Save the Teacher (VI)

The light in the room emitted an eerie blue hue.

Hua Zishu was sitting on the edge of the bed with an extremely serious expression, and in front of him, on the bed, lay a young girl, topless, silently! The white bosom had two cherries that were as red as blood and emitted a fragrance. When Hua Zishu saw it, his appetite was so great that he couldn't tell how many times his throat had made a gurgling sound! However, the big bummer was that it was filled with a dozen silver needles, which were still trembling faintly with the writhing of her body.

Lindsay simply closed her eyes tightly, her face covered in a flush. However, the corners of her mouth were twitching, clearly enduring great pain.

Hua Zhishu's hands kept turning each silver needle, sometimes going deeper, sometimes bending, and only after each one had been repeated in this way did he let go, raised his hand to wipe the beads of sweat, took a deep breath, and suddenly reached out and quickly withdrew the needles! Then, without even taking off his shoes, he went to bed and sat on his knees behind Lin Shi, stretching out his hands and slowly pressing them against Lin Shi's naked back! He was forced to endure the delusions and impulses brought about by the fragrance emanating from Lin Shi's body! No matter what, he was now a teenager who knew a little about men and women! He looked at the white skin, the fullness and the endless temptation that made his body boil. He remembered what time it was, what was he thinking? At least she was his teacher! How could he have such nasty thoughts in his head! Thinking of this, he bit his tongue fiercely and used his Mixed Heavenly One Qi Power to slap at Lin Shi's body.

Lin Shi's expression was even more complicated, her face was changing constantly, she was very conscious at this time, she was naked in front of a man, she could fall into a coma, so her strong will told her that she must not fall into a coma! She had to stay awake, or else she would lose her most precious thing and not know what was going on, and that would be bad! But, again, she was too embarrassed to face the teenager, so she kept her eyes tightly closed to avoid embarrassment.

Now she just felt a slow flow of warmth in her body! It was accompanied by many other sensations, including numbness, itching and pain, which were unbearable. However, she had to endure it for the sake of her condition and the fact that the young man who was treating her would not be in danger. The pain in her heart was getting bigger and bigger! Her mouth kept on opening and closing, and in between these openings and closings were her moans!

The soft moans fell on Hua Zishu's ears and he felt his heart and soul shaking! He knew that he could not go on like this, if one mistake was made, not only would he fall into the realm of demons, but Miss Lin's life would also be in danger! Only then did he slowly close his eyes, forcing himself not to look at her torso or listen to her moans.

Hua Zishu had known for a long time that the meridians in Lin Shi's body had atrophied to such a degree that it was serious! She had lived to be 25 years old, so it seemed that she had taken a lot of elixirs since she was a child, and the only thing he could do now was to keep using his Mixed Heavenly Qi Gong to open up those meridians for her again and again!

When Hua Zishu felt that the time was ripe, he pushed out his power, and the shocking waves of power poured into Lin Shi's body like a fierce tiger descending from a mountain, and when the last meridian was opened, Lin Shi suddenly opened her mouth and spat out a big mouthful of blood with a 'wow' sound, and then fell limply onto Hua Zishu's body! He then slowly lowered Lin Shi's body and looked at Lin Shi's rosy cheeks, his heart flushed with joy. He took Lin Shi in his arms, fed her with the water, and then clumsily dressed her! He then gently laid her on the bed and covered her with the blanket! He stood up, pulled back the curtains and pushed open the window! He looked back at Lin Shi, who was breathing steadily. He felt very tired and sat down on the bed to rest for a while. He looked at Lin Shi, who was breathing steadily and naturally, and a faint smile appeared on his lips! He took Lin Shi's wrist again and found that the beating of her pulse was already as normal! What was lacking was a lack of spirit, after all, a person who has been ill for a long time cannot recover completely overnight!

Hua Zishu put Teacher Lin's soft hand under the blanket and pondered for a moment before he stood up. Suddenly, he felt dizzy and stumbled, almost falling to the ground! He sat down on the chair, took several deep breaths and smiled faintly bitterly, thinking, "This has almost wasted the power he must have had in his life, and it is so severe that he is overdrawn. I'm afraid I won't be able to recover my energy until I go back and recuperate for a few days and nights! Alas! I didn't expect this girl's health to be this bad!" He looked at Miss Lin's face for a while before supporting himself to stand up again, then gathered his leather bag armour, and as he was fumbling with something in his purse, he accidentally dropped something in his purse to the ground, but on a small card. But he didn't even notice.

After a moment's silence, he reached out and turned off the lights in his room! He opened the door and walked out!

Suddenly, he saw the door filled with strangers! These strangers were men and women, almost all old men and women, and their faces were full of anxiety and worry. Among them was that old man Lin!

"Sir, how is it!" Elder Lin's tone was very urgent! After all, the person lying inside was his only biological granddaughter, and he grabbed Mr. Hua's hand and said, "Did it work?"

Although Hua Zishu was drenched in fatigue, he still maintained basic manners, smiled faintly at Elder Lin, nodded and said, "She's out of danger! However, you don't need to go in and disturb her now, instruct the underlings to make some millet porridge and slowly adjust according to the state of her recovery, what she needs most now is to let her recuperate properly and let her rest for a while, you don't need to disturb her anymore, I am prescribing a Chinese medicine prescription for her, you should give Miss Lin according to this, in less than a week, Miss will be cured. "

At these words, Minister Lin was so moved that he shook Hua Zishu's hands and tears fell from his eyes in excitement! He could only hear him whimpering, "Thank you, sir, thank you, sir! Thank you, sir!" The rest of the young and old were all open-mouthed and astonished! Because they all knew that Miss Lin's illness had been pronounced a death sentence, and that someone could bring her back to life.

He had studied Chinese medicine for more than 50 years, but he had never thought that his medical attainments were not as good as this young man's! He was so excited that his eyes were shining brightly and his old face was glowing red, as if he was a dozen years younger, his eyes were twinkling.

The rest of the old men were all old men dressed in plain clothes. Hua Zishu knew at a glance that these old people must be no ordinary people. He did not speak to those people either.

Minister Lin turned around and walked to the front, where he immediately instructed the guards to go and clean up the study! Then he led Hua Zishu to the study! As soon as Hua Zishu entered the study, he came to the desk, lifted his hand and picked up a brush, and wrote on a piece of computer copy paper. After the prescription was written, he put the pen down, turned back to the table and said calmly: "Take four pairs of this medicine for one week, twice a day, once in the morning and once in the evening. No spicy food, no seafood, no carbonated drinks. After that, there will be no more taboos."

Minister Lin and Su Qiuye had heard Hua Zishu's words very clearly! Minister Lin's face was full of joy and the corners of his mouth were smiling from ear to ear, and he was walking very smoothly.

After Hua Zishu finished speaking, he felt weak and didn't want to talk any more! He said indifferently, "Please send me back to the place where you picked me up in Yunhai City!"

Upon hearing this, Minister Lin said, "Sir, your reward has not yet been told!"

When Hua Zishu heard that, he didn't know what to say, and finally thought before saying, "I was entrusted by someone to come and treat Miss Lin, the matter of remuneration is not something I should talk about, well, I'm too tired! I have to leave too!" With these words Hua Zishu walked to the door of the study.

Minister Lin turned back and said, "May I ask your name, please!"

Hua Zishu said indifferently, "I'm a nameless boy, I can't be called by a big name, I've been entrusted with the matter of saving the sick, so don't be so polite, old man Lin."

Minister Lin had never had anyone speak to him like that in most of his life! He did not expect this young man to have the guts to do so, he was really something. Minister Lin walked up to Hua Zishu's side and said gently, "Then, sir, you should tell me who you were entrusted with by this little old man!"

"Alas! I have something difficult to say, I hope that Lin Lao will forgive me for not being able to tell you the truth, it is already late and I should leave!" Hua Zishu could now know that his body was very uncomfortable and he had to leave before it was too late.

Minister Lin's eyes rolled as he looked at the young man in front of him, he had a puzzled feeling! He was a little bewildered and said to himself, "Could it be that times have changed, why is it that young people nowadays are so broad-minded.

When he was silent!

Su Qiuye, who was standing beside him, hurriedly stepped forward and stopped Hua Zishu's way. He said sincerely, "Sir, my little old man has a request for you, and I ask you to grant it!"

When Hua Zishu heard this, he was flabbergasted and said, "Could it be that he is asking himself to cure a disease again?" However, his face remained unchanged and he asked indifferently, "Please speak!"

Su Qiuye stretched back and rubbed his head, saying embarrassedly, "Old man I am sixty-two years old and have been studying Chinese medicine for fifty years, but I can't do anything about Miss Lin's condition, so I guess I haven't learned my medical skills! Although I have not seen the treatment methods of you today, however, I have read the prescriptions prescribed by you, I know that you are really skillful in medicine, my little old man would like to take you as his teacher and learn the art of medicine, I wonder if you would be willing to take me as your pupil!"

When these words came out, Minister Lin, who was standing behind them, and the other old men whose identities were definitely not simple, all stood there dumbfounded after hearing these words, and their faces changed greatly! However, no one uttered a single word.

When Hua Zishu heard this, there was no expression on his face, after all, there were already not a few people who wanted to worship him as their teacher! He had refused them all! He remembered that it would be very funny for someone so old to call himself master, and thinking of this, he said, "Wouldn't you be breaking my life by doing so? Old sir, you must not have such thoughts, we, the younger ones, should still ask for more advice and learn from you!" As soon as Hua Zishu finished his words, he said to Minister Lin, "Have you sent someone?"

Only then did Minister Lin understand, and he said sincerely, "Sir, I won't ask for your name any more, and I won't let you come here for nothing! Here's your payment, take it, and you thank the man who requested you to come and treat my granddaughter more for me! ..."

A Dragon Card from the Construction Bank was handed over! Hua Zishu thought about it and reached out to take it, and naturally put it in his wallet. Minister Lin was overjoyed and said to a heavily armed guard soldier beside him, "You send someone to send the gentleman back to Yunhai City, and be careful not to make any mistakes along the way!"

"Yes," the guard soldier gave a standard salute before turning around and saying to Hua Zishu, "Sir, this way please!"

As Hua Zishu was about to move, Su Qiu Ye hastily pulled out a business card he had on him and eagerly handed it to Hua Zishu's purse, which took Hua Zishu by surprise.

"Sir, there is no other meaning, when you return to Yunhai City, if you have anything that you need help with in the future, you can call this number. I will definitely do my best!" Su Qiuye said sincerely.

Hua Zishu was ready to resist, but then Minister Lin also came up and said, "Sir, you can't say thank you for your kindness, just accept this card! If you really need any help in the future, as long as we can do it for you, we will try our best to do it for you." Minister Lin was too old to say these words casually, he was able to make a name for himself in the Chinese political arena, and every time there was a change of government he was not affected, so you can imagine how powerful he was!

Hua Zishu remembered that he really had a lot of difficult things to do in the future, so he might need their help. Let's just take it for now! When he thought of this, he accepted the card with embarrassment and put it solemnly in his jacket purse.

When Su Qiuye saw it, his face was suddenly very happy!

Hua Zishu then followed a guard soldier out of this small building! Then on that playground in front of the building, accompanied by many old people, he boarded the helicopter. As the helicopter lifted off! Hua Zishu felt a real sense of relief, followed by a ferocious attack of fatigue, and he then lay down on a chair and drifted off to sleep. He did not know at this moment that what awaited him back in Yunhai City would be an extremely cruel revenge!