Save the Teacher (V)

Hua Zishu was led to Miss Lin's room by his maid, Mrs. Yun! He walked to the door and immediately stopped in his tracks! Turning around! Turning to Minister Lin behind him, he said: ''There will be some extraordinary movement in the middle of this cure! However, this is no big deal at all, but you must not be harassed by the outside world during the treatment, so Minister Lin has to give me a guarantee that no matter what happens in the room, you will not enter the door of this room! With this guarantee, I can also guarantee a healthy and lively granddaughter for you."

To be honest, Minister Lin did not trust this young man very much! He even had a slight worry that this young man might plot against his granddaughter! But, in this situation, if he didn't agree! His granddaughter's life would not even be guaranteed! But give this young man a thousand guts, in this room, he wouldn't dare to desecrate my granddaughter in the slightest! Let's just treat a dead horse as a living one now! Thinking of this, he nodded and said, "I'll give you my word, how much time do you want!"

"At the latest, at dawn!" Hua Zishu thought about it and then said steadily.

"Good, if there's anything you need, you can just order!" Minister Lin said.

Hua Zishu nodded, then walked into the room, turned around and gently closed the door behind him, twisted the lock again, and locked it behind him! Only then did he survey the arrangement of the room, a bright electric light on the clean white ceiling, a pretty dressing table with many small decorations, cosmetics, small toys, etc., a blue desk lamp on the desk, and apart from the books a daffodil that was about to wilt, and white curtains with a few plum blossoms painted on them!

A laptop computer, a digital TV, and oversized rag dolls are hanging on the walls.

The walls are covered with large pictures of celebrities and there are also artistic pictures of herself with great personality posted! There is also a piano on the windowsill covered by a white cloth! It decorates her boudoir with a touch of class! In the unassuming corner, there is a potted plant of crisp green golden bamboo! The bamboo leaves were green!

Hua Zishu then looked at Lin Shi, who was sleeping soundly on the bed.

Although Lin Shi's face was haggard! Her face was pale and thin. But she was a sweet girl! There were gentle eyes under those long eyelashes! Hua Zishu remembered when he saw her this morning! That pitiful look was so pitiful! No wonder there were so many boys in school willing to throw their heads and blood for her. The heroes of old are not happy with the beauty!

He slowly sat down in front of her bed! He grabbed her hand and took her pulse! The pulse was getting more and more confused! Her breathing became very difficult, and he hurriedly put her hand against his own! Hua Zishu's gong was applied to her whole body, and then he poured in a true qi!

Lin Shi slowly woke up! Slowly opening her eyes, she saw a man who looked familiar holding her hand! And he was staring at her with a pair of bright and deep eyes! Without a reason, she blushed and asked, "Who are you? Oh, I'm sorry, you're here!"

Hua Zishu was chatty when he faced his patients! At this moment, he was smiling! The eyes were gentle. He said, "I was just wondering, I haven't seen you for a day, you actually forgot about me, how sad that would be! Miss Lin, don't you think so!"

Lin Shi looked at Hua Zishu thinly, and only after a moment did she say embarrassedly, "I'm sorry, I didn't look clearly, you're here! Could it be that I am really saved?"

Hua Zishu sat down gently! Nodding his head, he said, "As long as I step in, even if the King of Hell comes up, he can't take you away!"

Lin Shi said softly, "You just brag about it!"

Hua Zishu didn't mind and said with a smile, "Miss Lin, let's talk about your condition!"

Lin Shi nodded slightly and then said, "My illness is a terminal illness that cannot be cured according to the experts and professors in the big hospitals, why do you actually have a solution at such a young age!" She felt very strange, that is, before she went to bed, she was having a hard time breathing, but now she could actually say so many words in one breath, without any adverse effects! How strange! Although Lin Shi was five or six years older than Hua Zishu, I'm afraid Hua Zishu was more mature than Lin Shi in terms of their experiences!

Hua Zishu smiled and said, "That's the difference between Western medicine and Chinese medicine!"

Lin Shi now seemed to have an interest in medicine! She struggled to sit up! But she felt all sore and weak! Only then did she realize how bad her body had become! She said, "Can you explain to me the difference between Chinese medicine and Western medicine?"

Hua Zishu looked at the time and nodded, "It's still early, so I'll explain to you the fundamental difference between Chinese medicine and Western medicine! This Chinese medicine is clinical medicine, it is Chinese medicine sages after thousands of years of clinical practice, using the simple materialistic dialectic method, created the 'theory' 'method' 'prescription' The theory of 'medicine' is a closed-loop theory that has been continuously improved with the development of science. No matter how society advances its theoretical system remains unchanged, variable and ever-improving. Western medicine, however, is laboratory medicine, moving from the laboratory to the clinic, the formation of its theory is open and constantly moving towards the microscopic, it is constantly moving towards refinement and branching out as science develops."

Lin Shi blinked for a moment and asked again, "Why are Western doctors clueless about my illness, and some Chinese doctors clueless too!"

Hua Zishu smiled faintly and said, "Actually, many of the treatments of Chinese medicine have been lost! This Chinese medicine is not only in the herbs, but also in many other aspects! For example, acupuncture, tui na, massage, mainly qigong and so on. As something of traditional culture, Chinese medicine itself has some less scientific things that need to be inherited and carried forward, and more importantly, Chinese medicine needs to be evaluated realistically and understood correctly. The science of Chinese medicine lies in the most refined things in the essence of Chinese medicine"

Lin Shi looked at the man in front of her with wide eyes and spoke eloquently! Not only did she feel a sense of admiration!

Hua Zishu added: "Both Chinese medicine and Western medicine are actually medicine for the human body, Chinese medicine usually divides the human body in terms of function, while Western medicine generally divides the human body through anatomical results, both are exactly the same in terms of physiology, for example, the meridians in Chinese medicine are actually a comprehensive representation of the functions of the nervous system, the blood circulation system and the lymphatic system, the Tibetan apparatus is the transformation of venous blood into arterial blood Western medicine assumes that all diseases are caused by foci, and that by eliminating them, the diseases can be eliminated; Chinese medicine assumes that all diseases are caused by abnormalities in the internal environment, and that by eliminating such abnormalities, the diseases can be eliminated. Chinese medicine, on the other hand, assumes that all diseases are caused by abnormalities in the body's internal environment and that eliminating such abnormalities in the internal environment will eliminate the disease. Therefore, it is theoretically impossible to combine Chinese medicine and Western medicine.

Chinese medicine is a national treasure, a science of summary, induction and evidence, like the I Ching, which must be inherited and carried forward. Western medicine is a modern experimental science, which is concerned with facts and experimental results. Both can treat diseases, but they have each other's shortcomings, and combining them with each other can have unexpected rewards."

Not only did Lin Shi's eyes grow wider and wider! She looked at him with rapt attention and asked in an adoring tone, "Why can my illness be cured by Chinese medicine and not by Western medicine!"

Hua Zishu said, "Your illness is not actually a lesion in your own systems, but rather you were born with damage to various meridians in your heart area, and it also caused a lack of blood supply! That's why you're behaving the way you are now."

Lin Shi nodded with seeming understanding!

"We have the term meridians in Chinese medicine, yet there is no research on this in Western medicine! However, meridians do exist! The cause of your illness is a problem with the meridians! That's why both Chinese and Western doctors are at their wits' end!" Hua Zishu said as he pulled out a leather wallet from his body! Putting it on a coffee table! He walked over to the bed to help Lin Shi sit up! Hua Zishu talked to her again! Hua Zishu asked, "Have you ever read any martial arts books such as The Eight Dragons, Laughing Pride, or The Legend of the White Haired Demoness, etc.?"

Lin Shi leaned back on the bed, stretched her hand and rubbed her chest, coughed a few times before saying, "I have read them, they are all very good!"

Hua Zishu said, "Then do you know that these people will be free of all diseases after they have practised martial arts to a very high level?"

Lin Shi's eyes blinked and she said, "Yes, yes! By the way, what should I call you!"

Hua Zishu smiled and said, "Didn't you call me sir? It doesn't matter to me what you call me! Call me whatever you like!"

Lin Shi pointed her finger at a leather wallet on the coffee table and said in surprise, "Are the tools for your treatment in that small leather bag?"

Hua Zishu nodded and said, "Yes! In fact, your illness is very simple for me! But, there are also difficult parts!"

Lin Shi asked in astonishment, "What's so difficult about it! Will you tell me, please?"

Hua Zishu said, "The treatment of your illness requires your cooperation, and if you cooperate well, then you will get twice the result with half the effort! If you don't cooperate well, I may be the one who gets hurt! Are you afraid?"

Lin Shi was shocked and asked, "Why?"

Hua Zishu thought for a moment and said, "Your illness requires acupuncture, and you also need qigong to open up your meridians! When opening your meridians, there will be hot, cold, painful and itchy sensations! You must be able to endure it! The key is ..."

"What's the key!" Lin Shi asked busily.

Hua Zishu said graciously, "The crucial thing is that several acupuncture points in your heart area must be acupunctured, so you must be naked on your body to do so ..."

"Ah! ....." As soon as Lin Shi heard this, she let out a cry, and in a twinkling of an eye, she understood why this person had been talking so much nonsense to herself, it turned out to be telling her about some embarrassment in the middle of treating her illness! Thinking of this, her face turned red like a ripe apple! Slowly dropping her head to her chest, she said in a small voice, "Is there any other method other than acupuncture!"

Hua Zishu said with a bitter smile, "If there were any other methods, I would have started treating you a long time ago!"

Lin Shi quietly turned her head and sized up Hua Zishu, thinking, "I've never even held hands with a boy in all my life, and now I have to strip clean in front of a strange man. Oh my God! What a shame!"

Hua Zishu stood up and said, "What is your plan, Miss!"

Lin Shi was silent for a moment before she asked, "Does Mister have a girlfriend!"

Although Hua Zishu knew something about men and women, but that was limited to etiquette, although he was over nineteen years old, his poor feelings for men and women were still hazy. When he heard the lady ask him if he had a girlfriend, he shook his head and said, "Nowadays, all girls with good looks are so high-minded! It's hard for me to get into the eyes of those girls with this look!"

Lin Shi heard this young man speak in a very funny way! She looked at him carefully! She then asked, "Do you have someone in mind?"

Hua Zishu did not answer, but just shook his head.

Lin Shi thought of her grandfather, and remembered that her fate was such! It was a great blessing to be able to retain his life and continue to live in this world! What more could one ask for! He smiled and said, "Then when will you start the treatment?"

Hua Zishu said sincerely, "When you are ready, I can do it!"

Silence returned to the room all of a sudden!

Lin Shi lifted her head and stared at Hua Zishu with watery eyes, her face scarlet and her eyes peachy! She leaned on the head of the bed and spoke out in a pitifully small voice, only to hear her say, "I'm all limp and weak now, so it's better if you come and undress me!"

Hua Zishu heard the words clearly! He said seriously, "You're planning to do it"

Lin Shi nodded shyly! He hung his head very low and his eyes were slightly closed, not daring to raise his head to look at Hua Zishu who was standing in front of him. He walked over to the bed, reached out and took Lin Shi into his arms, at once, a fragrance penetrated Hua Zishu's nose, making his heart beat like thunder!

Hua Zishu secretly adjusted his breathing! He tried to be calm and peaceful! But when he took off Lin Shi's underwear, revealing Lin Shi's white skin! But when he took off Lin Shi's underwear, revealing her white skin, he felt his body getting hot and his desire rising! His heart was about to explode, but Lin Shi was even more so, her body was burning and her face was as red as blood! Her eyes were even more misty.

Lin Shi was laid flat on the bed by Hua Zishu! Her bosom was trembling slightly! Only then did Hua Zishu walk over, opened his wallet bag and took out a few shiny silver needles from it! Then he sat down next to Lin Shi! Seriously, he stabbed her with needles ...

Yunhai University.

Xiao Daming was so angry that one Buddha came out of the world and two Buddhas rose to heaven! Just see him walking around his dormitory with an iron face, the teacups, toys, etc. that he had broken on the floor, he was now full of anger, especially when he saw the woman he loved on the floor, so helpless and so pitiful, he wanted to strangle that person called Hua Zishu with his own hands.

He grabbed his mobile phone and dialed some numbers! When the call came through, he shouted, "How about helping me with something! What are you afraid of, just help me teach him a hard lesson, it's not like I'm asking you to kill someone for fire prevention, what are you afraid of, OK, I want you to meet me at the Jingfeng Building in front of Yunhai University now! I'll be waiting for you there. As soon as his words fell, he hung up his phone, he said with hatred, "Hua Zishu, if I don't break your legs, I'll take your surname Hua, **! Fuck!"