Suspicion of identity

With the information she had already found, Li Junyi immediately said goodbye to Zhao Jing and quickly returned to Beijing.

She did not return to her home, but scurried into the small courtyard of the Lin family.

When Minister Lin opened the door and saw that it was Li Junyi, he smilingly asked, "Are you Yi'er, or is it Yao'er? You're here! Welcome, welcome! Have a seat, have a seat!"

"Grandpa, guess what!" Li Junyi deliberately put on a quiet and showy touch and inquired.

Minister Lin chuckled and said, "You must be Jun Yi! Although your sister looks like you! However, your sister has an extra divine aura that doesn't eat the fire and smoke of the world!"

"Grandpa Lin is biased! He likes Yao sister more than he likes me! I don't care about you! By the way, Grandpa, where's sister!" Li Junyi was still thinking about Lin shi's condition right now.

Li Junyi was feeling very strange at this moment, why did Grandpa Lin have this rosy-cheeked, sprightly look! She could not figure out why, and she walked into the living room in a daze. Suddenly, she was surprised to see Lin Shi drinking her medicine in the living room, and she instantly understood and pounced on him, saying joyfully, "Sister Lin, are you well! You're all right, aren't you!"

"What can happen to me! I'm cured now, but my body has been sick for a long time and my nutrition is very poor. So I must rest and recuperate at home for a month! Then I can go out! It's too miserable to be suffocated in this room. How about it, have you helped me with the things I gave you?" Lin Shi was haggard and vinegar-yellow, but one could still see her original flowery appearance! Plus she was now in a relaxed mood! Her brows naturally showed the elegance of the past.

Li Junyi was relieved to see that her sister Lin had been cured of her illness today. But at least she had touched the gods! At least she had touched God! If she hadn't prayed so piously! Would Sister Lin have been cured! As she thought about it, she handed over a copy of the information on paper!

"Sister, who cured you of your illness!" Li Junyi asked.

After instructing Sister Yun to make tea, Minister Lin sat quietly to one side and when he heard Li Junyi's question, he took his mouth off to the side and said happily, "It was an ordinary-looking teenager!"

Li Junyi thought for a moment and then asked, "Sister, how do you know he's a divine doctor!"

Lin Shi was slightly stunned and slowly turned her head, quietly looking at the information in her hands before asking softly, "You said this man is a divine doctor!"

As soon as Li Junyi heard this, she froze too! She looked at Sister Lin's doubt-filled expression and nodded her head affirmatively, "Yes! He is a miracle doctor! For your illness, many students from all over the school have begged him for mercy! Only he refused! So my sister feels so sad ..."

Upon hearing this, Lin Shi was moved to grab Li Jun Yi's hand and said sincerely, "Thank you, sister! When he treated me for my illness, he also said that he was accepting a friend's request! Could it be that the friend he was talking about was you?"

Li Junyi felt very joyful all of a sudden! She hurriedly asked, "Is it true? Did he really say that?"

Suddenly, she remembered that she had been honest with him and he had seen her body clearly, so how could I face him in the future? Besides, he is still his student! Lin Shi gave a bitter laugh and said, "After that, there was nothing more to say!"

When Li Junyi heard that, she felt very lost! She was silent for a while and said, "I've got his information for you! Sister, let me take you to see the details about him! Lin Shi actually wants to know about him too! She was still very weak now! She was still very weak! She was panting heavily even when she stood up, and Li Junyi helped her step by step towards her bedroom! As she walked, she said, "This man! He's very powerful! And! I'm so mad at him! You don't know what's going around the internet about him at school .....!"

Lin Shi was helped into the bedroom by Li Junyi, went to the computer table and turned on the computer! In a moment's time, she logged onto the forum of Yunhai University! Li Junyi casually clicked on the Yunhai University celebrity list!

At the top of the list was Hua Zishu! Li Junyi clicked on his profile again! She said, "That's him!"

Lin Shi, due to Li Junyi giving a blocked view, tilted her head, looked at the photo and said in surprise, "The person who treated me is not him!"

When Li Junyi heard this, she was dumbfounded! Dumbfounded, she said, "What did you say, sister, no way, you said that the person who treated you was not him!"

Lin Shi nodded and said softly, "Yes, I saw very clearly, the person who treated me was not him at all!"

Li Junyi stood and asked again, "If it wasn't him, why did you look him up, sister!"

Lin Shi shook her head and said, "That man wouldn't reveal his real name, I don't even know when he left after treating me, and the temporary library card that he gave you was still found in my room by Sister Yun! The person who came to my room was no one else but him, so I assumed this person was him, that's why I asked you to help me look up his information, huh?"

Li Junyi said indifferently, "The information has already been found for you! If Hua Zishu is not the one who cured you of your illness, then who is he? Why did the person who cured you of your illness have Hua Zishu's temporary library card on him! Perhaps, Hua Zishu dropped it by accident and was checked by the person who treated your illness, or, yes, could it be that the two of them knew each other at all!"

As soon as Lin Shi heard that, she remembered that he said he was entrusted by a friend, so could it be that the friend he was talking about was that Hua Zishu! If that was the case, then it would still make sense! Lin Shi didn't have the spirit to go online, however, Li Jun Yi was staring dumbfounded at what was happening on the screen! Lin Shi turned around with a frown! Sitting on the edge of the bed, she watched as Li Junyi stared blankly at the computer! On that computer screen were instead large pictures of what was clearly that Hua Zishu, a few of the pictures were even blurred and could not be seen clearly at all. She looked at Li Junyi from the side with a very surprised expression, and she also asked curiously, "Junyi, what are you looking at!"

"Ah!" Li Junyi only gave a perfunctory response. Her whole body was focused on the computer.

Hua Zishu slowly opened his eyes, and between one breath and another, he found that he was incomparably relieved, and sat up to find that the wounds on his hands had also healed, and the sound of wind and thunder seemed to be vaguely present between his hands and feet. He smiled and said, "The power of this Nine Revolutions Pill is really different, and his own power is even more pure. Today's humiliation!

He looked out of the window, it was getting late! He saw the time on his bed, it was only ten o'clock in the evening, and looked at the other beds, the quilts and mattresses were very neat and tidy, they must have been out playing, not necessarily, another all-nighter, he shook his head and sighed: "Today's young people, greedy for fun and games, so consumed with energy, it is inevitable that their bodies are becoming increasingly deficient, no wonder they are one by one, always with tired eyes, weak.

He opened the door of his room and walked out.

When the boys in the whole building saw him, none of them gave him a good look, and they all looked at him with hatred! In fact, it wasn't the students who were to blame, now they didn't understand! It's not entirely the fault of these ordinary students! These students were able to save their teacher without bending their own golden bodies and were kneeling down to him! Unfortunately, he wouldn't even reach out to save them! He even mocked and ridiculed them. Just ask who in the world could bear such humiliation.

After this retaliatory blow, Hua Zishu figured out some things and opened his heart a bit! He walked along the road with a smile on his face, not so cold as ice! As soon as he went out, he chose a remote mountain village and saw that the air was fresh and the aura was strong! He sat down on his knees, calmed his mind, and breathed naturally with his whole body. In a few moments, he was like a clear breeze! Standing between heaven and earth, he was at one with them.

I don't know how long it took for Hua Zishu to come back from that exquisite world! He immediately withdrew his energy! He opened his eyes and looked! Suddenly he felt that this world seemed different! So fresh, as if all the objects in heaven and earth had a mind and aura of their own! He found that his power had risen to a higher level, and there was a vague sign that he was going to reach the next level. He could not help but be overjoyed, remembering that his seventh uncle had once told him that if he could break through the sixth level, then he would be able to walk around without fear.

It was dawn, and he hadn't thought that he had spent so much time in silence last night. He was trying to get back to school.

His attire was still the plain white Zhongshan suit! As he walked down the street, watching the people come and go, he walked in the middle of the street as if it was spring! When people saw him, they applauded his poise.

His steps are so agile, so light, that with a little breath, he can follow the crowd like the wind!

When he returned to the school gate, he saw a large crowd of students, male and female, talking about a corner wall next to the school gate. After all, he was a teenager and he liked to have a good time, so he went up to him, but as soon as they saw him, all the students, male and female, scattered! They all kept their distance from him! Hua Zishu was not surprised by all this, he already knew that he had offended many students by saving the teacher! He was a loner! He was a loner by nature, so he kept a certain distance from his classmates, and now that he saw them avoiding him like the plague, he didn't give a damn! It was just what he wanted.

After all these students had gone away, he saw a dirty-looking old beggar lying on the wall .....