God's hand and cold heart

The elderly beggar lying on the ground hands and feet are curled into a ball, the body emits an odor, Hua Zishu quietly view his brow between the large black mass, eyes white, nose, ears but with blood, Hua Zishu then bent down in full view of everyone, reached out in the body of the elderly beggar checked once, found the elderly beggar's skin extreme cold! A pulse, the pulse is weak, in the probe nasal breath, it is as if the gas is wandering, he has to save him, although not 100% let him heal, but now can control his danger period, the elderly beggar is actually not a disease, but by the blow to disability, because the internal organs, all broken, now this beggar, is already a life hanging by a thread. If not immediately sent to the hospital, I'm afraid he will die here.

The entrance of the school is full of many students! See Hua Zishu look concentrated to the old beggar pulse, have a foothold to watch! Who did not make a sound to! Afraid to disturb him.

Hua Zishu sighed slightly, said: "But, you lie in front of the school, so many people around, I just want to save you are very difficult! Only sorry!" Then stood up, clapped his hands, turned around and walked towards the school under the watchful eyes of many students.

Suddenly, a man from the crowd of onlookers scurried out, a healthy step blocked Huazi Shu's way!

Hua Zishu fixed his eyes and saw that it was Tiesheng, he smiled and asked lightly, "Long time no see, how are you?"

Tiesheng looked at Hua Zishu standing in front of him and found that he seemed to have changed a lot from the Hua Zishu he had seen before, but what exactly had changed, he couldn't say! He was surprised at the calm and collected Huazishu standing in front of him for a long time, he looked at Huazishu's face showed an impatient expression, before asking: "I will be well, I read the campus forum last night to know that you suffered retaliation from others after very anxious, I looked for you are looking for a night, actually could not find you, and the photos look like you were injured very But, now you look like a person who has been seriously injured! You, you tell me, what is going on!"

Hua Zishu shook his head and said to him while walking with his feet up, "It's just an attack by a martial arts expert! What's the big deal!"

Tie Sheng's eyes widened and shouted: "What do you mean, someone who knows martial arts attacked you! How dare you say that so easily! Why would they do it to you, who doesn't know any martial arts!"

"I'm not a roundworm in their stomach, so how should I know! In saying that! I didn't even get a good look at the person's face!"

"Are you telling the truth or not!" Tiesheng asked suspiciously.

Hua Zishu stopped in his tracks and said to Tie Sheng, "Do you think I'm lying to you?" The voice was so loud that it also startled the students passing by them.

Tie Sheng clenched his fists and said solemnly, "Do you know the people who attacked you?"

Hua Zishu shook his head and said, "No! The darkness, I can tell that my attacker is a human being is not a ghost is very good!"

Tie Sheng said with hatred: "Leave this matter to me, I'll help you take care of it!"

Hua Zishu heart also does not store gratitude, said flatly: "No, if you want to help me, it is to stay away from me!"

Tiesheng was stunned, did not understand the meaning, asked: "What do you mean by that!"

Hua Zishu said without looking back: "I and you, there is no deep friendship, save your mother's life, that is to see you a piece of filial piety, so to you to reach out, you do not need to be grateful for this, I do not need you such gratitude, certainly do not want because of my things and dragged you down! The people who attacked me are highly skilled in martial arts and are not from the school, and I'm afraid you are no match for them!"

Tie Sheng was stunned, his fists clenched, he said coldly and arrogantly, "You say these things to me, it is clear that you despise me!"

Hua Zishu took a dozen steps and stopped, turning back, his face still expressionless, his voice flat and uninteresting: "Not despise you, but do not want to drag you down! Understand?" Once the words were finished, turned around and walked away, leaving Tie Sheng alone behind, surrounded by three or two students saw, have been talking endlessly, Tie Sheng indifferent sweep, these students saw his fierce eyes, have been scared to walk away in pairs, they did not dare to provoke this school 'God of Martial Arts'!

Hua Zishu returned to the dormitory, saw Gao Jianjun, Liu Yan, Luo Fei three people playing poker again! The three saw him back, no one said anything! Hua Zishu of course also ignored them! He sat alone on his bookcase and turned on his computer! He didn't go into the campus forum, instead, he unexpectedly opened QQ.

There was a girl's avatar flashing on QQ! The first time he saw the name of the bouncing avatar was White Angel! The corners of his mouth could not help but smile! The first thing you can do is click on the avatar and a message appears on the screen!

"I haven't seen you for a long time, how are you doing? By the way, thank you for giving me my prescription, I used your prescription to cure my father's rheumatism! It cost very little money!"

Hua Zishu said indifferently, "By the way, I think I heard you say that you are studying in Sichuan Medical University?" He thought the other party was not online, so he also kept replying: "I may rarely be online in the near future, if there is anything, just leave me a message, by the way, your father is now well with rheumatism, but this pair of medicine you still have to let him drink, not to interrupt, it is estimated that in eating three pairs of medicine, will not suffer from rheumatism!" He finished typing this paragraph and sent it out, ready to go offline at the same time! There know the white angel but instantly replied to the message!

"You're here! I've been waiting for you for a long time!"

"My father is feeling much better, he went to the hospital for a checkup, and the doctor told him he could stop taking Chinese medicine. My dad stopped taking them now! Changed to Western medicine." The speed of the white angel's reply is stopping fast.

Hua Zishu shook his head and said to himself: Hey, whatever! Since your father does not believe me, life is his, not mine! The Chinese medicine I prescribed that is treatment plus tonic, since he does not believe me, why should I worry about it! Still, he replied, "Didn't you dissuade him?"

The angel in white replied, "I told him to go to the hospital to be examined to see how it works! By the way, can you still do me a small favor?"

"Please say"

"A friend of mine's mother was crushed by a boulder in her early years, her nerves suffered damage, but now she is paralyzed in bed, she has been taking many medicines but can't see the effect, can you use Chinese medicine to restore her mother's mobility"

Hua Zishu was silent for a moment and said to himself, "You really think I'm a miracle doctor! This kind of nerve necrosis can't be cured with medicine! You, you are thinking very well!" At once, he replied, "No."

"Don't you despise us Western medicine students? Indeed, we can't do anything about this disease now, do you have a solution?"

"I do have a solution!"

"Then can you tell me!" The angel in white said eagerly.

Hua Zishu leaned his head on the chair and replied indifferently, "You're really in a hurry! Is this injured person really your friend's mother!"

"Yes, yes!"

Hua Zishu replied with a smile, "By the way, do you know what my QQ name is?"

"Seeing death is not saving! You ..."

"Like the general minor illnesses and disasters, I can help you with drugs, but, like the situation you just described, that would require my hands to do it myself! It's just that I don't have the time, and when I do, I don't help people! In fact, your friend's mother has been paralyzed in bed for so many years, maybe she deserves it! Why do we have to ask for it? You say so!" Hua Zishu said indifferently.

"You, you, you actually said this, you, are you still a doctor!" The angel in white was probably fuming!

Hua Zishu heatedly sneered a few times, then replied, "Sorry Miss Angel, I forgot to tell you, I'm really not a doctor, well, this is the end of today's chat! I'll see you later!" The words finished, and then directly turned off QQ offline.

Turn off the computer, Hua Zishu is ready to go to bed! Suddenly, the door of the room was pushed open! There was a girl in a yellow dress! The appearance of this girl immediately made the four boys in the dormitory were amazed.

"Don't you know how to be polite? Push the door without knocking," Luo Fei said, looking at her.

The girl's figure was slender, but unfortunately, she looked at Hua Zishu, and then swept the three boys gathered around playing cards. She suddenly asked generously: "Hello, I'm looking for someone! Just now a time is rather urgent, so I forgot to knock the door, sorry! I'm sorry!"

"Well, well, then you, you, who are you looking for ah!" Liu Yan lost because of playing cards, saw a girl standing in front of the door, this girl is not very pretty! He also did not bother to pay attention. Between the tone of voice is full of not very polite.

"You find a person ah! Absolutely no problem, there are four in this room, by the way, Miss, who are you looking for!" Gao Jianjun asked humorously.

Hua Zishu indifferently swept the girl a glance, without saying a word, took off his shoes and climbed towards the bed.

The girl had to slowly point her finger at Hua Zishu who climbed into bed! Gao Jianjun, Luo Fei, Liu Yan three people saw, holding their mouths busy playing their own poker.

Hua Zishu saw the girl's finger is pointing at himself, he asked unhappily: "I do not know you! What are you looking for me?"

"I'm not looking for you! It's another person looking for you in the playground!" As soon as the girl saw Hua Zishu's tone was very cold, her heart was not good! She still stood aggressively at the door.

"Another person came looking for me, so go tell him to come to me directly! No need to find someone to bring a message or something, what official posture!" As soon as the words were finished, he fell on the bed, pulled the bed sheet to cover his body, slightly closed his eyes, and ignored the girl standing in front of the door, he was left to his own devices, and fell asleep in a few moments.

Gao Jianjun, Liu Yan, Luo Fei three people heard, looked at each other, all in their own hearts thought: "I wonder who is posing! Humph!"

The girl has never suffered such treatment son, silver teeth, hateful glare at lying down with eyes closed to sleep Hua Zishu, turned around, and went away in a rage.

Huang Xinwen herself does not know why she wants to see this Hua Zishu, she just wants to understand, why to be so mean to himself! The company has not offended him in any way, so he is so annoying! She was walking around anxiously down there, all very confused and walking around thinking nonsense! Half a day before I saw my good friend Xie Lei walking out of the door of the boys' dormitory alone! She immediately went up to ask: "He said he came?"

Xie Lei said, "He's already asleep! And said he wouldn't come to see you! Wen, I guess he and you have some kind of deep hatred! What's the big deal, Wen Wen, let's go!"

Huang Xinwen's heart was in turmoil! Thinking of this, she went back to the dormitory together with Xie Lei in despair.