Plague invasion (III)

Hua Zishu was concentrating on examining this girl's wound!

"How is it!" Qin Huaixiang came up and asked with concern, "Do you need my help?"

Hua Zishu shook his head, then sat on a chair next to the bed, frowned slightly, shook his head and said, "The girl's condition is not optimistic!" After a pause said, "No need for you to help."

Qin Huaixiang was about to speak when.

Suddenly, the girl on the bed coughed sharply! A burst, followed by spitting out a large mouthful of thick sputum.

Hua Zishu walked to the girl's side at once, reached out to touch the girl's forehead and couldn't help but say, "It's hot, what's going on!"

Qin Huaixiang shrugged her shoulders, she had put on a piece of clothing, in this cold air suddenly blowing in the room she felt a trace of cold, so she was surprised that Hua Zishu instead as if nothing had happened. She slowly felt a touch of admiration for this teenager.

"You quickly go to the pharmacy near here to buy some anti-inflammatory drugs, and alcohol, cotton, cough medicine back!" Hua Zishu looked at the girl's black and swollen waist and said seriously.

Qin Huaixiang hurriedly oh, throw down the clothes, just push open the door and went out.

The girl was still coughing violently, and the phlegm she coughed out was getting thicker and thicker! And also with a hint of odor. Hua Zishu now feels helpless, no medicine, two never seen this disease, even the tried and true qi feel powerless! His mind recalled the medical books he had seen, no matter what the medical art, there was no mention of a disease like this one.

It was half a day before Qin Huaixiang came running back! Bringing back large piles of medicine.

Then. He started treating the girl's wounds! Squeezing out a lot of black blood! It took him a lot of special techniques passed down in his family to force the toxins out of the girl's body! However, the girl's condition did not improve in the slightest, but showed signs of deepening. Hua Zishu took her pulse again and frowned together. See the girl kept coughing, as if to cough out the heart and lungs of the general, so painful abnormal!

As soon as he heard someone knocking on the door, Qin Huaixiang ran out to open the door and saw the young man walking in with a large bag of Chinese medicine and a jar of decoction! Hua Zishu looked up and casually glanced at the young man! The young man said embarrassedly, "I ran too far and delayed a lot of time, doctor, my sister is nothing wrong, right?" He coughed violently as he spoke!

A very violent cough! Hua Zishu looked at the young man and then at the girl coughing on the bed! Another layer of doubt was added to his heart.

Qin Huixiang also did not notice anything! A look but did not know what to do, she saw that the young man's body was still blood! Kindly said: "You go to the bathroom to wash first, I have a few pieces of my brother's clothes here! Don't worry! Your sister is being treated now.

The young man said gratefully, "Thank you!"

Qin Huaixiang smiled gently and said, "No thanks!"

Hua Zishu put the quilt over the girl's body! Slowly walk out of the room! Silent! Seeing Qin Huaixiang and this young man at this distance! He stood in front of the window, and secretly used his kung fu to test his body once! He did not find any physical abnormalities, he thought of this disease is an unknown situation, will not have contagious!

"Well! Doctor, is my sister all right?" As soon as the young man saw the young but mature teenager standing on the windowsill, he started coughing too! Covering his mouth while coughing, he greeted him with a nervous inquiry.

"I want you to tell me the details of the situation! To be honest, there is nothing I can do about the poison your sister has! But, I am willing to try, so, to know the details! If, if necessary, I want you to take me to the place where the dog appeared!" Hua Zishu said as he sat in the chair and took the tea Qin Huaixiang made.

Qin Huaixiang herself felt very strange! She actually took the initiative to make tea for a man, and the man seemed to use a deserved expression! She saw this young boy younger than herself, for a while, the heart actually Hu Si messed up.

When the young man heard Hua Zishu's words, he panicked and couldn't help but take a step back! Shook his head and said: "That ..... dog ... is just like an ... ordinary ... big wolf dog... average size, but... the demeanor ... and its vicious, simply ... simply ... is the mad dog! By the way, my sister ... sister ... she ..... By the ... mad dog bite will not have rabies ... mad ..... Rabies ah!" The young man spoke while coughing violently. Speaking intermittently, very strained. He took Qin Huaixiang handed over the tissues while saying.

Hua Zishu hurriedly said, "This one, please ask how to address him!"

The young man hastily covered his mouth with a tissue and coughed violently, glanced at Hua Zishu and replied, "My surname is Lan, you can ... cough cough ....."

"Oh, Mr. Lan, I want to tell you something! Your sister's health condition is not very optimistic, however, I am willing to treat your sister for free, but, you are now infected by your sister! So, you can go to the hospital quickly now! How! See if the hospital has any way to cure this disease!"

Qin Huaixiang was stunned when she heard that. She slowly sat down! After thinking for a while, she said, "Is this cough contagious!"

Hua Zishu froze and put his eyes on Qin Huaixiang's body! "Just prevention," he said as soon as his words fell, looking closely at Mr. Lan, who was holding a cup of tea with both hands and drinking water but kept coughing.

"Doctor, you are saying that I ... was infected by my sister! Cough cough ..." the young man surnamed Lan kept coughing while still speaking in a tone of disbelief.

Hua Zishu suddenly heard the girl in the room was also coughing violently, he stood up and walked in! See the girl also coughing very weak, already coughing up blood! And still can not stop, the girl must have died! On the bed sheet, pouring everywhere are spots of blood.

Hua Zishu hurriedly applied first aid to her, however. He couldn't control the coughing method! He had no choice but to pull out a grain of his own medicine from the small porcelain vase he was carrying and fed it to the girl, and a few moments later, the girl actually stopped coughing! He was overjoyed and hurriedly took the girl's pulse, a pulse, his face was again a worried and swollen look! It turns out that their own this medicine can only play a controlling role, as soon as the effect of the medicine has passed, the patient still so!

She had to let go of the girl's hand, walked out of the room, expressionlessly said to Qin Huaixiang: "You first go to the kitchen to boil some boiling water!" As soon as the words were finished, he turned to the young man named Lan and said, "Mr. Lan, here is a medicine to stop coughing and dissolve phlegm, take a few capsules!"

Qin Huaixiang, like a little child, glared at Hua Zishu with hatred, then still obeyed and went into the kitchen.

"Thanks a lot doctor!" The young man named Lan took the medicine then took the cup again and drank it.

The young man walked up to Hua Zishu, stretched out his hands and grabbed Hua Zishu's arms, and said sincerely, "Please, doctor, you must cure my sister, just ask for what you need! I will do it for you."

For the first time, Hua Zishu felt powerless in the face of this unknown disease! He shook his head and said, "I've been thinking about it for a long time, I'll give you three hours to think about it now! Or you can contact your family! What to do! Make your own plans!"

"Sir, what are your plans!" The young man thought for a moment then asked.

Hua Zishu said indifferently, "I can't do anything about your sister's condition! In short, there is nothing I can do! My private advice to you is that you take your sister to the crematorium quickly! Cremation! And then, you'd better go to the hospital immediately to be examined!"

"What!" The young man shouted loudly.

Hua Zishu swept a faint glance at Qin Huaixiang, then said, "Right now, your sister's condition is very bad. I have used medicine to temporarily control it for a certain period of time, and when time goes on, there is nothing I can do! Let's be honest! Your sister is now a carrier of the virus, and unfortunately, you have been infected!"

For the first time, Hua Zishu said so many words! He sighed in his heart that he would encounter this kind of thing even if he came out to rent a house, alas! I don't know if it's his luck or his disaster! He reached out to pick up the teacup and found that the water in the teacup had already been drained by himself! He was about to stand up and pour the water himself when Qin Huixiang, who had just come out of the kitchen, hastily reached out and took the cup from his hand! Gently smiling at him, she said, "Let me do it!"

"How can this be!" The young man sat down disheveledly on the ground at once, without saying a word! Then he coughed violently again.

"You better talk to your family! In the end, I do not care, but I suggest that for the sake of the quiet of the city, and perhaps the safety of your family is at stake, you had better accept my opinion and not send to any hospital, or else delayed, what mistakes! You and I can not afford this responsibility!"

Qin Huaixiang quietly walked to Hua Zishu's side! Handed over the cup of tea and said, "Other than that, is there no other way?"

Hua Zishu thought about it, slowly shook his head, stood up and said to the young man: "You quickly take note! Better contact your family!" As soon as he finished his words, he used the key to close the door to that room!

Qin Huaixiang now also do not know what to do, heart secretly chagrin, if you do not care about this idle matter, perhaps there is no such worry. Alas! She was bored and looked at Hua Zishu standing in front of the window, and for the first time she saw him with a deep frown! The ordinary face has an indescribable charm, she inexplicably felt her face burning, for the first time, she scolded herself in her heart for not being shy, actually thinking about it! When she saw Hua Zishu turn around to look at her, she reached for the remote control and turned on the TV! She sat down on the sofa and pretended to watch a Korean TV series!

Hua Zishu didn't pay attention to Qin Huixiang's thoughts! He was still thinking about how to deal with this matter!

According to the old ancestors, any poison in the world has a solution! After all, the world's yin and yang live together! If there is odd, there must be right, and if there is evil, there is justice! Hua Zishu thought of this and suddenly a thought rose in his heart! But this idea is really a bit too bold!

Qin Huaixiang saw Hua Zishu's face changing all the time! She also can not say anything to disturb!

The young man was holding his head and crying in a low voice! Saying sorry words to his sister! His body was in a terrible state! At first glance, it looked as if he was a refugee!

"Can I borrow your phone?" The young man walked up to Hua Zishu and said embarrassingly.

Hua Zishu shrugged his shoulders! Then shook his head again and said, "Sorry, I don't have a phone!"

Qin Huaixiang took out a red cell phone from her purse and handed it over. However, her heart was very strange, Hua Zishu actually didn't have a phone! In this era full of information, no phone, that means the person's information is a backward state! However, this teenager everywhere reveals a kind of eccentricity, they do not know much about him, many places they should not make a blind conclusion!

The young man named Lan took the phone and quickly dialed the number! Then walked into another room! I think a lot of things are not very good to say in front of everyone.

Qin Huaixiang and Hua Zishu two people sitting on the same sofa! Shoulder to shoulder! Both eyes are fixed on the TV! Unfortunately, the two people did not pay attention to the TV! Hua Zishu thought but this rare strange disease may not be infected to himself and this Qin Huaixiang it!

However, Qin Huaixiang sat on the sofa but absentmindedly thought of some girl's mind!