Suspicion of identity

When Hua Zishu saw that there was no one in the dormitory, he closed the door of his room and lay down on his bed. With both hands, he held the Lotus Technique! Silently, he carried out the Mixed Heavenly One Qi Gong, and his intention reached the realm of transformation. The kung fu acted naturally, and Hua Zishu slowly entered the realm of nothingness. If outsiders came to disturb him at this moment! There was no danger! This gong method is really wonderful, because there are eighteen layers of realms! So there is no danger at each level, because the principle of gradual progression makes the practice of this technique a painstaking task!

Although Hua Zishu was so gifted and so willing to work hard, he was able to make rapid progress. However, he had only reached the fifth level! In fact, strictly speaking, this fifth level is still at the stage of cultivating the heart, which is still at the basic stage according to the Hua Family's Mixed Sky One Qi Technique. However, if one passed this level, one's progress would be much faster!

Hua Zishu himself spent a lot of time with the help of his three uncles to prepare the medicine to strengthen his heart, although it was not very precious! However, the Nine Turning Pill that had been passed down from his ancestors was worth a thousand dollars! He was too weak to prepare such a medicine! Therefore, he treasured it especially! He was unwilling to take a single pill even though he himself was so badly injured, so it was clear how precious this medicine was.

Lin Shi himself didn't know how long he had slept! He woke up leisurely! Finding silence all around her, she rolled her eyes with a bone-shaking movement! Slowly she recalled something! Suddenly, with her head down, she stretched out her hands and pulled up the covers to take a look before she let out a breath of relief! Secretly she said, "Luckily, he's dressed me!" And then she thought, "Could it be that she has been saved! She took a deep breath at the thought! Because before, when she breathed she didn't dare to take a big breath! Because every time she took a breath, she would feel a pain in her heart like a knife! But this time she felt very tired but no pain! Suddenly she heard her stomach growl and growl! Then she realised that the reason for her weakness was that she hadn't eaten for a long time!

At that moment, the door to the room was thrown open! Sister Yun, who was looking after Grandpa's life, came in.

"Sister Yun," Lin Shi called out softly!

Sister Yun, who had come in to check on her condition, had just opened the door when she heard the call from her granddaughter! She was overjoyed and called out, "Miss is awake, Miss is awake!" Sister Yun's call alerted many people outside the room! A few moments later, the door to the room was pushed open and Lin Shi struggled to sit up and leaned her body against the bed, although she still looked weak, tired and thin, her face was rosy and her eyes were bright and she was already in a sickness-free touch! Grandpa came striding up to the bed!

"Grandpa, take your time!" Lin Shi had always been worried about Grandpa's health! Although the family doctor said that Grandpa was in good health, but, after all, he was in his seventies! After Minister Lin took one look at his daughter's face and knew that his grandson was not seriously ill, he was in an extreme happy mood!

Su Qiuye came over, sat on the edge of the bed, gently took her pulse, and after a few moments, said joyfully, "Congratulations, congratulations, Lin Shi's daughter! Your illness has been cured! Now you just need to nourish and nourish!"

"Thank you, Grandpa Su! Thank you for all your trouble!" Lin Shi has been a good girl since she was a child! She was respectful to everyone, so all the men, women and children in the compound loved her! In addition, she was gifted, smart and studious! She was so handsome that everyone who liked her praised her! They praised her! It was her heart attack that got them so concerned!

"It's all because of that young man! There really is a miracle man in this world! My old Su can't even deny defeat!" Su Qiuye said with a smile.

Sister Yun was busy serving tea and water to them at the side! Suddenly bending down to examine an item from the floor, she looked at it and said, "Miss, whose library card is this!"

Minister Lin and Su Qiu Ye, the two old men, were immersed in joy! When Minister Lin saw Lin Shi take that small card, he then said, "You first serve Miss a bowl of porridge! Let Miss have something to eat! These days, she has rarely eaten anything!"

"Okay!" Sister Yun turned around and went out!

Minister Lin and Su Qiuye, the two old men, were greatly relieved to see Lin shi in her present state!

Lin shi, however, was frowning faintly! The book card in her hand was a temporary library card for Yun Hai University! Unfortunately, the temporary library card only had a number on it, but no name! The young man who saved her should be from Yunhai University! Otherwise, how could he have come to her room! She thought to herself, "The temporary library card should have a name, grade, major department and dormitory number! If you ask, you will know who is in my room. Then we'll find out who saved me!

She reached out, grabbed the phone and dialed a number!

"Hello, are you Jun Yi?"

"Yes! You're ????" Li Junyi was lying on her bed, phone in hand, looking at the number and feeling very strange! Wasn't this the phone number of Sister Lin's room? The voice was Sister Lin's! Oh my god! "Is that you? Sister Lin", Li Junyi suddenly heard Miss Lin Shi calling her! She thought it was her last goodbye! She was so upset!

"It's me! Can't you hear my voice?" Lin Shi also felt that this girl was still as surprised as before!

"Sister Lin. Don't say anything, I'll come to see you in the hospital right away!" Li Junyi said as she sat up.

Lin Shi smiled and said, "Where is my good sister! You don't have to come to the hospital! I've already been discharged from the hospital! I'm at home now!"

Li Junyi was puzzled! Hearing the tone of voice on the other side of the phone, so full of energy, it did not sound like a person who had only three days to live! She asked in a small voice, "Sister, how are you feeling now?"

Lin Shi, who was in a happy mood, said with a smile, "I feel fine now, I want to eat a lot, I'm very hungry!"

"Aiya, sister, you are not well, you can't eat these things! Sister! I'll come to see you at your home right away, okay!" Li Junyi's voice still had a hint of crying in it, thinking that lovely Sister Lin just wanted one last meal on earth right now!

Lin Shi heard from the phone that Li Jun Yi's voice didn't seem quite right! She now saw Sister Yun walking in with her porridge broken! She was really hungry too! Not saying much. She said in a hurry, "Do me a favour, will you!"

When Li Junyi remembered that Sister Lin was going to say goodbye tomorrow, she was overcome with grief! All of a sudden, she was in tears! With the phone in her hand, she wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes as she said, "Please go ahead! Sister Lin, even if it's something big, I'll help you!"

Lin Shi said without thinking, "Go to the library right now and find out for me whose temporary library card is 0772410! Make sure to get the name of this number. Make sure you get the name of this number, the major department, the dormitory number, including all the information, and then call me and tell me! Is that okay?"

Without thinking, Li Junyi nodded and said, "Yes, I'll go get it for you now! It's the number 0772410, right? Sister, how about this! Once I've checked it out for you, I'll go back to Beijing and come and see you! Okay!"

Lin Shi nodded her head and said, "Okay! I'll wait for your good news at home!"

Li Junyi didn't know what was wrong with this Lin sister, she spoke with such strength! She didn't want to be a patient who was about to die! Alas! Poor Sister Lin! God is jealous of her beauty! Li Junyi was thinking nonsense while changing her clothes.

Zhao Jing gently asked, "Beauty, today is Saturday. Where are you going to go?"

Li Junyi got out of bed and asked, "I don't think you have anything to do today!"

Zhao Jing had planned to chat online! But, remembering that handsome guy's absence today had put her in a depressed mood! Shaking her head, she said, "Do you need me to accompany you!"

"Just in time, accompany me to the library!" Li Junyi's words fell.

Zhao Jing immediately objected! "No, if I go to the library, I might as well just stay in the dorm and surf the internet!"

"Go check a number! Then come back! Don't you worry that I'll be in the library reading a book or looking at information!" Li Junyi said as she gave her a blank look.

Zhao Jing held her mouth and said, "That's more like it!"

The two of them were talking and laughing all the way to the library! Along the way, there was no telling how many people took the opportunity to strike up a conversation with them! Li Junyi was so busy that she deliberately sighed out loud, "Ugh! It's bad when you're beautiful! It's so troublesome!"

Zhao Jing was busy rolling her eyes! In protest!

The two of them arrived at the library management office! Smiling sweetly at the handsome man, they asked, "Handsome man, can I ask you for help!"

The handsome man was wearing a pair of thick glasses and in front of him were several computers! He slowly raised his head and faintly swept a glance at Zhao Jing and then saw Li Junyi, at which point, the handsome man's eyes brushed off and all turned green! He immediately stood up and said solicitously, "Oh, most beautiful lady, please say, whether it's going up to the mountain of knives, or down to the frying pan, or robbing and killing people, or stealing chickens and dogs, I am willing to serve you!"

These words drew a thousand pairs of contemptuous glances! A bead of sweat could be seen on Li Junyi's face! She thought for a moment and then whispered, "That's not necessary, I just need you to help me find someone!"

"Oh! That's right! Okay!" The handsome man looked dark! He spoke in a very breathless manner! He sat down again and asked, "Who do I have to look up for you?"

"Please find out the name of this number for me!" Li Junyi handed the handsome man the number Lin Shi had told her about! The handsome man took it, and without looking at it, tapped his hands on the computer keyboard! Then he read out loud, "Beautiful lady, the person you are looking for is: Name: Hua Zishu, height 1.78. weight 65 kg, freshman, biology department, dormitory number is C, building D, room 405! Phone number! Unknown! QQ number unknown, email ... sorry, not filled in ..."

"That's enough, no need to read it out, thanks!" Zhao Jing looked at a handsome man rambling, endlessly, she basically guessed that this handsome man was sick! She hurriedly reached out and placed her hand in front of the handsome man to make a pause.

Li Junyi felt very strange at this time! She couldn't figure out how this sister Lin could have Hua Zishu's temporary library card, and why, why sister Lin had to check this number! Why would Lin want to check this number? What a strange thing. Had she also heard that Hua Zishu would cure her illness and wanted to find him? But, my good sister! This person's heart is as cold as iron, and she won't save her from death! Oh, my! What should I do?