldn't be a stranger!" Li Junyi said with a bit of aggravation. She was thinking, "At least I'm considered the school's most beautiful girl! How many people expect me to talk to him so close, you brat, and you still don't appreciate it! Hmph!"

"Who are you! What's your last name! I don't know! Hmph! It's familiar after meeting a few times, ah, I've met with those TV stars countless times, but unfortunately, I know him, but he doesn't know me!" Hua Zishu himself did not know why he could say so much to this girl! This is simply not his own character ah! After a moment of contemplation, he asked again, "What do you want to see me about?"

Li Junyi doesn't care about that now! Although the deepest part of her heart was a little lost, but in order to achieve her purpose! She had to do so. She deliberately said in a petulant tone, "I came to look for you so late, I must have something to do before I come!" After saying this, she thought in her heart, "If there was no matter you invited me with an eight-carried sedan chair, I wouldn't have come!"

Hua Zishu remembered that this girl came to find himself, must be a big pile of trouble! He scratched the back of his head hard with his hand! "Tell me first what you want to see me about!" Hua Zishu asked impatiently.

Li Junyi's wise heart also understood that this venue was not to talk to him about this aspect of healing! Her eyes rolled for a moment and said, "It's not very convenient to talk here! Can you accompany me to the garden downstairs to talk about it!"

Hua Zishu said coldly, "It's late, I'm not interested in going to the garden! You'd better say what you're looking for me and leave after you've finished, this is at least a boys' dormitory, you're a girl barging in, what's the decency of Silver Fox Book_Bar-Qi Book! The time is late again, I still have to sleep!"

Hua Zishu said these words, then turned his head to the other side!

Li Junyi knew that if she said at this time to beg him to cure, he would definitely refuse, after all, this afternoon on the street, his heart cold as iron, see the dead, this ruthlessness they have learned! The best thing now is to go with him to a better environment, in the words, perhaps there is still some hope! She thought of this, and slowly stood up! Walk to his bedside! She stepped on the bed frame and climbed towards Qin Huaisheng's empty bed!

Qin Huaisheng also slept on the bed, and his and Hua Zishu's beds were right next to each other.

Hua Zishu, at this time, was staring at Li Junyi's every move with eyes as big as bull's eyes, incredulously. Again, not knowing the true intentions of this unbelievably beautiful girl, only to see her climbing onto this empty bed next to her! Gently clapped her hands, staring with bright eyes, looking at herself with deep love, he even more did not understand what this girl really wanted! Li Junyi's body and Hua Zishu's body can be very compact next to each other, Hua Zishu squeezed inside a little! And this girl to keep a distance! There was also a touch of panic in her eyes!

Li Junyi herself did not know why she had to do so! Her heart was so nervous! She had never been this close to any guy before! If it wasn't for Sister Lin Shi's illness, she could have made such a sacrifice!

However, it was because of Lin Shi's illness that she had to do this! She smiled sweetly, and said to Hua Zishu with affection: "I came to find you must have something! But it's not convenient to talk here! Let's go downstairs to the garden and talk, okay?"

"No!" Hua Zishu blurted out and said.

Li Junyi's heart tightened, she still smiled and begged, "Let's go downstairs and talk!"

Hua Zishu thought for a moment and said, "What if I don't!"

Li Junyi must have known that this guy would have this answer! Otherwise, she wouldn't have climbed up to his bed to come! She couldn't help but feel angry at the thought that she had actually taken the initiative to throw herself at a man and the other party didn't appreciate it! Looking at Hua Zishu's bright eyes! She had mixed feelings for a while! Now it's already hard to ride the tiger, her feet are staring, a pair of shoes have fallen to the ground! She instantly lifted her feet up! Put them on the bed! Her body scurried towards Li Junyi's bed again! Hua Zishu was so shocked now! What he thought was that if a student or a teacher came in at this time! If she accused him of misbehaving with her, then he would be unable to tell what happened. Thinking of this, his face turned pale! Cold sweat was breaking out!

Li Junyi looked at Hua Zishu's expression and couldn't help but laugh out loud! But she actually kept her voice gentle and said, "I do have something to find you, and it's not very convenient to talk here! Would you like to talk to me in the garden downstairs? By the way, outside the door, there are probably a lot of people! I just need to shout..."

He knew the consequences of this were not as easy as this little lady said! The old saying is true! Only a woman and a villain are difficult to raise! This woman is really abominable, actually use this kind of tactics to threaten me! Shit! You're tough! Thinking of this, he said, "You go out and wait for me!"

"What if you don't come out!" Li Junyi was very satisfied with her behavior! She was now eager to sing a song, things were not completely successful though! But, it's not far from success! However, this Li Junyi is not quite at ease! She said: "You change your clothes! I'll turn my head away and not look at you!"

For the first time, Hua Zishu thought that a eunuch author's saying "the more beautiful a woman is, the more devilish she is" was absolutely correct.