Plague invasion (VI)

The highway is the Beijing-Yun Expressway, the traffic is already developed. It was already three o'clock in the morning, and there were more cars on the road. After the accident, within a few moments, surrounded by many people watching, and also blocked on both sides of a lot of vehicles of all sizes! The sound of car horns rise and fall, many curses and comments, sighs, intertwined. Make the scene very lively.

Hua Zishu held Qin Huaixiang tightly and felt her trembling slightly in his arms! He does not know why he is very attached to this feeling, so, for a while holding Qin Huaixiang does not want to let go. He would love to hold like this forever! Unfortunately, the heavens do not follow the wishes of man!

Huang Tiansheng, Ma Wenjun, Xue Taishan, Liu Yaoyao, Wang Junru five men and women but disheveled, wretched scurry out of the BMW! Xue Taishan was originally a playboy, on the basis of his own hands have a lot of money, has always thought that the world's oldest son first of the momentum! Today there was such a car accident, the car is good or bad he does not care, but he cares in case he has any shortcomings, it is worthy of a good birth in this life? His head was smashed and bloodstained. He came to Qin Huaixiang's car in anger, and with a "thud" he kicked the car door! Reaching out, he pointed at the car and cursed: "Who the hell is blind, how to drive!"

Hua Zishu heard it, but there was a hint of annoyance in his heart! He slowly turned his head, looking at Xue Taishan, could not help but a elevated, he felt that this person is very familiar! As if he had seen it somewhere before.

Xue Taishan instantly saw clearly who this person was! It's not that his memory is so good! It's not that he has a good memory, it's that Huazi's unchanged Zhongshan suit was so good that he couldn't remember it. In that instant, he pointed at Hua Zishu and shouted, "Oh, oh, oh, it's you! I thought it was someone else!"

Qin Huaixiang in his arms had long heard someone yelling outside the window! She had long since woken up! Found herself lying in his arms, smelling the scent emanating from his body, feeling very intoxicated, she slowly closed her eyes was trying to deliberately pretend to let him hold for a while longer, suddenly felt wrong, listening to the people outside the car shouting: "As if familiar people!" She raised her head at once! Hua Zishu also let go of his hand! Concerned asked: "You are not okay!"

Qin Huixiang said tenderly to Hua Zishu: "No, thank you!" As soon as her words fell, she opened her seat belt, then indifferently swept a glance at that very arrogant Xue Taishan! Then pushed open the car door and walked out.

"Beauty! You drive this car out, aren't you afraid of losing face? From today onwards, you will go with brother, tomorrow, brother I will give you a Ferrari, how about it!" Xue Taishan took a look at this magnificent Qin Huaixiang's poise and instantly became as if he had lost his soul! It was close to drooling.

Qin Huaixiang was so angry by these words that her eyebrows went up, she suddenly stretched out her finger and pointed at Xue Taishan's nose, and said fiercely: "What did you just yell, do you think I am deaf? Do your eyes grow to the back of your ass? You can't see who hit who with this look? Tell me first what you have done to my car! Tell me what to do! My car is not good, not beautiful, but it is unique in this world, do you know the value of this unique?"

"Unique, unique in the world, good talk! Beauty as long as you go with brother me, I guarantee you the world is unique! I will swear to you with my life! I'll give you whatever you want!" Xue Taishan suddenly long forgotten that he was standing around many people who were watching.

Qin Huixiang saw the Xue Taishan standing in front of her car looked like a human being, but the words he said were just like eating shit, smelly! She covered her small mouth and gave a delicate laugh, then turned around with a great sense of style, showing her wonderful figure, and then said in a delicate voice: "My brother, who should be responsible for this accident? My sister was wronged!"

"Calculate brother's, calculate brother's!" Xue Taishan saw that the girl spoke with a flirtatious voice! He was so happy! The heart is thinking that he can kill two birds with one stone tonight, damn, a car accident can also encounter this kind of excellent goods! God is so good to me, thank you God! I praise you! He had already given this beauty a YA in his mind.

After all, Qin Huixiang is a twenty-six year old woman! The reason for being in the workplace, the view of people naturally have a set, see this kid's eyes lustful, know that he must be thinking nasty things in his head! Thinking of this, Qin Huaixiang's foot turned, multiplied by Xue Taishan's inattention, his foot ruthlessly stepped on the foot of Xue stage, at once, the men, women and children in the room heard a shocking scream. Then they saw Xue Taishan holding his feet and almost rolling on the ground.

"My mom yo-yo, it hurts me to death!" Xue Taishan had indulged in drinking and sex and had emptied his body long ago! To suffer this pedestrian punishment, he shouted and screamed, really disgraced the man's face too! Standing in the distance, Liu Yaoyao, Wang Junru, Ma Wenjun, and Huang Tiansheng came this way.

"Hua Zishu! How come you are here!" Huang Tiansheng saw Hua Zishu sitting in the car at first glance. He felt very surprised! Pointing at Hua Zishu, he blurted out.

Hua Zishu saw several of them a long time ago and felt déjà vu, however, with Xue Taishan's scream, he remembered who these people were? At that moment there was not the slightest blush! However, when he saw Huang Tiansheng standing in front of him! Can't help but be even more angry! The scene from five years ago was so obvious! He, he, he remembered that he was the one who led a large group of black-clad masked men to that village! The fire, the fire was set by him! He lit the fire with his own hands ...

Huang Tiansheng looked at Hua Zishu in the car, and he clearly felt the intense hatred in Hua Zishu's eyes! He frowned deeply, remembering that he had a one-sided relationship with this Hua Zishu. He couldn't remember where he had met him! His surname was Hua! Could it be that it has something to do with the fire of the Hua family five years ago! Could he be Hua Tianxiang, but unfortunately, he obviously saw Hua Tianxiang die in the fire! Then who is he?

He was looking at Hua Zishu! Hua Zishu has regained his indifferent expression, general expression to anyone! Huang Tiansheng saw him ignore him, he could not help but flinch, then walked to the front of the car, whispered: "Perhaps you do not know, the school is already negotiating the expulsion of your academic record meeting! You are not nervous about this matter, but you still have the leisure to swim with beautiful women, I really admire your mood!"

Hua Zishu's face was expressionless, but, in his heart, he was astonished! He actually saw a hint of green from Huang Tiansheng's face! This hint of green was exactly the same as the girl he just saw, and then he sized up the rest of the people! Did not expect that these five people including the two tired, but enchanting and beautiful-looking girls alike, all have the embodiment of the virus, especially the one surnamed Ma, his face vaguely black gas.

Hua Zishu smiled faintly and said faintly: "The school expelled me from the school is not a good thing, say not necessarily or a blessing, by the way, I have been expelled, do not bother you, from now on you can not see me, I can not see you."

Qin Huixiang, who was standing next to Huang Tiansheng, was flabbergasted. She didn't expect that the boy she liked was still studying in school, let alone an expelled student! Her heart was suddenly a bit confused! She slowly turned around and asked Huang Tiansheng: "Sorry to interrupt, may I ask which school you are from?"

Huang Tiansheng saw Qin Huaixiang so beautiful, he also very envious of Hua Zishu's peach blossom luck! The school and he still involved with Li Junyi! None of them are extremely beautiful. However, he is an average looking kid, belongs to the kind of man who basically pass, no family, no money, the sky is destined to these beauties for him is just a shooting star!

Huang Tiansheng saw Ma Wenjun was getting close to Qin Huaixiang, he also did not say to Qin Huaixiang, but slowly walked in front of the car, reached out and patted on the roof, mockingly said: "But if you want to beg me, I can help you! As long as you beg me, I don't want anything, as long as you kneel in front of me and say a good word, just one line on the line! And I can let you stay in school! Don't forget that I'm the student council president! And I'm about to be one of the seven trustees of Yunhai University! I've got the power to do that. How about that!"

Hua Zishu put on the mask and didn't even look at Huang Tiansheng, as if he didn't exist! He didn't care about what he said! He left that school and he will never go back! He thought in his heart: "You're dead now! It's hard to say who's kneeling with whom! You! You better not fall into my hands, or I will make your life worse than death!" The hatred in his heart was as heavy as a tarzan, but his face was incomparably relaxed. After so many years of forbearance, he finally restrained his impulse!

The loud sound of the police di getting closer and closer, not a moment's work, down several police officers dressed in traffic police costumes, came to see the first look and asked: "Now the two parties to come over, take the initiative to explain the situation"

Qin Huixiang walked over! A middle-aged traffic police took a look at her and asked with a smile on his face: "My China's first car god, you actually will also have a car accident! Say, what the hell is going on here."

As soon as Qin Huaixiang saw that middle-aged traffic cop, her face was instantly happy! However, as far as the scene is concerned, it is also the other party who is justified, she does not need to say anything more, just the original story! The traffic police also did not reply, and several other traffic police survey the results of the scene back, and tire traces to open, decided Ma Wenjun driving serious speeding!

Evacuate the vehicle, Xue Taishan was paid a fine and signed compensation for Qin Huaixiang's car payment after, the sky is almost dawn.

When walking out of the traffic police brigade, Xue Taishan but no half-hearted feeling, only to see him playfully paste up, hoping to get Qin Huaixiang's phone number! Qin Huaixiang's eyes twinkled and said: "Mr. Xue, I'll give you a poem. If you can guess my phone number, I'll grant you three wishes! How about that?"

Hua Zishu's heart tightened, though. Just standing in front of the gate, looking out at the city of cloud sea with all the lights!

However. This lustful and hungry Xue Taishan was overjoyed and said hurriedly, "Miss, quickly tell me this poem, so that this young master can guess it! If this young master guessed, three requirements would be too much, I only need one is it! Hey, hey!" Once the words are finished, the face full of lascivious is let Huang Tiansheng look at all want to go over and kick him.

Qin Huaixiang smiled faintly, stretching up a luxuriant finger, while walking said: "away from the original grass. A year a withering, wildfire can not be burned, the spring breeze blowing again," finished after the Xue Taishan said to the wide-eyed: "You take your time to guess! If you guess, you call a phone, call through, I will meet your three wishes!"

Xue Taishan was pulled by Huang Tiansheng and Ma Wenjun towards another car.

Wang Junru and Liu Yaoyao were sitting quietly in the car!

Suddenly, Huang Tiansheng turned back to Hua Zishu's back and yelled loudly, "Hey, what I told you, you better think about it, I welcome you to come to me anytime, this promise is valid at all times!"

Hua Zishu was furious at these words! His fierce gaze stared at Huang Tiansheng's back!

Qin Huai Xiang turned her head to look at the cold as ice face, she knew for the first time that this teenager had some story she didn't know! She remembered when he seemed to be a student, her heart was more or less lost!

"Ah Xiang'er, is that teenager your friend?"

"Yes, uncle!"

"When will you bring it home to show your mom and dad!"

"Yes, what? Uncle, don't be ridiculous, I have nothing to do with him!" Qin Huixiang seemed to understand! She said softly, "Uncle, he's my tenant! He just moved in today!"

Hua Zishu watched the five of them go away! Knowing that they had been infected and were carrying the virus back to school! A smile rose to the corners of his mouth, but a moment later, his face was heavy with worry again. How many people were about to be infected? He suddenly thought of Tiesheng, Gao Jianjun in the dormitory. The newcomer Qin Huaisheng, and Li Junyi, alas! And those innocent students, I'm afraid the school will face a catastrophe, this catastrophe is not only the school, I'm afraid the whole China will be implicated! This virus is undoubtedly comparable to the ancient cholera, plague and other plagues.

I have to go to collect medicine, with the fastest speed to develop a cure or control method, it seems that the speed of the disease will be rapid, he saw Qin Huaixiang get into the car, he then said: "Let your family quickly go to the south"

"Why," Qin Huaixiang asked in surprise.

"If you don't want your family to have any shortcomings or be separated from each other, then inform them quickly!" For the first time, Hua Zishu gave an order to Qin Huaixiang in a serious and cold tone that could not be questioned.

Qin Huaixiang's heart was in turmoil. She did not care, just took out her cell phone and dialed the home number, but asked Hua Zishu, "What's going on!"

Hua Zishu calmly said, "This city is about to have an earth-shattering plague! This plague we will be helpless to do anything about, at least for the next six months. Now we have both been in contact! Today go home and sleep well, wake up if no abnormalities occur, that means, the two of us are not infected, if the two of us once the symptoms of cough or fever, dizziness, vomiting, then we are also about by the king of hell."

The words fell, Qin Huaixiang was shocked, a time she panicked, stammering on the phone and could not say a word.