Plague invasion (IV)

Hua Zishu was immersed headlong in how to deal with this illness! A few moments later, the young man came out with a gloomy look! After giving the phone back to Qin Huaixiang, he sighed and hung his head low holding a tissue in his hand covering his mouth and continuing to cough violently.

"How did the people at home decide!" Qin Huaixiang and Hua Zishu asked together.

Qin Huaixiang turned her head embarrassed and looked at Hua Zishu, whose face did not change! Just stared at the young man.

"The family does not agree, all say that now the medicine is more advanced! Must consult the hospital experts before making a decision! And, want me to take my sister back now!" The young man said after a moment of silence.

Hua Zishu thought about it and said, "Your family wants to seek death, I will not stop, has given you good advice, as for what you want to do that is your right, however, I still remind you of a word, send your sister home after the best to cremate her, just in case, you better stay away from your sister is! For your safety, I'm giving your sister a few stitches to control her condition to 24 hours. If it takes more than 24 hours, there is no help and the patient is infected! Then you are the biggest murderer in the city! You have to remember that you are already infected, so you'd better go to the hospital immediately after you get out and get checked." Hua Zishu didn't want to talk any more nonsense! As soon as the words were finished, he stood up, turned around and opened the door of that room and walked in.

Qin Huaixiang herself did not know why she believed what this teenager said! She hadn't even known him for a day! She thought of this, and quickly took out the phone, to call the people at home, he told the details of this matter in its original form! However, she suddenly became willow eyebrows upside down, slammed the table with a slim hand, "snap" the young man who was trying to stand up to go to his sister's room to startle! The young man looked at the girl with a puzzled look, feeling a little unbelievable.

"I don't care what you say! You tell my dad that if he wants to live a few more years, he'd better leave Yunhai City for now! Otherwise, it's bad luck. Don't blame me, as a daughter, for not telling you beforehand!"

"What, you don't give this lady nonsense, you do what you like, you die, I'm happy, just pity my dad! Hmph, whatever you guys do! I'm telling you, don't think you're complacent just because you're my dad's little wife, if anything happens to my dad this time, I'll kill you! You tell him what I said today and tell him to come back tonight. Give me a call! Hmph!" As soon as the words were finished, the phone was violently turned off! Casually, she threw it on the coffee table!

She turned her head and suddenly didn't feel very good! She saw Hua Zishu standing in front of the door staring at her, and the look in his eyes clearly contained an indefinable and unspoken meaning! Qin Huixiang felt very embarrassed! Two clouds suddenly rose up on her pretty face! She smiled at Hua Zishu and said, "I'm on the phone with the vixen in my family! No, it's my father's sequel!" Once she finished her words, she thought, "Who is he to me, do I have to explain to him!"

Hua Zishu smiled faintly and said, "It seems that your life is not very comfortable either!"

The young man walked out with his sister in his arms and said, "Thank you, Mr. Hua!"

Hua Zishu said indifferently, "Don't thank me, I can't save your sister, I'm really sorry!"

The young man hugged his sister and said with a smile, "I'm leaving!"

"Do I need to see you off?" Qin Huaixiang asked.

The young man shook his head and said, "No, my family has already sent a car out to pick me up! Thank you for your kindness! Bye."

Hua Zishu just nodded his head and then sat down on the sofa. Not a word!

Qin Huaixiang stood up and sent the young man out the door, then walked back and watched Hua Zishu unpack his luggage in the living room. She walked over and pointed to the two rooms right next to each other and said, "These two rooms belong to you! The kitchen and the bathroom belong to you alone, however, the kitchen and the bathroom I may have to borrow for a while, you don't have a problem with that, right?"

Hua Zishu looked at it and said indifferently, "I have no opinion, but please listen to me now. You immediately boil water, then go to the hospital to buy masks, and disinfectant solution, disinfect your home all at once, and, you personally must not be allowed to go to work in the hotel, stay at home, you and I are the people who have zero contact with the patient, when I put this disease can be completely treated, I am relieved."

Qin Huaixiang took the key off to him and asked, "Is it as serious as you say?"

Hua Zishu said, "You are at the age of beauty, cherish it well, don't let me not save you too, you still don't go and buy those things I just told you!"

Qin Huaixiang suddenly asked in a small voice: "How long do you plan to stay here!"

Hua Zishu replied without thinking: "I don't know, I might leave tomorrow. It's possible that I'll stay until you kick me out."

Qin Huaixiang smiled and asked, "Don't worry, it's okay to stay as long as you want.

Hua Zishu said, "I'm not a doctor!" As soon as his words fell, he walked into his room! In a short time, he came out and asked, "By the way, take me to the farmers' market!"

Qin Huixiang asked with wide eyes, "Oh my God! Do you know how to cook"

Hua Zishu gave her a look and said, "What's the fuss about it, doesn't it mean you know how to cook?"

Qin Huaixiang shook her head and said, "That's not necessarily true, my brother can't even tell MSG from salt, vinegar from soy sauce! If you ask him to raise a fire, he will be afraid! Never been in the kitchen!"

Hua Zishu said, "That means your brother is blessed with good fortune!"

Qin Huaixiang thought in her heart, "My brother, that dead boy, is really lucky! He's been in Las Vegas for over a month, and he hasn't come back yet! I really don't know how he is doing, school has been in session for two months, if he doesn't come back, I'm afraid he will be expelled!"

Hua Zishu said with a smile: "I solemnly tell you, this girl is a virus carrier, if I do not understand the characteristics of this disease and treatment methods, the future death of people afraid of many, many, I will go to the mountains tomorrow to find some natural herbs, you stay at home, there can not go, or you accompany me to the mountains to pick medicine"

"I'll go with you to collect medicine! I'm suffocating at home! By the way, you were just that girl is a virus carrier." Qin Huaixiang opened her mouth wide and shouted.

Hua Zishu calmly nodded his head! Said: "But, you here rest assured! Later you buy some disinfectant back to the entire room, kitchen, bathroom, toilet, your cups, tables, walls, etc. all disinfection at once, and later not allowed to eat anything outside!"

Qin Huaixiang heard, then relaxed down! Take a deep breath.

Hua Zishu put his hands in his purse and said, "Didn't you promise to take me to the farmer's market? You are still sitting here, when do you plan to take me!"

"Go now?" Qin Huixiang said, "It's after eight o'clock at night, the market is already closed! Let's go! I'll take you to dinner, welcome to your stay, this meal is on me! How about it! By the way, buy those things you mentioned back."

Hua Zishu thought about it, nodded his head with a smile, and said, "That's only natural! Eating outside, this is the last time."

Qin Huaixiang didn't know why she liked seeing a relaxed Hua Zishu the most, if Hua Zishu was tense, that look looked like she wouldn't dare to talk to him at all! Alas!

A black BMW is flying on the highway!

Huang Tiansheng, Ma Wenjun. Xue Taishan, Wang Junru, Liu Yaoyao five people in this car crazy and play and play, several youthful teenage boys and girls in the car behavior debauchery! Especially Ma Wenjun. He deliberately put his body on Wang Junru's thighs, rubbing his head against Wang Junru's naked, snow-white thighs! One hand quietly reached in through her loose shirt and unbuttoned her! Gently stroking those two breathtaking softnesses.

Ma Wenjun's methods were endless, each time causing Wang Junru to cry out in a wave: "Damn ghost! Damn ghost!" However, her delicate hands were no less than pinching and clawing at Ma Wenjun's body! She ripped open the belt, pulled open the straps of his pants, and reached in with one hand.

Ma Wenjun's moan didn't last three seconds before he let out a scream!

"Let go, let go, it's broken, it's broken! Be gentle!" Ma Wenjun sat up in a hurry! He shouted, "My grandmother, that's the root of life! You have to grab it instead of something else! Oh my God! It hurts!"

At this time, Huang Tiansheng in the front row turned off the lights! The car only lit up a dim light.

At this time, Ma Wenjun turned up, and pressed Wang Junru down on the sofa in the back ...

Liu Yaoyao has long been hanging on Xue Taishan's body like an eight-grip fish! All soft and fluffy, as if there were no bones! She was wearing a short skirt, and once her thighs were split open, she would let people see the white inner vault she was wearing! Now one of her thighs is still clenched tightly around the magic hand inside!

This magic hand is of course Xue Taishan's.

Xue Taishan is very slutty in playing with women, and has no qualms about anyone! According to him, when he was a high school student in Guangzhou, he often played the game of switching girlfriends with his fox friends! Every time I heard him talk about these things, in the strict tutelage of the official family grew up children such as Huang Tiansheng, Xiao Daming listened to, very longing.

Huang Tiansheng to that called the school that ranking on the first cold Xin girl love at first sight, to play with these rich people ridiculous things, he is open one eye, close one eye! He has long understood the pair of adulterous couples behind him! In the car on such nonsense, if we get to the destination, it is not more home obscene. Just look at the two girls dress, it is estimated that it is not what good goods! The fire of the dry wood ah!

Liu Yaoyao's panting, although slight, but can let Huang Tiansheng feel their movements! Although he can not look away! However, he is a flesh and blood body after all! Inevitably, there is some desire!

"Brother Huang, do you want to try! I'll let her sit on my lap! You come and touch it too!" Xue Taishan put his head in Huang Tiansheng's ear and said. "Don't worry! That boy Ma Wenjun is doing pistoning!" The car was running at high speed! The backseat screams a burst, so that the front a few people more hot, itchy!

Huang Tiansheng drove the car with both hands! There is nothing to do at all! He said embarrassingly: "Driving is important, you continue"

"This is the only way to stimulate the hemp! Come on, good boy, listen to me, you go to give brother Huang blowing Xiao! Give big brother to reduce the pressure. Take it easy." Xue Taishan ordered to Liu Yaoyao.

As soon as his words were finished, without any objection from Bayard Yao Yao, he picked up her body and placed it across his own body! Eagerly, he stretched out his hands to take off Yoyo Liu's skirt! Then under the light of the front row, revealing a black thong underbank and a pair of white plump tempting thighs and white flowery ass balls to! Liu Yaoyao's head was Xue Taishan but placed between Huang Tiansheng's legs!

Liu Yaoyao had to stretch out her hands to gently pull open Huang Tiansheng's pull-up and put a pair of small hands inside ...

Xue Taishan was even more perverted and simply took some props to pump and check in Liu Yaoyao's rear end. His big mouth was also biting Liu Yaoyao's snowy ass with a big mouthful.

Huang Tiansheng suddenly felt a burst of intense pleasure that filled his whole body! He squinted his eyes in pleasure and shivered, he only propped one hand on the steering wheel and slowed the car down, while slightly closing his eyes and moaning.

The car swayed from side to side like a drunken hulk on the highway!

Huang Tiansheng couldn't stand Liu Yaoyao's teasing for a while, so he had to put his foot on the brake and the car stopped next to him! Turned off the lights, in the darkness of the night only hear their gasps, this time! There was a not-so-little dog in the darkness, like a ghost! Was beating around in front of this car that kept shaking ....